chapter 14

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We walk into the party and it's in full swing.

"I'm going to go find a keg" I yell over the music

I wander into the kitchen and there's the keg. I pour a drink and walk back to the group.

"Okay so obviously we are here to have fun but one of has to be the designated driver" Logan says

I chug my beer "well it can't be me" I say with a sloppy smirk

"Fine I'll do it" Caleb says

***Later at the party Caleb's POV***

The party is fun but the suffocating smell of drugs, alcohol and vomit is giving me headache. I step out and onto the balcony just to get some fresh air. A jumble of thoughts fill my mind, but Reese comes stumbling out, drunk of course, interrupting all my thoughts.

"Hey Reese what's up?" I ask

"You wanna know what's up?" She says in her weird drunk voice

"What's up is that I love you" she continues as she slings an arm around my waist

"Reese your drunk" I state

"No I'm not, why does everyone keep saying that" she whined

"I'm not drunk and I meant what I said, I love you" she continues sounding drunk as ever

"Okay Reese enjoy the party" I say as I start to walk away. But she grabs my wrist and stands on her tippy toes and kissed me.

I push her away from me "Reese stop it, I want this but I don't want it like this" I say

"Like what" she ask angrily

"Reese your wasted beyond belief, you can barely stand up" I say

She just looks at me, then she runs over to the balcony and doubles over, puking. I walk over to her and pull hey hair away from her vomit. Once she finishes throwing up I start takking again.

"Come on Reese we're leaving" I say

She doesn't say anything to protest or disagree. We walk down the stairs and gather up the rest of the gang, I tell them we're leaving and we all pull in. I drive us home. When we get there I tell her brothers that she isn't feeling good and they sleep in the other rooms. I take her to her room and make sure she brushes her teeth then I tuck her in.

****Next day****

I wake up with the worst hangover on the face of this planet. My head is pounding and I feel like I'm about to throw up. When I sit up I see a glass of water with two Tylenol along with a note that reads:

Ella, Carson, Matt, Will, and I went to grab lunch be back soon with food for the rest of you.

After reading the note I take the Tylenol and wash them down with a glass of water.

I get ready to take a shower and by the time my shower is over Caleb and the others are back with food. So once I'm dressed I walk down the stairs where I see a wrapped up biscuit with jelly and small bowl of oatmeal.

I sit down to eat and Caleb walks out of the kitchen.

"Look who has risen from the dead" he says with a smirk

"Hey Caleb" I greet

"Are you feeling better than you were last night?" He asks and by this time everyone that was at the table with us had left and went up stairs.

"I honestly don't even remember what happened last night" I say with a slight chuckle at the end

"Trust me you don't want to" he says

"I know I probably made an ass out of myself" I say

"You always do" he says in response with a smirk

I just roll my eyes a playfully punch him on the arm.

We just door there for a moment then he leans in and before I can even register what I'm doing I lean in too. Our forehead are touching and I can feel his breath on my lips, and it felt like the perfect moment and it was until the pitter patter of get ruin it. I pull back quickly and Ronnie and Logan appear

"Where is Will?" Logan ask

"Down at the beach with Ella" Caleb answers looking down at his plate

"Okay well we're heading down there so you to want to come?" Ronnie ask

"I'll come but I have to put my bathing suit on" I say

The both nod and shuffle out the door. I look at Caleb's ocean blue eyes which are focused anywhere but on me.

"Well I better go change" I say. He just nods, so I get up and leave him at the table thinking of good knows what just so I can go swimming. I'm such an idiot.

Aloha readers,
Things are starting to heat up between Caleb and Reese. And why was Ronnie and Logan some together?? And why was will and Ella at the beach some together?? Who knows. Read the next chapter the find out. And like always vote, comment and like.

-Cole 💋

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