Chapter 19

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Today is the day I meet with Lyric, all night I kept thinking of how this day would go. I'm hoping it goes good, even though something he says will probably set me off. But I'm going here with every intention to let this go, and receive enough information to help me fully move on from that situation.

If I didn't constantly try to answer the questions I had regarding what happen myself, I wouldn't even be here. Its affecting my everyday life because I'd like answers. Julian is taking Skylar to his mom's house for the very first time. Their having a get together and finally Skylar will meet his grandparents, and other family.

Julian doesn't know I'm going to meet Lyric and I don't plan on telling him. I am a grown woman if I choose to meet with this man after all that's been done that's on me. I'm not looking for a sit down where he's going to tell me twenty reasons why I'm crazy for going.

I won't lie I'm a bit scared, what if this crazy nigga snatch my ass up? Nah... I don't think he'd do that, Andrew told me it's safe to go and I'm holding onto his word. The boys left over an hour ago, I told Julian I'd make it to his mom's around 4pm. Which is when the event starts, I stepped out the house and checked my appearance.

I offered to meet Lyric at the park down the street from my house. Its maybe six or seven blocks away. I wanted to be close, so once this little meet up is over I could run home and get ready. It only took me a few minutes to walk to the park, I received stares from a few guys.

I'll admit over the past few months I've gotten a bit fuller, but I love the new me.. Julian loves it too, so I guess it benefits the both of us. I made it to the entrance of the park where I was met by Lyric. He stared me down like he wanted to take me right where I stood.

"Hello.. we are here to talk not so you could look at my body"

"You look... like you've thickened up, but it looks damn good on you. I can see that someone is putting in work, who ever it is, is a very lucky man"

"I'm not here to discuss my sex life or how I've gotten bigger.. I'm here so you can explain why you did what you did"

"Ok.. let's go sit down"

I followed behind him, occasionally glancing around the park. There was a cute pit bull puppy running around. I smiled thinking how adorable it was, I wanted one. I'm gonna get me and Skylar a puppy. He loves dogs so I know he'd love to have a pet.

I had to clear my thoughts, I'm already thinking about everything other than why I'm here. I sat down away from where he sat, but close enough to where I could still hear him.

"Damn, Its like that now?"

"Stop acting as if we're coo, you must not have any remorse for the shit you did.. I don't see how you can sit up here in my face and speak to me, like a few months ago you weren't stalking me"

"Alright.. I'll cut the bullshit. I'm sorry for stalking you and doing all those crazy things. I shouldn't have done that but I did so there's no taking it back. But I won't take the blame for everything, I wasn't the one who did all the shit in Baltimore. I'm the one who did the stalking, letters and messages here in Pa, that's it. That other dude, I don't know who he is.. well I kinda do, he works for Santana"

"Honestly your apology doesn't mean a thing to me. You still put me and those kids in harm's way. One of them being your own son! Your truly sick in the head. I just wanna know why you did it"

"Well.. when you first moved into the complex I had a thing for you. You were beautiful, had an amazing personality and I was very attracted to you. I would scope you out and I took notice to the drama you had with Santana. The cussing, screaming and fighting every other week. One day I approached him, I wanted to know why he treated you so bad. He didn't deserve someone like you, I did and that's when you offered me a deal. He offered me a little over a quarter of a million dollars. At the time I felt like that could help me out I mean who would turn down that amount of money? At first the deal was to just look out and make sure you didn't try to move out and take your son and leave the state. I spent the money quickly, sent some of it to Andrews mother because she needed money. I sent the rest to my family in Florida.. well Santana felt I wasn't doing a good job. He wanted his money back, I didn't have it.. a few months went by and everything was fine until he got locked up. He had a man come to my house and demand that I followed you here. I didn't want to, he threatened my life. I had to, I'm truly sorry"

"Ok, well I've heard it all I guess.. it still won't justify what you did. It's still hard to believe it was you. Out of all the shit I've had to deal with I never once thought you'd do me like that. When I met you I kinda fell for you, you were always a gentleman to me and helped me out. So it hurt like hell when you asked me for sex. It hurt even more finding out you were the one stalking me and leaving notes. But it's fine, you showed your true colors and I felt dumb for even thinking you were different. But hey I learned and now I'm moving on. I forgive you but I will NEVER forget. Good bye Lyric, if you can't do anything right be a good father to your son"

I walked away not even giving him time to speak back. This meeting didn't do a damn thing for me, yeah I know why but it hurts to know someone could betray you. I was naive and thought everyone had my best interest but I learned my lesson. I've grown from these situations and now I'm moving on to bigger and better things.

I got back into my house and ran a bath, and lit a few candles. It was 2 o'clock I still had time to the get ready for the little get together.

I had to gather my thoughts and get myself together mentally before going out this house again. There is absolutely no reason for me to ever go back to my past with Santana or Lyric it's done with.

I quickly got ready, and headed out of the house and made my way to Julian and Skylar. My palms were sweaty during this drive, I don't know what kind of questions his family will ask regarding why they were just now finding out about Skylar.

I will not go into detail with them, it's for Julian to tell them. If he chooses to lie about it then that tells me he isn't man enough to admit his wrongs. As long as he stepped up it shouldn't matter what other people think. There's no reason to lie, you weren't ready.. simple as that.

I had pulled into the drive way hearing the music blasting, the smell of barbecue hit my nose I was ready to party. I get along pretty well with Julian's cousins but I'm not sure how me and his mom will get along.

When I dated Julian she loved me but you never know what he told her as to why I left.. I missed her though, I should have let his family know about my pregnancy. I'm sure they would have accepted my son.. that's one thing I will take responsibility for. I could have told them, but I didn't think too.

It's now or never... I got out of my car and headed around back. As soon as I stepped in the yard it was like the music stopped. All eyes were on me and it was uncomfortable.


I spoke up to hopefully get rid of the awkwardness. Julian and his mom came over to me, she was crying looking over me as if she wasn't sure if I was really here.

"Nyla, it's you baby you look so good. I like this weight on you.. you've always been thick but look at you. Those thighs, that butt and those boobs, everything is so much fuller. Girl you look amazing"

"Thank you mommy, I've missed you too!"

She pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear. "Are you expecting?"

I stepped back shaking my head, no way. I was sure everyone would think the weight I put on was because I was pregnant but it's not. Julian was so sure I was pregnant, he made me take a pregnancy test and all. He was very disappointed when he seen I wasn't  pregnant, I guess he really wanted another son that bad.

Maybe later on we can have another child but I don't feel like he's full ready. Just 4 months ago he didn't want to be a father and now that he has stepped up, he loves being a father and wants more children. No thanks, he needs to be an active father for a bit longer for me to believe it.

She looked at me unsure if she should believe me or not. Julian stepped in and confirmed my answer.

"No, mom she's not pregnant.. we took the test"

I could hear the disappointment in his voice.. like damn be happy and enjoy your son. He's still in diapers, imagine he's a newborn, Julian just got how to change a diaper right and he wants another baby.. what ever.

I walked away to mingle with his family members, they were still as nice as I remember. Nothing has changed we laughed and joked like old times until Julian pulled me up. I  looked at him sideways, what's his problem.

"The hell is your problem dude?"

"So we lying now?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Why the fuck did you go meet Lyric?"

I stood there looking stupid, I was so sure he wouldn't find out. He stood in front of me pissed off. I couldn't do anything, I was caught..

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