Chapter 10

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I looked back at Skylar and he was sitting in his car seat unharmed. I let out a sigh of relief thankful that he was ok. Me? I had a few cuts on my face and arms but I'm just glad it wasn't Skylar. God was really on my side tonight.. this accident was crazy.

I could hardly move that's how smashed up the car is. I just kept looking back at Skylar, the window by his car seat was shattered. He wasn't harmed at all, not a cut, scrape, nothing. It was really crazy but at the same time it was truly a miracle.

I could hear the sirens getting closer, I  waited patiently for them to arrive and help us out of this car. The fire fighters had to use the jaws of life to get us out. Sometimes I feel like everyone is out to take my child from me.

I sat on the side of the road with Skylar as the paramedics treated my cuts. They were shocked that Skylar didn't have any injuries. Once my cuts were cleaned and bandaged I called Julian.

"Hey where are you? I've been waiting for you and Skylar"

"We got into a very bad accident"

"What? Are you guys ok? Where are you? I'm on my way"

"We're fine.."

Julian sounded so panicked, we just got through one tragic event with Skylar and now this.. just as I hung up the phone an officer approached me with a small note pad in his hands.

"Were you drinking tonight?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just trying to get information on what happened, it's obvious you lost control of your car an-"

"I didn't lose control of anything. A car was following me from the time I got on the highway up until I got to exit 21. They rammed the back of my car that's what happened"

"Well because of how messed up the car is there's no evidence that another car was involved"

"The car is fucking totaled! You can still tell the back is smashed in.. you know what, just tow the car and  take down whatever information you need because I'm done talking to you."

"I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just going off of what I see, have a nice day ma'am"

Julian had just pulled up in his truck, he hurried over to where I was.  He must have really rushed the out the house. His shirt was on backwards, he had on basketball shorts and dress shoes.

"I'm glad you guys are ok, where is the other driver?"

"I don't know"

"What the hell do you mean you don't know?"

"Exactly what I said, I don't know. They weren't here when police came.. as in they left the scene, disappeared, just kept go-"

"I know what you meant"

"Just making sure"

"Let's just go, I need to finish packing"

"So your really going back to Pennsylvania?"

"Yes it's not safe here anymore"

"Why isn't it safe?"

We got into the car and began to drive away. I haven't exactly told Julian the truth behind the relationship I had with Santana. The only thing he knows is that we had somewhat of a relationship.

"It's just not safe anymore, I'm going to Pennsylvania to keep my child safe"

"Your safe with me"

"Let's just discuss this later"

I just want to get away with my child and keep him safe to much has already happened. I'm not gonna stick around and wait for something else to happen.

As we pulled up to my condo my heart sank.. it was engulfed in flames.

"Noo!! No, no"

"Did you leave something plugged up?"

"No.. he.. burned.. my.. condo.. down, wh-"

"Calm down. Breathe"

"No, everything is gone! What the hell am I suppose to do now?"

My money was in there, the necklace Julian gave me on our first date, Skylar's baby book.. memories are gone. How am I suppose to get to Pennsylvania now, my car is gone, all of my belongings are ruined, I'm just so sick of this shit.

I broke down, I'm not really upset about the materialistic things because I can replace them. But I can't replace the pictures of my son. Those were precious memories I wanted to cherish..

I continued to watch the firemen put out the fire. I could have sworn I seen the old guy who was watching me walk by with a smirk on his face. I started to jump out the car and attack him.

He stopped walking and turned around and began laughing hysterically. I looked around to see if anyone else heard him, it was as if no one did.

"You think this is funny huh? You think my condo being on fire is fucking funny!? Dirty old, stalking muthafucka"

"Nyla What are you doing, why are you attacking this poor old man?"

"Are you seriously asking me that right now? You didn't hear him laughing. He's the old bitch that was watching me, he probably ran me off the road too!"

"I'm sorry sir, umm yeah.. please don't get police involved were leaving"

The man never said a word he just kept looking into my eyes before waving at Skylar. I leaped towards him again, I'm about to catch a case.

"Julian get off of me, let me kick his old ass! You see the cuts on his face, there fresh cuts.. he ran me off the road he's stalking me. How can no one see this shit!"

I was literally fuming, I swore I could feel steam coming from my ears. If it wasn't for the fact that Skylar was here I'd probably kick that guys teeth out. How can someone be so evil? Doing dirty work for someone just as evil, the devil is at work and he's trying to bring me down.

We sat in the car until the fire was completely out. I wanted to see if anything made it through the fire. If not much I just hope Skylar's baby book didn't get destroyed.

I had tears of anger rolling down my face. Why does all of this shit keep happening to me? First my child gets hurt then I get ran off the road, damn near killed and now my condo is burnt down to the ground.. what's next?

"Who is the person behind all of this?"


"But how? He's in jail"

"He has people working for him. That guy was watching me the whole time I was talking to Amy, I'm positive he's the one who ran me off the road and set my condo on fire. It's not a coincidence that I'm seeing him here"

"Why does he want to hurt you so bad? Is that why your running?"

"I'm not running I'm leaving before he decides to do something else. I haven't exactly told you the truth regarding my relationship with Santana"

"Ok.. so tell me"

Do I really want to tell him that I basically slept with a man, who is double my age just so I could take care of my child. Well, here goes nothing.

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