One mistake

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It was nice Aunt Farrah that she told me, everything. It wasn't harsh kind the way she honestly told me. To be honest I don't know what to feel, I felt betrayed, hurt, confuse on what I'm going to do right now. 

"Hey" I heard the door swung open. It was a familiar voice that I get to hear everyday. I turned my seat while flipping through the pages of the magazine. I saw this magazine few months ago. 

" I wish you should've told me sooner." I bit my tongue afterwards. Holding myself together not to cry. He kept it from me and it's unfair. So he knew that we're not going to last, but he just kept on going on. Lying into my face. 

"I'm so sorry Samantha, I know. I shouldv'e told you that weeks ago" 

"Weeks ago?" So he's been lying to me for weeks now. He knows that he's going to break my heart. Ouch! so this is my fate? in love this is my fate?! Every feelings that I felt before when Brady and I broke up was like deja vu. It's all the same, but this one is more painful.

" I'm supposedley to tell you this tonight and---" 

"So you have a dealine?" My voice went hoarse. I thought this only exists in movies, but my knees began to weaken. My hands started to feel numb. "You know that you're going to break my heart tonight and-- and--- and you were still romantic as if nothing will ever happen" I whispered. I can't even hear my own voice

"Samantha it's not ike that" He took a step forward, reaching out for me. 

"Stop"I croaked and I hugged myself. 

Then that's when I broke my balance and tears sprung out of my eyes. At this moment I wished I didn't not agree to his opening act. 

"Samantha" he knelt in front of me clutching my elbow helping me to stand. But it seems like my body disagrees, I felt weak.  "You know it's all true!" His voice sounded hoarse as well, but he never lost his masculinity. " I love you and I know we could get through this, Sam I love you to--"

"--the moon and back?" I finished his sentence for him.  "Well you should thank your mom. She made your job easier in breaking up on me" I cracked a small fake smile. 

" Samantha" he said my name again. Few seconds later Kath marched into the room.

"Oh my--" Kath covered her hand with her mouth. "What happened?" She asked me, ignoring Ian. "I told you!" Kath pointed at Ian. "It's fine Sam, Nick and Gabby will come here. I thought they're coming with me for the show, but they didn't know they're invited...." Kath helped me up and took my things. I took my phone and slid it into my pocket. 

Ian tempted to get a hold of me. "Samantha" he pleaded.

Kath stopped in her tracks. "I told you, you should've told her" She said to him



She knew

"What?" I looked at Kath "You knew?" My head dazed, it's like my world is spinning. "Oh my gosh" I cried harder

"I tried convincing him!" Kath defended "It's not like---"

"Kath?" I heard Nick's voice from behind. I turned around to the sound of Nick's voice. I race towards him and he embraced me. I can tell that he's confuse but he lead me out of the scene. 


" So you have a deadline?" She said. It looks like she's gonna faint sooner or later. "You know that you're going to break my heart tonight and-- and--- and you were still romantic as if nothing will ever happen" she cried.

"It's not like that" I told her. I was about to take a step forward when she raised her hand 

"stop" She then broke her balance and knelt on the floor crying, clutching her chest. I felt so bad, I actually feel like I'm the worst boyfriend in the world. How could I let my girl be hurt like that? 

"Samantha" I said her name as soothingly as possible. "You know it's all true!" I bit my inner cheecks hoping I wouldn't cry,  but I know it would just make me feel worst. I held back the tears in my eyes and maintain my composure.  " I love you and I know we could get through this, Sam I love you to--"

"--to the moon and back?" she finished "Well you should thank your mom. She made your job easier in breaking up on me" When she said that.  I think I wanna puke. I'm so ashamed of what my mom had done.

"Samantha" I urge to go near her, but she just backs away.  My head started to tick. I felt nauseous and quesy, then Kath came in. I haven't really listened to what they were saying. They were conversing and I just wanna lay done and feel like a wreck about myself..

Just then I knew Kath helped her up and where about to leave "Samantha" I said, I don't want her to leave. I wanna hold her until she stops crying, I wanna comfort her. But the thing is, she's crying because of me and there's no chance that I can do that. 

Kath stopped in her tracks. "I told you, you should've told her" Kath pointed at me accusingly. Then Samantha turned around with her hand clasped on her mouth. 

" what?" Samantha said "You knew? Oh my gosh" She closed her eyes in disbelief.

"Kath?" I then heard a familiar voice. I looked up and it was Nick. How'd he got here?

"Take me home please" Samantha took his arm and he guided her out. 

I don't know what to do. I'm just here standing, looking at the floor. 

"We need to do something" Kath said, warm tears sprung out of her eyes. " I felt sorry for her. She doesn't deserve this. " Which was true. 

"I know" that's all I said. I  drove back to the arena to arrange the meet and greet and I would just come by my after party in a while. My head really is isn't in the game right now.  

The party kept on going even after I left. I'm in my house right now. My mom is still busy and no one is here except for my grandmother and the maids. I wonder where Cheska went. And my friends in their hotel, they're probably making their vines videos and whatnot

It's late at night and all I'm thinking bout is my problem! 

"Doll I'm so sorry."

" Samantha, I know that what I did is not nice. Please let's talk this out"

"Baby please"

Those were the last 3 messages that I had sent to her. The long ones were sent few minutes back. Still no reply, not even one text. She did not answer my phone calls. But one thing's for sure. I'm messed up.

This was not like my last break up. My last break up was smooth and easy, well I guess that was hollywood. But right now? I don't even know what to do or what to say. How could a girl crush you so hard. 

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