awkward atmosphere

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"Good morning" He greeted as soon as he saw me walking by. I still didn't forget about last night. He cooks something and somehow I don't know what. I sat on the  counter table chair and look at hm while he cooks.

"What's for breakfast?" I yawned

He took the frying pan and the plate and placed the food in the plate. He shoved it to me and he leaned against the counter table waiting for me to respond

"I may be vegetarian, but I'm not a goat" I said ugh! I jump out of my seat and left the table and raised up to me room. I heard Felix calling my name, but I ignored him anyway. he arranged me a plateful of string beans! If he thinks being a vegetarian is a joke, well not to me.

" Idiot" I rolled my eyes and took my bathrobe and showered. ahh so great t have a warm bath! I wrap the towel against my chest tightly and went out . In my surprise

"What are you doing here!?" I irritatingly said

" I'm hungry"  he pouted

"says who prepared me goat food" I rolled my eyes and took my clothes with me and returned the bathroom so I can change there.

" Sam are you done?!" he called out, I know he's downstairs. I changed into a navy shorts and white sleeveless.

" I'm done" I sighed and together we hop in in his car. We silently share a weird atmosphere. We entered la Bella the breakfast restaurant that we always come to. We didn't talk or anything I only speak when he asks anything or whatever.

"We'll be meeting Tyler Ward today, is the fine?" He asks breaking the silence. I shoved a mouthful of peas in my mouth and chewed them indecently.

" Are you mocking me?" He demanded

" No" I said defensively as soon as I'm done "yea, it'll be fine for me to meet Tyler Ward" I smiled and I guess he's annoyed by my attitude.

We went out of the restaurant and head straight to his car. we just sat there. Why can't just he drive already?! ugh

" Aren't we going to meet Tyler Ward?" I ask, why just can't he driveeeee!!!! ugh

" Samantha, if it's about what I said and did last ni---"

"It's nothing" I cut him off and tilted my head towards the window pane for distraction

I saw him clench his jaw and squeezed the steering wheel. I know it was brusque for me to say that. I ignored all the butterflies in my stomach when he speaks to me in a cute manner. I ignored all the pain in my chest whenever he does something sweet to me and remembers Brady. I ignored my feeling for Felix. I've done all hard things just to keep my emotions.

"Okay" He breathes and started the ignition and drove.

Few minutes later we pulled up in a big building that's says 'R and B'

" Is this the place?" I asked curiously

" Yeah, let's go" Felix waited for me until I reached the stairs with him and held the door with him. the walls are newly polished. I guess this building is new huh?

" This place is for recording. Tyler Ward will be releasing his new cover in iTunes today that's why we're here in 'R and B' recording.

" Oh" that's all I could say, it's like he could read my mind. It's getting cold, I tug my arms around me.

" You okay?" He asks beside me as we enter the elevator.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I laughed and looked away.

The elevator dinged into the 3rd level. Felix guarded one hand on my back as we walked together towards a big room

"Hello" I said in a high pitch manner. Tyler sits in a stool in the middle of the recording room with his guitar on his lap.

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