**next day**
My brothers left late last night so it's just me now well and my roommate Ronnie she's really nice. But once I turn off my alarm I roll out of bed and walk to my closet. We unpacked everything last night. It's got outside today so I pick out a White Polo shirt, light denim ripped jeans and white Nike air huarache ultra. Once I'm dressed I walk to the cafeteria because I need breakfast before I head to my first class.
When I get to the cafeteria is packed with students scurrying around trying to get breakfast in before class. I walk through the line and pick up an apple
"That will be one dollar" the lunch lady says
I pull out a dollar bill and pay. Once I exit the line I look around for anywhere to eat, the I find Ronnie we aren't good friends but she's the only person I know. But once I get a good look I see who she is sitting with and I can't believe my eyes. They can't be here. I swiftly walk out of the cafeteria but on my way out I bump into a giant something and my books scatter and my Apple flies out of my hand.
"I'm sorry" I say picking up my things but when our eyes meet I freak out abd it feels like I can't breathe. It was Caleb, he looks at me without words.
"Reese?" He asks
I don't know what to do so I say what pops into my head "Reese? My name is Avalon" I say
"Oh sorry, you just look like someone I use to know"
I can't believe I lied to him. I can't believe he believed me. I rush away from him as fast as possible and head to my first class.
**Caleb's POV**
"I swear on my life that was Reese but she says her name was Avalon" I say as I tell the gang about what happened"Caleb, Reese passed" Ella says
"I know that, but don't you think it's weird that the girl who I rain into who claims to be someone else looks exactly like Reese" I say
"Caleb, Reese was your girlfriend we get that you miss her we all do but we saw the body we were at the funeral she's gone" Cameron says
"I know. But the girl I ran into outside that sir looks exactly like her, same hair, same eyes, same everything" I insist
"You know what if this girl is Reese we could try and find her see if she has the same tattoos as Reese. And if it's the Reese I know we can find her underground" Carson says
"Underground?" Ronnie asks
"You know illegal fighting and racing, Reese loved it" Ella says
"So where do we find this mystery girl?" Cameron asks
**Reese's POV**
Class has started but my thoughts keep drifting what if they figure it out? I mean would my brothers make me move again. It's stressing me out. But my wondering mind was interrupted by the ringing off the bell.
"Okay class is over, make sure you bring your English textbook to class tomorrow" professor Thompson says
Well I made it through my first college class and accomplished nothing. The rest of the day was a blur. But now I had to sit in my dorm and I am so bored. Ever since I left it's been boring. My brothers had me quit fighting and racing and they wouldn't let me join another gang so I have nothing fun to do. But my brothers aren't here anymore so I'm going out but just for tonight. And roumor had it a place called white oak is the best for street fighting.
So I change into my Nike pro shorts and sports bra with a black and white Nike windbreaker. I like my brands to match. And just for safety reasons I tuck a hand gun into the waist band. I kept it just in case.
I flip my hood up and leave my dorm.
**15 minutes later**
I walk into a crowded bar as people cheer on the boy doing a roundhouse kick to another boys head. I walk to the bar and the bartender approaches me
"What can I do for us?" He asks
"Enter me into the next match" I say
"Well one just started but I can get you a drink while you wait" he says
"Water please" I say
The guy walks away for a minute to get me my water. I decide to turn and watch the match and they were doing pretty good it was two girls maybe a few years younger than me fighting pretty evenly.
"Here is your water" the guy says
"Oh my name is Cade" he says
"So Cade do you go to school here?" I ask, he looks around my age.
"Yeah I just started school at Warner" he says
"Me too" I say sipping my water
"Do you own this place?" I ask
"Well my older brother and I co-own" he says
"So did your brother go to Warner" I ask
"Are we like playing 21 questions because if we are you skipped my turn" he says with a goofy grin
"I'm just curious" I say holding my hand up in defense
"Well this chat was fun but it's your turn to hop into the ring" he says
"Oh well can you put my things behind the bar" I say passing him my fun and windbreaker
"Wow your really packing the heat" he says holding up my gun
"Oh and you aren't" I say as I walk to the ring
I get into the ring and my opponent is a girl she has in Dutch braids and bright blue leggings with a black sports bra. She swings at me and his me square in the jaw. Wow it's been a long time. I stagger back as she takes another swing but I manage to catcher her first before it reaches my face, I twist her arm and she flips in the air before her back smacks into the hard floor of the ring, while she is down I kick her hard on the head knocking her out. The announcer walks over to me "and the winner is Avalon". I told them my Nene was Avalon just in case any of the old gang are on the crowd.
I walk back to the bar and see Cade waiting "here are your winnings, gun and jacket" he says handing me my things
"Thanks" I say
"So can I be expecting you here tomorrow" Cade asks
"Cade let me ask you a serious question" I say
"Shoot" he says
"Do you even know my name?" I ask
"Is it Avon?" He asks
"First off Avon is beauty productsand my name is Avalon" underground I'm going by Avalon it will keep the gang off my back and Micheal off my trail.
I take my winnings and head back to my dorm.Aloha readers,
Like always thanks for reading, this chapter is longer so I hope you liked it. Do you think that the gang will find out about Reese? Oh and just to clear things up underground Reese will go by Avalon so Avalon and Reese are the same person. Don't forget to vote, comment and like.Xoxoxo
-Cole 💋

We meet again
Teen FictionOkay so this is the second book in a series so read the first book because if you don't somethings will be confusing. school is in and Reese will be attending warner college but when some surprise guest show up everything doesn't go smoothly. Reese...