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Juvia's POV

I stared at myself in the mirror. I hardly recognized myself. "Lucy-chan, are you sure Juvia looks...ok?" I asked, eyeing the cleavage ready to burst from my tight dress. "Hmm well it does look a lil' tight. You wanna try something else?" Lucy-chan replied. I nod my head quickly, stripping off the extremely revealing dress.

Last night, I had spent the night here, at Lucy-chan's apartment. We talked about boys and how her and Natsu first met, aw SO cute. I told her how I met Gray-sama and she just stared at me with amazement. "Wow it was love at first sight? Well you must be destined for each other! He frickin' saved your life and made you a good guy!" I remember her saying. I've been thinking about that a lot. Were me and my beloved Gray-sama destined?

"Hey! Earth to Juvia! You there?" I hear Lucy-chan saying, snapping me out of my daze. "Hmm?" I said, turning my attention to Lucy-chan. "I said how is this one?" She repeated. The dress was navy blue with missing places of fabric near the sides, exposing the sides of my stomach. The dress was a V-neck and ended at my knees. It wasn't as tight as the others and poofed out near the bottom. I really liked the medium sleeves that start out tight and then hang off the arm near the end. Since this dress was probably going to be the loosest it gets, I decide to try it on.

I slip it over my head and stare at myself in the mirror. "O-M-G! You have to wear this one!" Lucy-chan squealed, happily clapping her hands, "It fits you perfect!" "Hmm Juvia doesn't know..." "Nope! You're wearing this one!" I sigh, but am secretly happy I'm finally, "approved."
"Fine, Juvia will wear this one," I reply, sliding on my brown boots. I reach for my hat, but Lucy-chan takes it. "Let's leave your hair down today," she suggested. I shrug my shoulders and start walking to the door. I see Lucy-chan smile excitedly as she skips to her apartment door. We leave and began walking down the sidewalk leading to the guild.

On our way, several men whistled to me, or gave me a perverted smile, I became uneasy, regretting my dress choice.

Lucy's POV

I notice that Juvia is becoming uncomfortable. I give the death glare to the guy next to us staring hugrily at her curves. Just as I thought she would wanna turn back, she sighed and lifted her head up to face me.
"Lucy-chan? How are we suppose to make Gray-sama jealous?" She asks, nervousness on her face.
"Well let's say while you were sleeping, I wrote a letter to special member in Lamia Scale," I replied deviously, a triumphant grin spreading on my face, "I informed him about the carnival tomorrow, and suggested that It'd be nice to catch up with Gray. Little does Lyon know, it was really to get him here to see you. That boy already loves you, he'll definitely ask you out on a date when he sees you in this dress!"
"And this makes Gray-sama jealous how?"
Is it really not clicking for her?
"Come on Juvia, Gray's biggest fan going on a date with one of his greatest rivals? Don't you remember the Grand Magic Games? Gray was always pulling you away from Lyon. I'm thinking he wanted you all to himself," I explained.
I remember how bothered Gray was. He saw that Juvia was slightly tempted to leave him and became defensive. Erza also told me her and Gray's conversation. He's definitely thinking about giving Juvia a straight answer, that's for sure.
"What if Gray-sama doesn't care? What if he doesn't want Juvia?" Juvia sniffed, reminding me that we were still having a conversation. "Don't worry. It'll be fine, trust me. Now the carnival is tomorrow, I bet Lyon is gonna ask you to go with him.. And your going to....?" I imply, waiting for her answer.
"Ask... Gray-sama...?" Juvia says, confused. I smack my forehead.
"No! You're going to say yes!" I remind her. "Oh right. Juvia knew that!" She scolds to herself. I see the nervousness in her eyes.

We arrive at the guild, she's very hesitant to knock on the door. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey," she looks at me her face with a nervous frown, "you got this, ok? Just don't talk to Gray.., unless he talks to you first and when Lyon comes and asks you to the carnival say...?" "Juvia will say yes!" She answers confidently. She puts on a determined smile as she pushes open the guild doors.

"Thank you Lucy-chan," she whispers, and then walks into the roudy guild. I smile to myself, knowing that I'm gonna make them together happily, even if I have to knock some sense into that oblivious ice mage. If only I could do something about my own love life... I wonder as I walk into the guild and spot a certain salmon haired boy rejoicing that I finally arrived.

(So good? Bad? A Lil' bit of both? Haha guardians of the galaxy reference<3 anyways... Juvia is so nervous! But shes got this even if she has to ignore Gray for little while. Bwahaha! Hey I know this is a gruvia fanfic, but u gotta love the Nalu. Next chapter Lyon will arrive, I promise it won't be such a short chapter like this one! I just wanted to make a Lil more suspenseful lol. Ooo LA LA. Prepare for jealousy to contaminate your soul mister fullbuster *inserted evil laugh* thanks for all the reads and comments guys! Sorry for not updating in awhile I swear I'll be more often! FYI I DO NOT OWN FAIRYTAIL, IT BELONGS TO HIRO MASHIMA. GOD BLESS THAT MAN FOR THIS AMAZING ANIME AND MANGA❤)

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