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Lucy's POV

"Lucy-chan what are you doing here this late?" An exhausted Juvia asked me has she slumped down onto the sofa.
She was wiped, dark circles under her eyes.
Has she not been sleeping well? Is it because of... My plan?

"I needed to talk to you about something important," a said sternly, my arms crossed as I angrily thought about what that idiot did... I felt my blood sizzle in frustration.
"Bout what? Wait..." Juvia's eyes narrowed as she glanced between the angry me and the nervous Natsu.
Natsu wouldn't look us in the eyes as he pouted on the floor.
Juvia bent down next to him, forcing him to face her.
I felt my jaw clench at how close their faces were.
No no Lucy they're just friends.
Juvia looked him in the eyes.
"Natsu-san, What. Did. You. Do?" She said seriously, taking a pause between each word for affect.

Natsu's POV

A felt a nervous bead of sweat trickle down the side of my head as I sighed and looked at the ground.
"I didn't do nothen," I mumbled, not daring to look at Lucy.
"Don't act so innocent," Luce snarled, "Why don't you tell her where you were tonight, Natsu, hmm?" "Natsu-san?" Juvia arched an eyebrow.
"I didn't go anywhere," I tried to defend but Lucy quickly interjected. "I saw him leaving Gray's house!"
"Natsu-san, is this true?" Water girl asked, her eyes widening.
I grimace and slowly nod my head, adverting her gaze.
"Tell Juvia exactly what happened," Juvia said in a serious tone. I sigh.
"Well it all started around 7 o'clock..."

*Flashback Gray's house 7pm*

Gray's POV

"Natsu?" I asked, completely surprised from my unusual visitor.
Me and flame brain have always been rivals and never got along that well, but we are still tight, infact, he probably knows me better than anyone.
So when Natsu comes to my house, at night, uninvited, with a serious look on his face, I knew something was up.
"Can we uh.." gesturing towards the door, he was implying that he'd wanted to take the conversation inside.
"Yeah sure," I mumbled stepping aside. Natsu walked past me and collapsed down on my white couch.
"If you just came here to invade my house Pyro..." I warned while glaring at him.
He sighed, opening his eyes. "Chill princess, I just came to talk," he replied nonchalantly. I crossed my arms, not realizing that my shirt was off somewhere.
"About what?" I asked, arching my eyebrow.
He sat up on the couch, leaning forward so his elbows rested on his thighs. His hands rubbed his face as he looked me in the eyes.
"Why were you there today," he asked suspiciously. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied nervously.
Is he talking bout the date?
"I think you do know," he said, his eyebrows raising in a 'you seriously gonna play dumb' face.
I sighed. "I was at a lot of places today flame brain," I replied innocently, narrowing my eyes at him.
"Yeah well, although this is may be true, I know for a fact that you were eavesdropping on someone else's business," he rose an accusing eyebrow, " more like two people's love life to be exact."

Natsu's POV

He looked away as his jaw clenched. He seemed nervous and a slight blush was apparent on his cheeks.
"Well uh... Maybe I was... But how would you know that?"

Gray's POV

For the first time since he arrived, pyro's cool demeanor wavered. His eyes widened and a nervous bead of sweat dotted his forehead.
Got ya.
"Unless, you were there too...?!" I accused back, my arms uncrossing and pointing a finger at him.
He stood up, running a hand through his messy salmon hair. He swiped my finger away as he nervously said, "Ah ok, you caught me... But don't tell Lucy I told you!" He pleaded, down on his knees in a begging manner.
"Wait.. so she was there too!?" I exclaimed.
Who else was watching Juvia and Lyon?
Natsu instantly cringed at my statement. "I.. uh.. I.. n-never said t-that," he stuttered, his hand waving in front of his face in a 'whatever' motion. He seemed even more nervous than before, if that was even possible.
"Really?" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and raising an eyebrow. "I wasn't born yesterday flame brain, even someone as oblivious as you could tell you're lying." I stated irritably.
Natsu was now bowing down to me, kissing my bare toe. "PLEASE DON'T TELL LUCY! PLEASE! OH MERCIFUL ICE QUEEN, HAVE PITY ON MY SOUL!" He begged and pleaded, trying anything he can to get me to not tell Lucy.
"Well you did say plea....WAIT DID YOU CALL ME ICE QUEEN?!" I exclaimed angrily, finding it ironic that I was described as merciful.
He jumped back at my sudden outburst and his eyes filled with horror, probably imagining what Lucy would do to him.
"Ok ok fine, I won't tell," I sighed, sitting the couch. Natsu let out a long breath in relief as he sat next to me.
"Well anyways.. that's not what I came here to talk about," Natsu said, his face once again taking its serious expression.
"So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked, a hint of nervousness exposed in my voice.

Natsu's POV

"I wanna know why you were there today," I asked seriously, looking him in the eyes. I could sense the uneasiness coming off of him in waves. He looked away, his mouth turning down in a nervous frown.
"Well uh... You see... I.. was h-hungry, and.. and.. they happened to be.. where I.. I get m-my ice-cream," he rambled in innocence.
The fact that he was trying to avoid and dodge how he's feeling right now was really ticking me off.
"Stop giving me that bull crap Gray!" I yelled angrily.
Gray looked stunned at first but quickly recovered, his eyes narrowing at me.
"Why can't you just admit that you were jealous? Why can't you admit that you are scared that she's finally moving on? Wh-why can't you admit that you care?! Because even someone as oblivious as me can see that you do" I stammered, my temper bursting the more I moved my mouth.
"You pretend that those feelings aren't there, that you could care less if she existed," I see him wince, giving me motivation to continue," but you know that without her, life... Wouldn't be the same.."
I felt a stab at my heart, remembering how I felt when I left Lucy. I couldn't get her out of my head and no matter what I did to push the sad feelings away, she would always be the first thing I thought of when I woke up in the morning. Always reminding me that I left her. Guilt, oh the guilt killed me..
"You know that deep down you wanna make her smile, to see her happy, to hear her laugh. You know she means the world to you, no matter how hard your mind trys to tell your heart otherwise. Why can't you just admit that...you love her?"
I finally felt my temper simmer down as I finished with that question.
I let that question hang there, an intense silence following. Gray stared at the ground, his hair covering his eyes.
"Get. Out," he growled.
After everything I just said... He replies... With that?
"What?" I asked, stunned.
"I said GET OUT!" He exclaimed angrily, his face still hidden from view.
"I see.." I muttered, standing up, "I'll let myself out..."
I walk over to the door and open it. I glance back at him and see a tear escape from his hidden eyes, rolling down his cheek.
"Good luck Gray," I mumbled as I pulled the door close behind me.

*End of Flashback, now at Juvia's house, 9:15pm*

Lucy's POV

"Wow Natsu... I honestly don't know if I should be mad with you or not... I never knew you were so.. so.. poetic," I awed, my cheeks with a splash of pink on them.
Natsu's hand rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.
"Ya I'm really sorry Luce for confessing that we were watching them, I honestly didn't plan on saying anything bout it. I'm also sorry Juvia for talking to Gray bout something that is none of my business... I just couldn't stand seeing you suffer over the guilt.. guilt I have experienced before," he explained apologetically.
I smile.
I guess he's less oblivious than I thought..
"I forgive you Natsu. You had good, no great, intentions," I reply, a warm grin on my face.

Natsu's POV

My heart skips a beat at Luce's smile. I smile too.
I look over at Juvia, her face is looking down, her hair covering her face.
"J-Juvia, you ok?" I asked softly, my voice laced with concern.
She looks up at me, tears running down her face as she wore a grateful grin.
"Oh Natsu-san," she sobbed, her grin widening ever more, "Ju..-I could never ask for a better friend. B-both of you, thank you for looking out for J-Juvia."
I stuck my arms out, gesturing for a hug.
Lucy bent down next to me, her hand on my shoulder as she smiled at me. I smiled back as Juvia threw herself into my arms and both me and Luce hugged her tight.

(Omg I loved writing this chapter! This is definitely my fav one yet I'm so proud of how it turned out! I was really nervous starting this chapter out, I didn't want it to drag out everything too much and stay on track with the story but it all just flowed out of me as I was writing and I feel like it came together really nicely!!😆😆 Omg Natsu is such a sweetheart I love him sm!! And Gray, realize your feelings already!!💙 Oh wait, I'm supposed to make that happen..😳😳😂 BTW, almost 2000 words! Hurray new personal record!🎉🎉
Thank you everyone for the constant encouraging and wonderful comments, i love you all! Peace out, for now ✌😉

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