Veggie Pizza

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*Leslie's P.O.V.*

The last few days have been too boring for my liking. Mia has been hanging out with her boyfriend, Abi got her job back and is nowhere to be found, Katerina has gone abroad with her parents, and Drake for some unknown reason has been ignoring me.

Since the day his boss caught us red nosed in the pizzeria, he seems to have regretted ever talking to me.  Every time I text him, either on Facebook or his phone, he magically appears offline and he just doesn't respond.

The only person who still remembers I am alive is Spencer. Not that I mind, but he seems to be enjoying my presence a lot lately.

The day before yesterday he called me and asked if I wanted to catch a movie with him. My dad was out with some friends so Spencer's offer sounded a lot better than staying at home alone. We ended up watching The Choice, inspired by a book of Nicholas Sparks, while eating more snacks than I do on my period.

And yesterday, as I was cooking some spaghetti Con Polo with my dad, he dropped by my house claiming he had left his keys in my purse. After proving him wrong, and as he was about to leave, my dad asked if he wanted to join us in our meal. Spencer didn't even think before turning back around and walking towards the kitchen. We ate together and the guys even played a round of basketball afterwards.

A knock came to my door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Leslie," my dad said, and his head popped through the small opening of the door. "Are you awake?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, taking my earbuds out of my ears and wrapping them around my phone.

"Guess who is back?" he wiggled his eyebrows. The door slightly opened, but I stopped him by waving my hands in the air frantically.

"Oh, gosh, Spencer! Don't let him come in! I'm in my pyjamas, darn it," I covered myself with my bed sheets.

"Who is Spencer?" a too-familiar voice said. A voice I hadn't heard for – what felt like – ages.

"Mum?!" I squealed, trying to get myself out of the mess I had created on my bed.

When I eventually got up I skipped over to her and jumped in for a hug.

"Wait right there, missy," she put a hand forward. "I want to know about that Spencer of yours."

"Mum! It's nothing serious. Spencer is just a friend. Come on, we will talk about that later without dad eavesdropping," I rolled my eyes at my dad's I-want-to-know-too expression.

After making us some brunch my mum came in the living room and sat down with me. She handed me a sandwich with Mediterranean fillings, a recipe she learnt in one of her business trips and took a bite of her own one.

"I'm listening," she stated with her mouth still full.

"I missed you too, mum," I joked. "Yes, everything was fine. Dad and I didn't have much trouble surviving without you," I said and ate some of my sandwich too.

"Ah, don't you play dumb to me! I don't care about that-"

"-Why thank you-"

"-I mean I want to know about that Spencer! It's been ages since you brought a guy in this house," she said with a sad smile on her lips.

"I told you, Spencer is only a friend, if that even," I shrugged. Right then, my mind went to the handsome delivery boy I had met not long ago; to the guy who had been ignoring me for whatever reason. My mood changed in seconds and I could feel my face fall. "I don't know, mum," I sighed.

"What is it, baby girl?" she took my spare hand in hers. "Is something bothering you?"

"I swear, mum, I don't even know..." I mumbled. "I think I like a boy, but I don't even know him that well. And the day we were to get to know each other, something happened and since then he has been ignoring me," I wiped my eye, as I felt a tear starting to form.

My mum came to sit closer to me, putting her sandwich on the coffee table. She took me in a big, warm hug, like the ones she used to give me when I was young. Whenever I was scared, hurt, even sick, she would give me a hug and everything would get better.

"Give him some time? This will sound weird, but you should always give time to the time. Whatever is going on will get better soon," she whispered in my ear, reassuringly. "If not, we will get over it together."

My lips turned into a small smile. "Where are you going for your next business trip?"

"Most probably somewhere in Europe," she nodded her head.

"If it's in Italy, I'm coming with you," I warned her. "The country of pizza," I said with an Italian accent. "I swear, that's the country I should be living in," I touched my heart dramatically.

"And then your dad calls me weird," my mum shook her head, laughing.

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