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Natsu's POV

"O-M-G Natsu, look!" Luce whispered excitedly.
"Lemme guess, Juvia blinked? Ugh I thought this was gonna be much more interesting," I complained in reply.
I slouched closer towards the ground, my hands behind my head.
Me and Lucy have been watching Ice Pop's stalker and rival for 10 minutes straight, and what have they done? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! This whole time, Juvia has just sat there looking up at the sky daydreaming while Lyon has stared at her creepily!
"Luce, can we just.." A sudden breeze interrupted me as a new scent filled my nose.
I know that scent...
I sniffed the air more seriously. Then the scent dawned on me.
I grin. So he did come.
I sit up and peek over the bushes scanning the area, looking for him.
Luce pats my upper arm and points at something in the distance. My eyes follow her finger. Then I see him, just as my Dragonslayer sniffer suspected.
He was standing in line behind Lyon and Juvia's table, ordering something from the kitchen.
"Well I guess we could stay a little longer," I whisper eagerly, smiling at Lucy. She rolls her eyes, but then smiles back.

Lucy's POV

OMG that's Gray! He showed up! Yes!! My ship will happen!
Oh god, I sound like Mirajane.

Gray's POV

I finally found them at the Café near the edge of Magnolia. As soon as I saw her blue hair, I started running towards her. As I was closing in, then I remembered why she left the guild earlier today. I saw his spiky white hair. I remembered that she was on a date, with him.
I halted, and casually walked up to the center kitchen booth. I pretended not to notice them as I ordered a vanilla ice-cream, my favorite, and sat down at a table on the other side of the Café's sitting area.
I felt as if I was being watched. I glanced around and noticed Juvia quickly looking away from me. I smirked.
So she does know I'm here.
But although, Juvia looked away, the feeling of being watched did not subside. I shrugged and uncomfortably licked my ice-cream.

Natsu's POV

Ugh ice-cream...
Yummy, sweet ice-cream...
Hungry. So hungry..

Lucy's POV

I noticed that Gray sat down further away then I wanted. He seems to be extremely focused on enjoying his ice-cream.
I look over and see Natsu drooling and licking his lips as he stares hungrily at Gray's ice-cream.
"Come on Natsu, you can't possibly be hungry. You just ate not even 20 minutes ago!" I silently scolded him. "But I am Luce. I really am. Ah even ice-cream sounds good right now," Natsu whined.
"Well we can't get you anything, we'll blow our cover!" I replied. His stomach growled extremely loud in protest. I grabbed Natsu's ear and pulled him down to the ground behind the bush.
"Ow Luce! What was that for!" Natsu whined.
"Shh!" I hissed, "they'll hear you!"

Juvia's POV

"Did you hear that?" I asked, confused. "Yeah," Lyon-san replied, "it kinda sounded like the growl of an animal."
"Or Natsu-san's stomach," I chuckle. Lyon-san laughed.

Lucy's POV

Natsu shrinks back as I give him the death glare.
That was a close one... Natsu's so gonna get it later!

Juvia's POV

I felt like the humor helped 'break the ice.' I didn't feel so awkward anymore and found it easier to actually make eye contact with Lyon-san.
That was until I felt Gray-sama giving me the death stare...

Gray's POV

Did she just make a joke? Did they laugh?!

Lyon's POV

She's so cute when she laughs. I want to make her laugh again, but one question has remained unanswered...
"So my darling Juvie, what made you decide to go on a date. With me..Today?" I asked hesitantly.

Gray's POV

My ears instantly perked up at Lyon's question.
Finally, some answers!
I smirk to myself. That idiot Lyon still doesn't know I'm here..

Lyon's POV

"Why? Did you not want to go with Juvia?" She replied, looking down at her lap.
"No, of course I wanted to go to lunch with you, my darling, it's just most of the time I'm the one to ask you, and you always reject... me..for... Gray," I ramble, all my worries coming out at once.
"Well uh, Juvia was hungry," she mumbled nervously, not meeting my eyes.
"Was that the only reason...?" I asked, my eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Juvie pursed her lips as she met my eyes, a nervous bead of sweat appearing on her forehead.

Juvia's POV

Uh oh.. what to do, what to do?

Lucy's POV

"Was that the only reason...?" I hear Lyon ask, his voice dripping with suspicion.
Juvia's starting to get nervous! She can't handle the interrogation.. she doesn't know what to say! Oh no, and Gray's right there listening.. I need to help her!
"Natsu, we have to do something!" I cried quietly into his ear.
"Yeah I know, she's dying out there. But what could we do Luce? We can't let them know we're spying, then Gray and Lyon will know something is up," Natsu replied, his concerned eyes not leaving mine.
To be honest, I'm surprised with how un-oblivious Natsu is acting right now. He took the words right out of my mouth and knew exactly the consequences of taking action right now, something Natsu never even thinks twice about.
"You're right..." I sigh, "but if we don't do something, she's toast.."
"Mmm toast," Natsu mumbled, licking his lips.
Back to normal old Natsu...
"Come on Natsu, focus!" I scolded angrily.
"Sorry Luce but maybe if I wasn't so hungry, I'd be able to focus better! Besides, Juvia has to handle this herself. She's my friend and all, but we're not always gonna be there to help her with her problems." "Ugh I know, I know. I just don't want her to ruin the plan.. I worked hard on making these steps happen," I huff, my cheeks puffing out.
Natsu smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders, causing me to blush. "Hey it'll be fine, Juvia's got this," he reassured, putting on his signature grin.
"I hope you're right," I mumbled in reply as we looked back over the bushes to listen.

(Phew! 1053 words and ending on a cliffhanger.. sorry but don't kill me yet, I needa finish this book first lmao. Leave some feedback in the comments, I love to hear your guy's opinions! Anyways Happy Fourth of July and FYI I DO NOT OWN FAIRYTAIL IT BELONGS TO HIRO MASHIMA. GOD BLESS THAT MAN FOR THIS AMAZING MANGA, ANIME, AND FANDOM ❣❣)

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