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(Omg you guys are too sweet!😭😭 I was up till 4:30 am just reading all of ur comments and spamming with replies like I seriously should have been sleeping... But oh well, I couldn't help myself! Your guy's reactions are so funny and most of the time relatable😂 idk what I would do without any of u so thank you thank you, y'all my sweet potatoes❤❤
Anyways... Back to the story!)

Juvia's POV

"Would you like to go on that ride Blue-belle?" Lyon-sama asked, pointing towards some large swings that spun around in circles.
I groaned at the new nickname.
"Sure Lyon-sama. Juvia likes swings. They make Juvia feel like she's flying," I reply with a slight giggle at my childish answer.
He smiled as he glanced back at me, a slight blush on his cheeks.

Lyon's POV

Oh that giggle's gonna be the death of me..

Juvia's POV

Lyon-sama and I have been walking around the carnival for about an hour now. We went on the carousel.. Twice, and then Lyon-sama tried winning a teddy bear for me in a dart game.
Of course, he lost and became very, VERY flustered.. Causing him to storm off with me in tow.
He bought me cotten candy to make up for the lost bear I so desired. It was a light shade of blue with a white heart around its eye. There was a silk pink ribbon tied in a bow around it's neck and a raindrop-shaped white spot on its stomach.

Juvia really wanted that bear...

I decided to shrug off the disappointment though because I realized how hard Lyon-sama tried to win it for me.

He really does care for Juvia... Unlike some other ice mages...
Juvia feels bad for using Lyon-sama..

"Uh Lyon-sama?" I said, a hint of apprehension in my voice.
I was going to tell him.. He had a right to know after all...

Please forgive Juvia.

"Yes my darling Blue-belle~?" he cooed, glancing behind himself at me with a radiant smile.

"Well uh.. Um.. Uh.. You see.. Ju-..uh Lu-.." I stuttered frantically, not knowing how to put him down easily.

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