Chapter 4

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When I read the message, I swear it felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. A lump formed in my throat as my tears threatened to fall. Why do I continue to set myself up? I came here with semi high hopes that Julian would have taken full responsibility as a father.

Once again I'm stuck with no one to turn to. Getting onto the highway I fought so hard not to scream out of anger and frustration. My phone rang and of course it was Santana,  just seeing his name gave me the urge to throw the phone out the window.

If I don't find a source of income on my own soon.. I guess I'll just have to agree to have his baby. But what if he uses that against me,  along with the all other things. I can't do it, I'd rather be broke begging people for money. I could never take my child away their father, and that's what I'd be doing if I had Santana's baby.


"Yes baby?"

I looked up through the rearview mirror at Skylar rubbing his belly and shaking his now empty cup. Something he does when he's hungry or thirsty.

"We're gonna go eat soon, ok?"

He nodding his head going back to his Disney movie playing in the car. I decided to stop at a restaurant to eat, not really feeling up to cooking today. Settling for a home owned diner close by my house. The people in there are so nice.. they absolutely adore Skylar.

Getting out of the car I purposefully left my phone. Taking Sky, holding his hand as we walked in together. There was a small line and lots of people walking around. Causing me to pick Sky up so he wouldn't get lost in the jungle of people.

Moving up we were finally being seated. I sat in a booth sitting Sky by the window so he couldn't get up. If I didn't I'd be doing a lot more chasing him around than actually eating.

Looking over the menu I settled on the breakfast combo, chicken nuggets and french fries for Sky. Putting down my menu I looked up to see none other than Santana.

Ignoring his presence I tickled Skylar, making silly faces as he laughed.

"Stop ignoring me"

"Why are you here, are you following me now?"

"That guy.. was he Skylar's dad?"

I looked up slowly, not wanting to hear a word regarding my son's father.


"Why did you go there.. I'm helping you, you don't need him"

Before I could speak the waiter had come to take our order.

"Hi my name is Amy and I'll be your server today. What can I get you?"

"Breakfast combo, chicken nuggets and fries. With an orange juice and a small fruit punch"

She went on to ask what Santana wanted, once she walked away he sat back waiting for my answer.

"I went there because my son needs his father, fuck the money for a second. I just want my child to know who his dad is! You wanna know the truth I don't want your money anymore.  I've taken enough of your abuse I can't take it anymore. I need to get away from all of this before I lose my sanity. I hate you Santana I do, I once loved you I did. In the beginning you made me feel special. It felt like you were helping me because you loved me even after you said, in return you'd pay me. But that love is gone.. I don't want your money anymore. I want happiness and the money, the condo,  and the car out there, isn't giving it to me. I will not have your baby so forget that you even asked. I want nothing more to do with you."

I called the waiter and asked for to go boxes. I'm not sure how my words will effect him but at this moment I don't care.

"Fine, be a bitch about the situation and go running back after that oh so rich CEO, Julian Blake. The one that happens to work with me? Oh yeah I know him. I wonder how he'd feel knowing the woman who is the mother of his child. The same child he doesn't want.. turned into a dirty little slut. Hmm, would you want your little secret to come out? Would you want Mr Blake's name thrown around in the media once they 'accidentally' find out about how he's a deadbeat father with a whoring 'baby mama' as you ghetto birds would say. That's what you are ghetto dirty worthless trash!"

The whole restaurant had gotten quiet, it was like everything stopped. You could hear the gasps and sympathetic words from the people throughout the restaurant. Tears fell from my eyes he humiliated me infront of all of these people.

Is that really how he looks at me? I'm no one's whore, slut, hoe or anything else. Santana and Julian are the only men I've ever been with. I cannot believe this shit is happening to me..

I grabbed the hot coffee he had and threw it in his face, watching his face turn red with pain and anger.

"You bitch, I'm gonna fuck you up!"

Grabbing Sky I made my way to the exit, covering his face. I'm sure someone probably recorded this incident and if they did I don't want my child being apart of this mess.

Before getting to my car the server ran after me with the food I had ordered.

"You forgot your food, it's on the house"

"Thank you"

"I don't mean to be in your business but, get out honey... that man isn't who you think he is. Don't go back to your house or where you stay"

"I don't have a choice"

"You do.. just don't go back"

She walked off handing me an envelope filled with money.. I couldn't count it at the moment but I know it's a lot. Getting into the car I made sure to give Skylar his food.

I turned around hearing a sound I knew all to well. My heart stopped realizing what was happening. A crowd had began to form, I couldn't hear what the people were screaming. I could only see the fear in there eyes as there mouths moved.

But my focus wasn't on trying to figure out what they were saying.. it was as if I couldn't get to him fast enough. The light flashed before my eyes, as a bullet pierced the glass, shattering the windshield.

The last thing I remember is screaming for help, as I held my son in my arms while his blood covered my clothes.

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