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Narrator's POV

It was a normal day in Magnolia. People bustled about,
completing their every day tasks. The famous guild Fairytail was
slowly filling up with its members as everyone prepared to
complete their missions. Including one bubbly bluenette, whos
only mission was to win the heart of her one true love.

Juvia's POV [she talks in third person but thinks in first;)]

I awoke happy as ever! The sun shone brightly today, a reminder of my Gray-sama. I pulled on my usual navy blue long-sleeved dress that went down to my shins and separated near my hips, exposing my the thighs to show my fairytail emblem. This dress was also a reminder of my beloved Gray, for he always sees me wearing this. I then made my bed, many cute lil' Gray-sama dolls as reminders of Gray-sama. I pulled on my boots, a small smudge on the toe, another reminder of Gray-sama from when he stepped on my foot yesterday. Everything reminded me of Gray-sama. Even my own life was a reminder of his kind heart saving me even though we were supposed to be enemies. I felt my cheeks heat up as I daydreamed about the first time I laid my eyes on him.
"Ahhh Juvia loves Gray-sama," I sighed to myself.
I looked at my clock, it was time to go! I must have been zoning out again...
I ran out the door of my room, quickly kissing mini Gray-sama on the cheek. I ran down the stairs and out the door of FairyHills. I skipped down the sidewalk, excited to see my beloved. My face began to blush as I fantasized a conversation with him.
"Oh Gray-sama, Juvia loves you!"
"I love you too Juiva! Let's get married!"
"Yes! Yes Gray-sama! But let Juvia tell you why she loves you first. Gray-sama, Juvia thinks that you have the kindest heart!"
Smack! Oof.
I felt pain spread through my face as I landed roughly on my bottom. I looked up, seeing somebody's back to me. "Oh Juvia is so sorry! Juiva wasn't paying attention," I explained apologetically, standing up and brushing off the back of my dress.
"That's quite alright Juvia," a scarlet haired women replied, "Just pay attention where you are going next time." Erza smiled, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Oh yes of course Erza-san. Juvia just got lost thinking about..." I felt my cheeks flush as I thought about marrying Gray-sama.

Erza's POV

I could tell by the way she was blushing and the nervous nibbling on her bottom lip that Juvia was thinking about Gray. "Lemme guess.. You were thinking bout Gray?" I inquired, wanting to prove my suspicions. Juvia's face became more red as she quickly nodded her head, a slow grin spreading across her face. I smiled. They were so cute together..
"Well do you plan to do something about it?" I asked, nudging her with my elbow. She looked down at her feet nervously, her hands clenched behind her back. "Well... Juvia wants to tell Gray-sama she loves him," She said, the toe of her boot twisting in the dirt. "Don't you tell him that everyday? What makes today any different?" I chuckled, confused with her sudden shyness.
"Well today is gonna be different from all the other times Juvia has confessed her love because Juvia is gonna explain why she loves Gray-sama!" Juvia replied, a determined twinkle in her eye.
"Awe how adorable. I'm sure he'll be thankful to have such a beautiful and devoted girl like you," I assured, grinning and giving her a thumbs up. "Juvia hopes you're right Erza-san," Juvia mumbles and then became flustered. "Wait no, Erza-san IS right! Juvia can do this! Gray-sama will be happy! So Juvia will be happy! And then Gray-sama will confess his feelings for Juvia!" She reassured herself excitedly. "That's the spirit! Now go in there and make the popsicle melt!" I cheered, giving her a small shove towards the guild hall doors.

Narrator's POV

Juvia clenched her fists and lifted her chin up high as she walked into the guild, ready to win Gray over. Little did she know, that today was not the best day for such plans.

(What do you think so far? Kinda boring right? Well don't worry it'll get better;) next chapter will be confessing to Gray and let's just say that.... WAIT NO SPOILERS! READ AND FIND OUT YOURSELF! FYI I DO NOT OWN FAIRYTAIL, IT BELONGS TO HIRO MASHIMA. GOD BLESS THAT MAN FOR THIS AMAZING ANIME AND MANGA❤)

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