Chapter 17

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I looked around to see nothing but trees and darkness. No pathway, no light that may lead me out of these woods. Looking down at the figure I knew it was Julian, he looked bad.. I'm not sure exactly what he's been through but I can tell he needs help right now.

"Can you tell me if anything hurts?"

He pulled up his shirt enough for me to see the blood pouring from his stomach. I gasped, grabbing his hoodie and applying pressure to his wound. I'm not prepared for this, my mom taught a lot but not what to do in a situation like this.

He groaned and tried to push my hands away. I stopped putting pressure on his stab wound and reached for my bag.

"Hold that on your cut, think of getting home to Skylar"

Just by saying his name that gave him the boost to hold that hoodie against his stomach.  I frantically searched through my bag, for something.. anything to help him. I can't let him die, if I can't stop the bleeding long enough to find a way out that's gonna happen.

I found a first aid kit at the bottom with a note attached.

You never know, you may need this.. remember stay calm. No matter the situation, use your brain Andrew. There's no such thing as you can't.

Opening it up, I found different cleaning solutions, a needle to close up his cut and numbing medicine. Relief washed over me, I put on the gloves and got to work. Julian looked at me with wide eyes before shaking his head no.

"Unless you want to die out here, I'd suggest you shut up and let me clean and close it"

I cleaned, dried and applied the numbing medicine. I waited a few minutes for it to kick in and then I began closing the cut. I did the best I could do, I'm no expert at this so it looked terrible. But on the bright side it was no longer bleeding and It was patched up.

Putting the kit back in my back I made him drink some water and take a pain pill. Looking around I tried my best to remember whether I kept straight or made a turn somewhere. After a few moments I was almost sure that I kept straight.

"Come on, let's go"

"Are you sure you know where to go?"

"We're about to find out"

I helped him up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder for support. Slowly we made our way through the woods, to say I was worried is an understatement. This is a life or death situation that I may not be able to get us out of.

It seemed like no matter how far we went, nothing came up. I felt like we were walking deeper and deeper into the woods, I had my flashlight on but I still couldn't see a thing.

"Julian, I think we're lost..."

"I think If we turn right once we go up a bit more, it'll lead us out. I kind of remember"

"How did you get here anyway?"

"He thought I was dead, tried to dump my body. Thankfully he didn't throw me to far out.. if you hadn't of showed up, I would have died.. thanks Andrew. Even though we aren't out of danger yet. Thank you, your a good kid"

"Your a good guy, I'm doing what any good person would do.. helping someone out"

We stopped walking once we heard faint voices coming closer. I prayed it wasn't someone out hurt us.. if so, we're both dead.



"How old is he?"

I was feeding Skylar eggs and sausage for breakfast. It's been hours and Andrew hasn't come back yet, I'm not really worried anymore I feel like there ok. This lady has been coming to me trying to talk to me.

"He's one, two very soon"

"Still a little baby.. he's just the cutest, do you know who is stalking you?"

"Uh.. no not really"

I'm sure Andrew shared that information with her, it's not really a big deal that she knows.. but I don't know who it is, therefore I hate talking about it.

"My son.. Lyric"

"Excuse me!?"

I started to get up and leave but she lightly grabbed my arm. I feel so betrayed and angry, if she knows who has been stalking me I'm sure Andrew did too. I grabbed my baby and headed upstairs to get our things.

"Honey.. listen first it's not what you think"

"How!? I'm staying in your house and your son is the one who has been causing me so much pain. You don't know the half of what I've been through! Have you almost lost a child.. my baby was laid up in a bed because a man shot him. Then your son coming in my fucking house leaving notes and shit. The sad part about it was I never thought Lyric would do me like this. Yeah we fell out but before that he had me thinking he was a good guy, he fooled my ass, age wise too. This nigga got a son 14 years old, had me thinking he was in his late twenties! I don't care anymore, I'm done!"

She tried to plead her case but at the time I wasn't trying to hear a thing. That was until she said something that made me drop my bags.

"They found Andrew! Oh my God, we have to get to the hospital now"

I wasn't sure how to feel, but I know I definitely felt fear.. I've been through this one to many times and this time I'm not sure what the outcome will be.

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