"Wow I miss surfing" I say as we carry our boards back to our spot
"Okay what now?" Ronnie asks
"Well it's like 1:00 so I think we should throw on some clothes and go eat at that little diner near the pier" Cameron says
"Sounds like a plan" I say picking up my board and jogging back to the house
When I put my board away and get to my room I put on a white lace sundress, brown sandals and I throw my hair up into a messy bun. I walk down the stairs and see everyone standing around the table talking but they go silent when they see me.
"Are you guys ready?" I ask
"Yeah" Cameron says answering for the group
"What were you guys talking abo-?" I ask as we walk out the door
"Nothing" Caleb says cutting me off
"okay" I murmur to myself
"So are we walking or driving?" Ella asks
"We should walk, the diner isn't far" Carson says
the whole walk was silent and the whole time none of them would look at me. Whatever they were talking about is obviously not a topic any of them want to discuss, but I'm going to find out. We walk into the diner and were greeted by a waitress
"Hi welcome shipwreck diner, how many?" she asks
I count in my head "Six" I say
"Okay, follow me" Olivia says, I looked at her name tag. She leads us to a booth and hands us menus.
I open my menu and start looking "So what were you guys talking about?" I ask
"No-" Caleb starts
"If you say nothing one more time I will shoot you with the pistol I have in my suitcase" I say
"It's none of your business" Caleb says
"Why is it because I'm not in the gang" I say mocking Caleb
"First off it has nothing to do with the gang and secondly I don't sound like that" He says
"Why can't you just tell her" Cameron says
"Because" Caleb says
"you know what, I want back in" I say
"No we are not letting you back into the gang" He say
"That's not your choice, it's majority rules" I say looking at carson
"Yes but-" He stops talking when the waitress comes over
"What would you guys like?" she asks
"A water with a BLT with fries" I answer
"A garden salad and a coke" Ronnie says
They continue to order while I sit the in silence waiting for the waitress to leave. "Okay all in favor to let me back in raise your hand" I say once the waitress leaves, Of course Ella, Ronnie and Carson raise their hand. I look at Cameron "anyone else?" I ask
"I am undecided because I don't want to pick sides" He says
"Well then it's decided I'm back in" I say smirking at Caleb
"You may be back but you still don't know what we were talking about and if everyone can keep their mouths shut, you never will" Caleb says
I was going to say something but the waitress walks over with our food and drinks "Here you guys go, enjoy" she says with a smile
*******LATER THAT DAY********
I walk up to the house from the beach, I walk up the steps and open the door. Once I'm inside I jog up the stairs and go to my room but I stop at the door when I see my brothers sitting on my bed.
"Oh my God, hey guys" I say as I walk over and pull each of them into a hug
Once we all greet each other Logan pulls me aside "We need to talk, all of us" He says lowly
"Yes, now" He says
"Fine" I say
"Okay let's go, we're heading down to the beach" He says loud enough for Will and Matt to hear. We all file out of the house and down to the beach.
"What is this about?" I ask sitting down in the sand
"Reese you said you wouldn't get mixed up in this gang shit anymore" Logan says
"I know and I tried but taking me out of the gang is like taking a fish out of water" I say
"Logan she's right this stuff is in our blood" Matt says
"Reese it's like you have a death wish. I don't care if it's in our blood or not, Michael tried to kill you and he won't stop-" Logan shouts
"Logan stop yelling" Will shouts over him
"Reese to be honest with you I only see this ending one of two ways" Matt starts "Either Michael kills you or we kill Michael, obviously we want the latter, but...."
"I have a great idea, you leave warner and relocate" Logan says
"No, I'm finally with my friends again and frankly I don't want to live my life on the run" I protest
"Fine, Reese either you come with us and move or you stay here with your friends and possibly die, you have till the end of break make your choice" Logan says
"Are you really giving her an ultimatum?" Matt asks in shock
"Look I don't want to be the bad guy here but if it's what I have to do to keep this family alive, then yes I'm giving her an ultimatum" Logan says walking away
Aloha readers,
I don't have much to say, except that I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry it took so long to update. Like always vote, comment and like.Xoxoxo
-Cole 💋

We meet again
Teen FictionOkay so this is the second book in a series so read the first book because if you don't somethings will be confusing. school is in and Reese will be attending warner college but when some surprise guest show up everything doesn't go smoothly. Reese...