Okay so this is the second book in a series so read the first book because if you don't somethings will be confusing.
school is in and Reese will be attending warner college but when some surprise guest show up everything doesn't go smoothly. Reese...
I called the girls to go out and get breakfast since today is the first day of break so I thought we should celebrate before we head out to the beach house.
"So did your brothers say they were cool with you coming to the beach house?" Ella ask sipping her coffee
"Yeah, they said they might even stop by" I say
"Oh so last night I couldn't sleep, then I got a great idea..." Ella says
"What is it?" Carson asks
"I think that Reese should rejoin the gang" She says in an excited tone
"Caleb would never say yes" I protest
"True but in the gang it's majority rules, so you already have us on your side so that's three people" She says
"And I'm sure Cameron will say yes" Carson says
"Fine I'll do it but only if we get enough people to say yes" I say
"YAY" Ella squeals
carson's phone starts ringing "It's Cameron" She says stepping away from the group to take the call
"I am so excited" Ella says
"Oh we could train together and the whole gang should have matching workout outfits" She says
"Yes and since we're doing all that why don't let mary poppins decorate our dorms" Ronnie says in a sarcastic tone. Ella sticks her tongue out at Ronnie in response. But they finally stop acting like children when Carson comes back "Cameron said that all our stuff is packed into the truck and they will be here any minute".
Once Cameron and Caleb show up we split up because we all can't fit into Cameron's truck so Cameron, Carson and Ronnie are in the truck and Me, Ella and Caleb are following them in my car. Then Malibu by Miley Cyrus comes on "I love this song" Ella says singing along in the front seat
"Well I hate it" Caleb say taking his seat belt off and reaching up into the front and changes the station
I smack his hand away from the button "Caleb put your seat belt back on and don't touch my radio" I say
"UGH you guys are so mean and bossy" He mutters just loud enough from us to hear
"shut up, the ride isn't that long" I say
"See we are almost there" Ella says pointing at a sign as we pass it
-20 minutes later-
"Wow this is such a nice house" Cameron says
"It has six bedrooms, six and a half bathroom, a pool and a mini gym" Ronnie says reading a pamphlet
"What is a mini gym?" Ella asks
"It's basically a room with a treadmill, some weights and if we're lucky a few punching bags" Caleb says
A few moments of silence pass before I finally say something "So are we just going to stand here or our we going to pick our rooms?"
We all pause again before we sprint up the stairs and get to the room we want, I find a room with a balcony that looks over the ocean, a queen sized bed, a TV, a walk in closet and a really pretty light lavender wallpaper. Once I finish examining my room I throw my bags on the bed and start digging for a bathing suit cause I'm going surfing.
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Once I have my bathing suit on I tell the others that I'm heading down to the beach but the insisted I wait for them and I did but they are taking forever "Hurry up" I yell from the bottom of the stairs
"Shut up we're coming" Ronnie yells back and a series of footsteps follow
I mutter a finally before going outside and grabbing my board, I jog to a spot with enough room for all of us and once I'm there I set my board down and start waving them over "Let's go slowpokes" I Yell before picking up my board again and running to the water.
Aloha readers, Thanks for reading, I know that I haven't been updating much lately and I'm sorry but I've been busy, school is starting and I have orientation soon so I've been busy preparing but I will try my hardest to update more. And don't forget to like, comment and vote.