Supreme Pizza

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*Drake's P.O.V.*

Having lived in the same house with my grandma all my life, it is difficult for me to keep things from her. Then you'd say I live with my mum too, but it's not the same; my mum is not at home twenty-four hours a day.

What happened with Leslie is on my mind at least half the day. The other half I'm either sleeping, in the bathroom, or being watched by Spencer.

I still don't get why he is doing all of this. It's not like Leslie will love him for being a crazy stalker.

I hope at least.

I heard the familiar sound of my grandma's flip-flops coming closer and I quickly sat up on my bed.

"Did you get a day off from work today?" she came in my bedroom and sat down on an armchair near my desk.

"Nah," I shrugged. "There just have been many shift changes the past few days. I went to work while you were asleep at noon," I told her trying not to show my concern about her unusual sleeping schedule.

"Ah, I get it now..." she nodded understanding. "But you know what I don't get?" she quickly responded again.

"Why you are sleeping so much?"

"No- well that too, but no. I don't get why you have been acting so distant lately. You are in your room all day when you always used to keep me company in the living room, or even cooking something delicious in the kitchen. Boy, I tell you; I don't like this side of you," she shook her finger accusingly.

She was right. This wasn't like me. And to be honest, I don't like this side of me either.

Maybe I should forget about her and move on...

"Give me five minutes, and I promise to make it up to you," I swung my feet to the ground and made my way towards my closet. "Call mum and tell her we are going out."

*Leslie's P.O.V.*

"I told you, Spencer, I am not in the mood!" I groaned for the millionth time this evening.

"Come on! As if you have better things to do at home," he rolled his eyes. "Even your parents want you to go out with me. Your mum just came back. Leave the poor lovers alone," he wiggled his eyebrows.

Gosh, that was disgusting.

"I'm bored to even get up and find an outfit," I fake-cried in my pillow.

Spencer threw his hands in the air and started walking towards my closet. Once opening it, he turned around and gave me a questioning look.

"What?" I replied with attitude.

He just turned back towards my closet and muttered something that sounded like, "And then they say boys are messy."

Running his fingers through his hair, he bent down and opened up a drawer that stored my crop tops and some of my shorts. Taking his time, he ended up throwing at me a cherry red crop top and a pair of high-waisted washed-out jeans.

"Where are we even going?" I whined, being once again the annoying little brat of the room.

"Can't you just trust me?" was all he said before leaving me to put my clothes on.

I felt my stomach twist and turn once I saw my reflection on the mirror.

I don't like summer. I eat more than I think I do. And the downside of it is that it shows. In winter I can at least cover it up wearing my baggy sweatshirts.

The mirror got crowded as Spencer came to stand behind me. I could feel his breath flutter on the back of my neck. He tilted his head to the side and locked his thirsty lips.

"Are you ready?" he wrapped his arms around my waist, making my stomach shift uneasily.

"Spencer, please don't do this," I shook my head and tried to make my way out of his hold.

And surprisingly enough, he didn't take long to get the message. After I had put on the rest of the essentials, we got in his car and started driving towards the other side of the town.

Even though I tried so hard, I couldn't keep my mind off of what had happened back in my room. I know I don't feel something for Spencer more than being his friend, but what if he does? I don't want to hurt his feelings.

"If you could try any cuisine right now, what would it be?" he spoke up, braking me out of my trance.

"What options do I have?"

"Anything," he shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't know? I've never tried Greek food, but I would also go for a French dessert right no- ouch!" I winced in pain as my head bumped forcefully on the seat once the car came to a stop.

"Well, good thing you can have both in here."

Spencer got out of the car, commanding me not to do the same. He came to my side and opened the door for me, something that would have been cute if I actually felt anything romantic about him.

We walked towards the restaurant, and I could see his hand trying to reach mine. I started taking bigger steps and thankfully got in the place before he could achieve his goal.

Should I be feeling bad about this?

The sight I came across in the restaurant was beautiful. Now I know why Spencer was asking about the cuisine I wanted to taste tonight. The restaurant was plane-themed and the menu was filled with foods from all around the world.

"Table for two, please," Drake said.

Wait, who?

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