chapter 16

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I wake up to the sun shining through the pale yellow curtains in the living room. I push the blanket off of me and go to shower. Once I'm in the bathroom I strip my clothes and step into the warm shower.

Once I'm out I wrap a towel around and walk to my room. I get dressed in jeans and a white tee shirt. And right when I go to sit on my bed I notice a letter on my pillow. I open it and it reads:

Dear Caleb,

I have to leave, I'm not a princess and your not a prince we aren't going to live happily ever after. Leaving is a choice I made, I want to be a normal teenager and the life I'm living now, a life full death and upset isn't a life I want anymore. So I'm leaving for England at noon where I can start fresh, I don't want to run anymore but I also don't want to put you or anyone else in danger. Last night was a wake up call. So I just want to say goodbye and I love you from the bottom of my heart and I always will.

I have to read the letter twice to register what it says. I race down the stairs where everyone else is sitting and throw the letter on the table

"Read it" I say

It takes them a few minutes to all read it but when they do they are shocked

"What do we do?" Ronnie ask

"Are you going to let her leave?" Cameron ask

"Ok ok I know what we're going to do" I say

"Which is?" Ella ask

"In the letter she said she leaves for noon..." I stop and check my watch "and it's only 11:10, the closest airport is only thirty minutes away. So let's go" I finish

We all rush into the cars and speed to airport and run inside.

"What gate is she at?" Carson ask turning her head quickly from board to board

"It's gate 4" Ella semi shouts

We all swiftly walk to gate 4 but when we get there is so crowded I can't find her.

"Can anyone see her?" I ask

"No" Cameron says on his tip toes

"Here stand on this" Carson says pointing at a white bench. It's the best chance I got so I step up in the bench. As I step the crowd starts to clear and I see her I finally see her! Reese's back is turned to me with her bag in her hand as she looks at the terminal.

I start to panic, scared she's not going to turn around so I do the only thing I can think of.

"Reese!" I shout and she slowly turns around. Yes I finally have her attention! I walk to her and she pulls me into a hug.

I stare into her emerald eyes "please don't leave" I beg her putting my hand on her check.

A tear runs down her face and meets my hand "I have to" she say bringing her hand up to mine

"No you don't, I will fight for you and protect you from all the evil things this world has to offer, because I love you. I may not be able to do everything, but I swear on my life that I will do anything for you" I say and by know we are both crying but I don't care. I crash my lips to hers and I wish we could start like that but we are in a very crowded airport so I pull away.

I pull her into my arms "please stay" I whisper into her ear

"No more running, no more hiding. We face our problems head on, no more being scare of the future..... So yes I'll stay" she says and a smile immediately rushes to my face and of course I hear a series of aww's from Ella, Carson and Ronnie who are behind me.

Aloha readers,
Unfortunately this book is coming to and end, but this isn't the last chapter, there will be one or two more and of course there will be a third book. And like always vote, comment and like.

         -Cole 💋

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