I Marched towards the Arena with my violin strap bag on my right shoulder.Felix was already in the stage singing and dancing his part. Min waved her hand for me to come over.
As soon as I reached her place she handed me a cup of starbucks coffee. "Would you mind if you ditch practice for a while?" She smiled
"Um.. No" I shook my head and sat beside her.
"Felix Grandmother is having her 84th birthday celebration. We'd like to invite you together with your family."
"Oh. Really? Thanks Min"
"You're welcome. Ask Felix for th rest of the information. About not practicing, Mrs Farrah said that she'd like to have a word with you" So now I'm nervous. I nodded and approached Aunt Farrah backstage.
"You'd like to talk to me?" I asked
"Yes dear. It's more likely personal and---" Before she could carry on one of her staffers caught her attention.
"Mrs.Farrah! the tickets are now out nationwide. We'd like to ask for your signature in the papers"
"Maybe we'll talk the other time." Just like there I was sitting by myself. I wonder what would she like to know bout my personal life.
"knock knock" Felix leaned on the door
"You're all sweaty. Practice in 5?"
" Yes. Why aren't you practing?" he demanded crossing his arms across his chest
"Min told me to rest for the day. Anyways I'm done with everything" I stood from my chair and walked over him. I headed towards the Tolda outside where Min was staying. He follwed me behind
" Min, Aunt Farrah said she'll tell me next time. She's busy" I said and she nodded. Her eyes landed on Felix, it's like they have a private converstaion.
"Min!! she doesn't have practice" Felix whinned like a baby
"It's because she worked hard months ago" Min rolled her eyes
"Hey! are you saying that I didn't!" Felix complained even more
"Coffee?" I wiggled my eyebrows to Min and clink our starbucks cup. Felix stomped off heading towards the stage.
When he was already far away to hear " What was that about?" I asked "I mean.. why did Aunt Farrah asked for me?"
Min hesitated first. "It's none of my business dear"
My father couldn't come ofcourse, neither could Stefan. Kath accompanied us too.We reached Felix's gigantic house in exactly 5 pm. Lots of close family friends were here too. I haven't actually entered Felix house, I just pass by it when I need to go to the office suit.
"Give this" Mom handed me the birthday present. I shook the medium size box infront of me. "what's this?"
"Books, Kath do you want to hold these flowers?" She asked in the backseat.
"Sure Auntie."Kath took the boquet of flowers. Kath and I followed Mom's lead . When we entered lots of people are already walking around,laughing, drinking wine, eating french macaroons and more! It was a nice family party.
Mom left my side and began conversing with Min Jacobs and whoever it is beside her. "Samantha!" I turned and saw Felix waving. He was just wearing his usual gray tee and pants, he had his knit beanie on his head and thick jacket.
"Hello Kath" He nudge Kath beside me. kath just rolled her eyes and scoot over towards the kitchen to eat something.
" I'd like to give this to your Grandmother."