Okay so this is the second book in a series so read the first book because if you don't somethings will be confusing.
school is in and Reese will be attending warner college but when some surprise guest show up everything doesn't go smoothly. Reese...
ugh. school. I'm only like a month in and I hate it.
I quickly walk across campus to get to my second class, this is the most exercise I've had in months. I walk into the class and take my seat next to some kid who smells like cheese, thank god this is a short class.
Our professor walks in and starts teaching "Okay class...." and that's all I remember because I fell asleep, but cheese boy woke me up. unfortunately. The professor continues talking about chemical bonds, I think. But thankfully the bell rang.
"Okay class thanksgiving break is coming up but I want all of you to brush up on your balancing chemical equation because thats up next" He says as we all shuffle out of class. Wow break already. I see Carson waiting for me outside the door.
"Did you know it's already time for break?" I ask as I approach her
"Yeah this school has ridiculously early breaks, but I love fall it's nice and cool in the morning but it starts to warm up as the day goes on" She says
"Yes well over break I'm supposed to brush up on balancing chemical equations" I say
"Actually what are your plans for break?" she asks
"I don't know I'll probably just hang out with my brothers, Why?" I ask
"Well you know how campus is right near the coast, right?" she asks
"Okay the gang and I were thinking about renting a beach house for break so we can soak up the sun before break" She says
"And I, well we were wondering if you wanted to tag along?" She asks
"Well I'll have to check with my brothers but I'm down for it" I say giving her a smile
"Great, now lets go to class" she says as we start to walk to our next class
"Wait so you threw a baby at him?" Cade says in shock looking at me
"Okay in my defense I was really hungover and it was a plastic baby" I say
Once school was over we decided to go out and we ended up just hanging out at the white oak talking to Cade and his brother and sipping on some beers. It was really relaxing.
"Well I better be heading out I have homework" I say grabbing my keys
"Oh I'll walk you out" Cade says standing up
"It's fine" I say
"No, I'll walk with you I've been meaning to talk to you about something any ways" He says
we walk together to my car and it was silent until we reach my car "So what were you going to talk to me about?" I ask
"This" He says before he crashes his lips to mine and at first I don't kiss back because Caleb and I have something going on but eventually in the heat of the moment I kiss him back. I pull back "Cade what are are you doing?" I ask
"Go out with me" He says "Just on one date and after that if you want me to I'll back off" he continues
I think about for a minute "Fine" I say
********************few days later*********************
I sit in my dorm with the girls and tell them what happened between Cade and I, Of course I told Carson the night it happened but Ronnie and Ella don't know
"So he just asked you out?" Ronnie says
"Yes, but none of you can say a word about this to the boy or my brothers" I say
"Wait we can't tell the boys?" Carson says
"Carson did you tell them?" I ask
"Well Kinda, Cameron and I were sitting in the living room watching TV and I told him because he's my boyfriend but right when I told him Caleb walked out of his room to get water and he overheard our conversation about what happened" She explains
"Oh god" Ella whispers to herself
"What?" I ask
"Is your date tonight?" Ella asks
"Yeah" I answer slowly
"Are you guys going out to eat at that little italian restaurant near the boardwalk?" Ella asks
"Okay well you know how Caleb and I have psychology together, I overheard him ask out this girl named Annie who by the way is a very nice girl-"
"Ella get to the point" Ronnie says
"Okay well once Caleb and I got to talking about it, it turns out that he planned their date for tonight and unless there is another little italian restaurant near the boardwalk you're screwed" She says
"Oh my god of course he would do something like this he is trying to ruin my date because he still hates me" I say
"Or maybe he's crashing your date because he still likes you" Carson suggest
"I'm not going to let Caleb ruin my date, you guys will help we get ready and I will enjoy my night with a very nice boy" I say
"Alright then lets go pick out your outfit" Ronnie says as we all walk into my room
15 minutes later
"Come on guys we can't lose hope my date is in an hour so we need to find that perfect outfit" I say trying to encourage them
"Okay what about this top" Ronnie says holding up a burgundy off the shoulders top
"oh and these shoes" Carson says holding up a pair of burgundy block heels
"And these pants" Ella say handing me a pair of white ripped jeans
I take the clothing items from them and put them on "Well ladies I think we have my outfit" I say examining myself in the body mirror on the back of my door.
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"Right on time" I mumble to myself and walk to the door
Aloha readers, Thank you for reading and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update but hopefully this very interesting chapter will make up for it. Like always like, comment and vote.