Chapter 13

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I had just finished reading my daily inspirational quote for today. I've been up since early this morning, the kids have eaten and are now in one of the rooms playing a game. Skylar took a liking to Andrew and now the two of them are inseparable.

The bond they share is simply amazing in one week they've gotten so close. I'm still very paranoid because every so often I feel like I'm being followed or watched. For the sake of the kids I'm going to be strong, but this shit is creeping me out.

The first night here in the house I kept hearing things outside of my window. I would hear light tapping and what I think were soft whispers. A few days after that, a man followed me all the way to the Toyota car lot. The same old man, but his face is never shown the most I see is his eyes. I'm still trying to convince myself that all of this is in my head after all.

Yesterday I got a new car , for the 3rd time this month. Guess what happen the next morning? No I'm going to just tell you. I was on my was on my way to register Andrew into the pa school system. I tried to start my car and it wouldn't start! My  brand new car, not only that but my windshield was cracked. I could have cried, I'm already on a budget  because I haven't started work yet.

To fix my window alone cost $300 and the engine was $1500, money I didn't have to just throw out. Apparently the engine stopped working because it 'died'. I got a discount because it could have just been a faulty engine.

But I'm convinced someone is messing with me again. Andrew even started to take notice to the weird stuff happening. He keeps questioning me about the old man, asking who he is and why he was watching us. I didn't have the answers, I'm just as clueless. I mean I'm sure the man is somehow associated with Santana but really why is he following me?

I moved here to get away from the crazy stuff that's been happening and it just followed me here. Another weird thing is, I haven't heard from Julian at all which isn't like him. Even though he's busy with his case, he still called me every night to say goodnight to Skylar.

I sat back and sipped my cranberry juice, I've been having the worst headache for about 3 days now. Rubbing my temples I tried to sooth the excruciating pain. I'm not big on taking medications, so I've been fighting the urge to pop a pain pill or two.

Andrew came rushing down the steps with his phone, almost crashing into the coffee table.

"Slow down, what's wrong?"

"You have to read this"

I took his phone and looked over the screen.. I couldn't believe what I was reading, no this can't be true.

"Where did you see this??"

"A random number sent me the link"

"Grab the remote, turn it to Fox news.. hurry!"

His fingers fumbled nervously as he switched the channel. I ran my hands through my hair, shaking my legs.

"Go get Skylar"

He disappeared up the steps, I leaned forward staring at the news woman report the news.

"Breaking news, we have just received information on a missing person. Julian Blake, was last seen a week ago. He didn't show up for work, which alarmed coworkers  because he never misses a day. Blake is described as 6'3, low cut, African American around his early 30's. Its going on 9 days since anyone has seen him. If you have any information regarding this man's whereabouts, please call your local police station or the number below.

I grabbed my phone before calling Julian's continuously. Each time I'd receive his voicemail, I'm extremely worried right now.

"Juju, please pick up the phone!!"

I scrolled through my contacts, immediately I found Sabrina's contact. I hit call, waiting for her to pick up and when she did her voice sounded horrible.



"Please tell me the news made some kind of mistake"

"N-no, he's gone. I went to his house and he wasn't there. There was a bit of blood in his living room, I'm so scared. I just want my brother back... this is all your fault!!"

"My fault? Bitch your crazy, this isn't my fault at all!"

"If your crazy ex boyfriend wasn't stalking and doing crazy shit, this wouldn't have happened. I should have never opened the door for you that day.. if they don't find my brother so-"

I hung up the phone on her, this isn't my fault so I will not take the blame. Santana is responsible for this crazy shit. There isn't much I can do, Santana is still in jail so it will be hard to pinpoint exactly who's doing this.

I looked over at Andrew who sat on the floor with Skylar, playing with his phone.

"What else did the number send you?"

"Just the link, who's doing this stuff and why? What if they take one of us next?"

"Someone from my past.. don't worry about it, you just. I don't even know anymore"

"I can teach you to shoot a gun"

"What do you know about shooting a gun?"

"My mom taught me, she had this crazy ex that kept stalking her at her job. So she got us a gun"

He shrugged his shoulder as if a 14 year old having a gun is normal.

"What's your mom's name?"


Justine? The woman from the diner? But he said he came from Jersey not Baltimore..

"Wait.. she lives in Baltimore?"

"Yeah and she worked at a little diner, your probably wondering how I came from Jersey if she lived there. Well I use to live with her, but once the guy started stalking her again which was like a month ago. She sent me to Jersey for the weekend so she could handle some things. That weekend turned into a week, when she did come back she was in a rush, she taught me how to shoot and gave me a gun in case he came after me. She sent me to live with my dad but as you know he didn't show up"

I sat back completely shocked. Santana had started  stalking Justine aka Amy. So that means he found her after all those years she had been hiding. She never mentioned she had another child though.

"She never mentioned me because she didn't want anyone to know about me. I'm her last surviving child, I have a different dad than the other 3. My dad was no better though he ran off the chance he got"

Getting up I went into the kitchen and began reaching for my bottle of wine. I couldn't get it, I placed it a little too far back. I needed a drink, all this information has my mind spinning.

I finally grabbed it, but it slipped. The liquid poured out onto my kitchen floor. The wine was supposed to be white but instead it was a thick red color almost like blood. Between the broken glass was a piece of paper, I put on a thick rubber glove and picked it up.

Beautiful house you have, but nothing is more sexy than that pink lace night gown you had on last night.. your a heavy sleeper, how could you not feel my hands caressing your body, enticed by your amazing curves? Your little friend Julian is perfectly fine, for now. Maybe I'll let him go soon or maybe I'll kill him. Hahaha not sure just yet, keep checking the news and you'll find out soon! I love the highlights in your hair too. ;)

I stood frozen in my kitchen, this creep has been in my house and in my bedroom. This has to stop, but I don't know the first place to find out who's doing all of this.

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