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Natsu's POV

I hear the guild doors open. I see a familiar blonde walk in and popsicle's stalker close beside her. I have to admit, Juvia looked nice today. Not saying that I like her, BECAUSE I DEFINITELY DON'T. My heart belongs to one celestial wizard, and that wizard only. I sneak a glance at ice princess. He stared up and down Juvia, a nervous bead of sweat appearing on his forehead.
I grin. This is going to be interesting.
"Hey Luce!! Over here!" I call out to my best friend. She spots me and grabs Juvia's hand, pulling her with. I lock eyes with Lucy and then point at Gray with my eyes. She glances at him and then back at me, a devious twinkle in her eyes. "Oh!" I mouth to her and she grins from ear to ear. I felt my heartbeat quicken as the tips of my ears heat up. "You liiiiiike her!" Happy purred in my ear. "Shut up catnip," I snap, crossing my arms. He giggles as he rests on the top of my head.

Gray's POV

..............not bad. Not bad at all...
I sat on a barstool, admiring Juvia. She looked mighty fine in that dress. I couldn't help it, my eyes just kept drifting along her curves. I notice Lucy glancing at me quickly and then looking back at pyro, a mischievous grin on her face. Lucy and Juvia sit with Natsu and Happy. I see Lucy nudge Juvia slightly with her elbow as Juvia looks up and meets my eyes.
Damn! I'm busted. I gulp and quickly look away, desperately trying to hide the rosiness creeping up on my cheeks.

Juvia's POV

I saw it, that slight blush on Gray-sama's face. He'd tried to hide it, but nothing about him gets past me. I smile slightly to myself and reenter Natsu-san and Lucy-chan's conversation. "So the plan is, to make Gray jealous of Lyon and Juvia at the carnival," Lucy-chan informed with a hushed tone. "Sounds good. He's already been seeing what he's missin' out on," Natsu-san replied, winking at me. I blush slightly in embarrassment.
"Natsu-san, are you sure Gray-sama will be jealous of Juvia and Lyon-san?" I asked, my voice dripping with doubt. To be honest, I was nervous, EXTREMELY nervous. I felt my palms start to sweat at just the thought of Gray-sama.
*Gray-sama sneaking around in the bushes*
"Oh my beloved Juvie, marry me?" Lyon-san asked, down on one knee. "Oh Lyon-san, I can not. My heart belongs to another!" I cried dramatically. "That's right!" *Gray-sama jumps out of the bushes* "She belongs with me!" "Oh Gray-sama!" "You're right Gray, I can't compete with the power of your guys' love. Oh my heart!" Lyon-san says, tears pooling down his face at the beauty of our love.
*Gray-sama takes my hand.* "Juvia let's get married and have 36 babies!" "Oh yes Gray-sama! The more the marrier!"
"Juvia are you listening? Juvia? Juvia!"
"Huh!?" I quickly snap out of my daze, my cheeks pink from my wonderful fantasy. "I said Lyon is here!" Lucy-chan squealed silently. She grabs my head softly with her hands and turns it towards the door. Just as she said, the white haired ice mage entered the guild. "Heyo Lyon!" Natsu called, waving his hand.

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