Chapter 1

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I sat in my car debating on whether or not I should answer my phone. 7 days, 56 missed calls and 33 text messages all from Santana. He acts as if I'm his woman, thinking I have to come running when he calls.

I glanced at my sleeping son in the backseat. Skylar is the reason I go back, without Santana's help I have nothing. He knows I will not be able to survive or provide for my son if I ever left.

The fact that I have no job is held over my head. Some may say, get a job and move on but how? I have no family helping me, Skylar's dad wanted no part in his life.. I haven't seen or spoken to Julian in over a year.

I wish I could find a way to take my baby and run away. He shouldn't have to witness me getting my ass beat because I refused to do what Santana asked.

The continuous ringing just wouldn't stop, taking a deep breath I answered the phone.


"Why the fuck do you like playing games with me? Where have you been?"

"I went on a mini vacation with Skylar"

"Don't lie to me!! I'll be home in 25 minutes, you better be there"

I sighed before hanging up, tossing the phone into the passenger seat. Instead of getting off on the exit that would take me to his house I kept going. After an hour an a half I made it safely to my condo.

A few weeks ago I had my locks changed, I didn't feel safe knowing Santana had a key. Most days he can be such a sweet guy, I feel dumb to say it but I actually fell in love with him.

But that love faded months ago when he started putting his hands on me. I know I deserve better but until I can figure out how to get the money to leave I'm stuck here. Somehow he had found out about my plans to take my son and head back to Pennsylvania.

My checks were cut, my bank account was emptied and my car now has a shut off device in it. If I try to leave he will shut my engine off, I can't afford to be stranded somewhere with my son.

After realizing I had been sitting in the car for over an hour in deep thought I got out. Grabbing my purse and phone, opening the back door I grabbed my handsome man out of his car seat. I debated on whether or not I should wake him up and let him walk so I could carry the bags or leave the bags..

It's already pretty late so I would hate to wake him up. "Fuck it" this is what it has come to, talking out loud in the parking lot. Being a single mom is hard at times but I manage.. somehow.

Just as I attempted to kick the door shut my neighbor Lyric shut it for me, grabbing my bags. This man is a life saver, he has been such a huge help since I moved here. Doing little things like helping me carry my groceries or simply helping me carry my everyday bags when Skylar is asleep making it impossible.

He's a very nice guy, always speaks to me. A few times he has asked me out, each time I declined, if I did agree I'd be taking my busy 1 year old and having my phone constantly interrupt the date.

Not the kind of outing I'm looking forward to, I can't send Skylar to daycare because that's another bill Santana will have to pay. And in other words more sex and what ever else he wants from me.

As I came out from laying Skylar down I thanked Lyric once again. He stood at the door as if he had something on his mind. Not long after he gave me a warm smile before leaving.

Making sure my door was locked I made my way into my room. Collapsing onto the pillow top queen sized bed. As soon as my eyes began to close, I was startled by the loud banging on my front door. That can mean one thing, Santana isn't exactly happy I never showed up..

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