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Juvia's POV

"Why can't I go with you?"

"Because Gajeel-kun asked Juvia to go with him and he might get mad if Juvia brings more members," I explained for the third time to a frustrated Gray-sama.

"But still, you're going to be gone for a week.. what if something happens? What if he can't protect you? What if I never get to see yo.." "Juvia will be fine! Gajeel-kun is very strong! He's a Dragonslayer! Juvia wouldn't trust anyone else more with her life," I smile reassuringly but I see him frown, "Well.. other than you of course."

"Okay but.." he looks me in the eyes longingly as he mumbles, "I'm still gonna miss you."

I felt my heart melt as I crashed my lips into his.

He was startled at first but then wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and melted into the kiss, as if he never wanted to let me go.

I hear an annoyed fake cough from behind me. Gray-sama and I quickly pull away, our faces bright red.

"Well now that you two are done, can we get going rain women?" Gajeel grumbled, an irritated scowl on his face.

"No we're not done. Five more minutes please?" Gray-sama growled at him, trying to make it sound nicer by adding please.
It didn't work.

"YOU SAID THAT FIVE MINUTES AGO!" Gajeel-kun exclaimed angrily, "I wanna go now before it's too late in the day!"

"Just hold on. Just because Levy-san didn't give you a good bye kiss doesn't mean you need to ruin Juvia's moment with her beloved," I replied sweetly, smirking at my Levy-san comment.

Gajeel-kun's face turned bright red as he stomped away, quickly muttering fine.

I look up at Gray-sama and see him smiling down at me.
"I love you," I whispered into his chest as we hugged tightly. I was shocked that I didn't speak in third-person, it just came out of me naturally.

"I-I love you too," he stuttered out, a slow blush creeping up on his face.
Just then I heard the train whistle blow, a five minute warning before the train leaves.

"Well Juvia should get going, goodbye Gray-sama!" I chirped, trying to sound happy even though I was sad to leave him for a week.

"Bye! Be safe!" He called out to me as I got on the train next to Gajeel-kun.

The train started to move and I waved at Gray-sama through the window. His arms crossed as he smiled.

"You guys are so gross..." Gajeel-kun muttered to himself, hoping I couldn't hear.

But I did.

"Ouch Rain woman!"


Gray-sama and I have been dating for three months now. At my show during the carnival, he handed me a teddy bear with a note attached and then walked off.

I was confused at first, but then found myself squeezing the life out of the teddy bear, knowing Gray-sama must have won the one I wanted for me.
The note said to meet him in the park tomorrow morning.

So I did. I went to the park, and found him sitting on a bench staring out at the lake. I sat down next to him.

"G-Gray-sama? You wanted to see Juvia?" I asked.

He sighed as he turned towards me and took my hands.

"J-Juvia.. I love you and I know now that I always have but just wasn't sure what that warm fuzzy feeling in my heart was.. I know that I'm a real jerk to you sometimes and I understand if you don't like.."

"Juvia has and always will love you Gray-sama," I replied, happy tears welling in my eyes as I smiled.
He explained no more. He crashed his lips into mine, a passionate kiss that made my heart flutter far out of my chest.

We stayed like that, lips interlocked, before parting for air.
We both breathed heavily, our cheeks red, and lips swollen.

"Since it started with a priceless gift.. I thought that maybe you'd like another..?" Gray-sama suggested, a small smirk on his lips.

"And what is that?" I asked, my head tilting to the side.

He smiled. "Juvia Lockser, will you be my girlfriend?"


Time skip: one week, Juvia and Gajeel's train arriving back in Magnolia

Still Juvia's POV

I exited the train happily, excited to see my guild members and Gray-sama. I grabbed my single small bag and slung it over my shoulder.

"Let's go Gajeel-kun! You don't wanna keep Levy-san waiting!" I called out teasingly.

"Damn you Rain Woman," he muttered before joining me off the train.

I started to hum my favorite tune.

"Hmm hmm hmm~" I sang, smiling widely as my excitement to see him became almost unbearable.

"Juvia, Juvia, Juvia~" I heard a male voice hum behind me.

"Gray, Gray, Gray,~" I sung in response.

"Marry, Marry...me?"

I stopped mid-step.
Did I hear that correctly?

I turned around slowly, and my biggest hope came true.

There he was, down on one knee. His hands held up a small opened box with a sapphire ring.

My hand flew up to my mouth as tears of joy rolled down my cheeks.

"Well? You gonna keep the poor guy waitin'?" Gajeel-kun said, crossing his arms.

I glared at him before exclaiming yes and running into Gray-sama's arms.
"I love you," he said, kissing me softly on the lips.
"Ju-I love you too."

He hugged me tight as I slipped the ring on my finger.

Once again, this man has given me a gift.. a gift of love, of happiness, of endless devotion...

A gift no money could buy~

The End

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