guest hunting trip!

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"Stefan you're here!" I exclaimed as he entered the door. I jump out of the kitchen bar and gave him a hug

"miss me?" he snorted rolling his eyes. 

I rolled my eyes as well and crossed my arms " I thought you were going home yesterday afternoon"

"I got stranded, so I decided to get a motel and drive back when it's not raining anymore"

"going somewhere Sammy?" he asked as he tossed his bag and examine me again

I walk away and got my keys in the kitchen bar " I have practice, with Felix Hood" I stuck my tongue out and went out the house

I can't stop obsessing over my new Cadillac, I hop in and quietly headed to the Arena.


"Good morning Ms. Crooks"  Ness greeted

Every morning as I arrive the Arena, Ness Von Dutch is waiting for me, she accompanies me inside and heads back to her own work.

I creep to the dark then slowly the chairs came to view, I look up the stage and an unfamiliar band was there, 4 of them then there stood beside Felix Hood

"Hello" I smiled weakly as I came up to the stage and placed my violin in the side. Felix ignored me as he continued talking to the band

bla bla bla bla, I look at him and rolled my eyes, then

" Guys meet my opening act Samantha" Felix smiled at me then to the band then faced them again

" Samantha, meet the band whose been playing with me every concert, the Aprils and they are Anton, Philip, Ron, Ils "

Ils? I've never heard that name before, my eyebrows knit in confusion, I stare back and crack a smile

" The name is pronounced as Elis" the brown haired guy said as he noticed my reaction

" oh okay nice meeting you" I said and turned away

"Hey Sam" Felix called and I flicker to his direction

" starting today we'll be searching, scouting celebs alright?" He said as he turned the cap lid of the bottled water and gulped it

" How many songs are you going to play in the concert?" I asked curiosly

" three, why?"

" Nothing" I sealed my lips and took out my violin and my bow, I brushed my rosin back and forth

"You, what are you going to play?" he asked as he walk towards me

" I still don't know yet" I shrugged

" hmm, maybe we'll figure that out in the following days"

I haven't seen Min anywhere, maybe she's busy with the concert details of whatever it is she's getting her hands on. Felix took his guitar and took a sit on a stool beside me

"listen" he said then he strum his guitar and I just look at him and obeyed then he started singing

"You call me up,
It's like a broken record
Saying that your heart hurts
That you never get over him getting over you,
And you end up crying
And I end up lying,
'Cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do,

 And when the phone call finally ends,
You say, "Thanks for being a friend,"
And we're going in circles again and again"

the song was familiar

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