Chapter 3

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Did he just ask me to have his baby? I'm confused as to why he would ask me of all people..

"What, can you repeat that?"

"Have my baby"

"Where is this coming from? I'm not sure I wanna do that"

He picked up Skylar, grabbing my hand leading me into the house. It looked different.. I guess he decided to redecorate while I was gone. As I sat down on the couch I noticed Skylar had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

I will say that, Santana is a totally different person around Skylar. He treats him like his own, looks at him with the same pride and joy I do. But that doesn't take away my fear that one day he may hurt my child.

"Let me lay him down I'll right back"

Nodding my head I looked around confused, he's being nice.. way to nice for my liking. Getting up I went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. By the time I had gotten back into the room, Santana was sitting back on the couch patiently waiting.

"So.. why can't you have my baby?"

"Because I don't want to, the way you treat me is fucked up. I will not create life with you.. is this your way to keep me here? Ask me to have your baby just for me to say no, you take everything from me and eventually I have to say yes? How do I know if I agree you won't turn around and beat me while I'm pregnant or kick me out when I do or say something you don't like"

He actually looked sympathetic by my words and just a little hurt. Something I have never seen, he doesn't show emotion so this is definitely something new.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't put my hands on you but I get so angry that I just can't control it. I love Skylar as if he is my own, these past 4 days have been amazing. It actually felt like I had something to wake up to. Seeing him laugh or just smile because he's happy makes me feel proud. It feels like I'm a father.. even though I'm not. I promise I will treat you better, please agree to giving me a child. I love you Nyla and I'm so, so sorry I ever hit you.. I ju-"

I got up interrupting him, I can't sit here and listen to this. My heart wants to foolishly believe his every word, but I've heard this all before. I made my way upstairs going straight into the guest room to get Sky.

He looked so peaceful sleeping, I wish I could provide a better life for him. Lifting him up I held him close as the tears escaped my eyes. My mind was screaming for me run into Santana's arms, convinced that maybe he appreciates me now and he really has changed..

No, no I will not fall back into his bullshit lies. He's telling me those things to pull me back in, hoping I'd agree to mother his first child. On my way out the house I kept my head down, not once looking at Santana. Surprisingly he didn't even come after me when I left.

The drive home seemed longer than usual, maybe it was because I had been so consumed in my thoughts that I hadn't realized I went the wrong way.. or did I?

I found myself in front of the house I hadn't seen in over a year. Belonging to a man I once loved, that same man being Julian.  How I got here is beyond me.. but I can't do this anymore,  I need to cut ties with Santana asap.

Pulling up in the driveway I rolled the Windows down, leaving Skylar in the backseat while I went to the door. Of course if his father is on the other side of that door, I'll get him out. I don't want to go inside. I just wanna talk and see if he's ready to man up and help me with our son.

I knocked nervously, what if he tells me to get away from his house.. my thoughts were interrupted when I young woman the opened the door.

"Hi, can I help you?"

"Umm.. does Julian Blake live here?"

"Oh yes, my big headed brother. He isn't here at the moment but you can come in and wait if you'd like, By the way I'm Sabrina"

"No thanks, I have my son in the car.. can you tell him Nyla stopped by?"

She looked shocked, coming out of the door she walked over to my car looking in observing Skylar's features it's not hard to notice he's Julian's child, they look exactly alike.

"Oh my gosh he looks just like Juju.. does he know about him?"

"Yes he knows.."

"So why doesn't he come around?  Most importantly why didn't we know?"

"You have to ask your brother that question.. but I have to g-"

"Nyla? Is that you"

My heart skipped a beat as I turned around. . Standing before Julian Blake the man that left me pregnant.

"Yeah, but um.. I have to go"

By now Sabrina had taken Skylar out of his seat to wake him up. I mentally screamed this is not how I wanted this day to go.

"Juju come meet your son"

His face fell when she mentioned the word son.

"M-my son?"

I watched as him and Skylar looked at each other for what seemed like forever. Julian walked closer to sky causing him to walk backwards, soon bumping into my legs.

"Hey son"

Julian reached for Skylar and this time he went to him.. I'm not sure if this is just an act he's putting on for Sabrina or if he really is trying..

"Um.. how about you come in so we ca-"

"I can't maybe another day. Call me and we can set something up"

I grabbed Sky and put him back into the car, saying goodbye to Sabrina and Julian. Driving off I got a message, stopping at the end of the hill I noticed it was from Julian.


I'm not ready to be a father.... sorry.

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