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Gray's POV

The guild was somewhat quiet when Juvia left. I had no one harassing me, no one making food with my face on it, no one saying they love me and then crying because I don't feel the same...
Usually, I would have appreciated the silence but now that I know she's on a date with Lyon... And the fact that she's the one who asked him.... I can't help but feel betrayed.
I thought she loved me.. Did I really hurt her that bad yesterday? I mean, I've done worse right?
Wait... Does this mean she's just finally ready to move on?! No more Juvia fan squad?!!
I should be happy, I'm trying to tell myself that this is for the best... But then why do I feel.. So empty? And alone? So...so...JEALOUS?
My eyes widen at my own thought. I am jealous! But why? I've never appreciated her before, or really enjoyed her company all that much... So why would I feel jealous now that she's leaving?
Wait no, it's not that she's leaving me, it's BECAUSE SHE IS LEAVING ME! I thought I had her wrapped so tight around my finger, that'd she would never leave no matter what I did, no matter how bad I messed up, she would always be right there for me..
And now she's there for Lyon...
I'LL..I'll..get her back.. NO I HAVE TO GET HER BACK!

Lucy's POV

I watch Gray from afar in my usual booth. He seems very conflicted. Wonderful. My plan is working perfectly.
I feel kinda bad for making him go through pain to realize his feelings but hey... It's in the name of true love, right? Like Juvia and Gray are meant to be, they are the only true pairing.
I see Gray scowl deeply but then his eyes widen big. His hand is clenched around the glass roughly, slightly shaking.
Yes perfect.. Keep thinking Mister Fullbuster, fight for her! I cheered mentally to him.
His eyes close and then he stands up abruptly. I hear him mumble something under his breath... I think it's on the lines of, "Juvia is wack?" No no that can't be right. "I wanna buy a shack?" No, that's not it... AH! He said, "I have to get her back!" Yes yes that's it, definitely!
He begins walking towards the guild hall doors.
"Oi Gray wanna tumble?" Natsu asked, cracking his knuckles.
"I have better things to do then baby sit you, pyro," Gray replied darkly as he opened the door and ran out.
Natsu looks shocked at first and then slumps in his chair pouting.
I walk up to him.
His face instantly lights up when he sees me. I feel a blush coming on.. No fight it Lucy!
I take a deep breath and then lean in close to Natsu. "Wanna stake out Lyon and Juvia's date?" I whispered in his ear excitedly. "You know it!" He exclaimed eagerly. "Shh!" I shush him, my hand flying over his mouth. "Oh raght. Soorii Lushee," he muffles out behind my hand. I smile and then walk to guild doors as well, the fire dragon slayer right beside me.


Juvia's POV

I sit down in my seat, Lyon-san across from me. The waitress had just brought my salad and Lyon-san his sandwich. She also placed down two ice waters and a small basket with two rolls in it.
We had walked down to a small Café after we left the guild. There was a small kitchen that you ordered the food from and then sets of tables and seats around it. The kitchen was the only indoor part of the Cafe the seats and tables were all outdoor, which I didn't mind since the weather was quite nice today.
I notice Lyon-san staring at me out of the corner of my eye. He was leaning on his elbow, watching me with admiring eyes. He smiled softly.

Lyon's POV

She was beautiful. Graceful. Elegant. Absolute perfection. I couldn't help but stare at her.
She seemed so peaceful as she stared up at the sky, a far away look in her dark eyes.
Oh those eyes, I could get lost in those eyes. They were like never ending holes of emotion, that once I look in, I feel like I'm falling, getting lost.. I smile.
If only she was mine... I would make her feel like royalty.
I notice her back stiffen as her focus on the sky comes crashing back down to reality.
She stared at something behind my head, her eyes immediately lighting up.

Juvia's POV

As I stared up at the sky, I felt a familiar chilly breeze.
I came crashing down from my daydream as I noticed a raven haired boy walking behind Lyon-san. I look closer at his face.


(Sorry this chapter was short and boring... Ugh I didn't like it :/ anyways leave some feedback! Next chapter will mostly be from Natsu and Lucy's point of view as they stalk Lyon and Juvia<3. I'll also have Gray listening to them too. FYI I DO NOT OWN FAIRYTAIL, IT BELONGS TO HIRO MASHIMA. GOD BLESS THAT MAN FOR THIS AMAZING ANIME AND MANGA❤:))))

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