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(Watch out girls hide your boyfriends!😂 Juvia Lockser is too beautiful to resist!
- Sorry, couldn't help it.😂 I drew that yesterday and I felt like it turned out somewhat decent. I really do think that Juvia is gorgeous tho😍
-anyways, back to the story!)

Juvia's POV

Joy radiated through me as I skipped down the path to Fairytail.
"Gray, Gray, Gray~" I cheered in a sing-song tone. The best kind of songs are the ones involving your true love.. so I decided, why not make a song consisted of the name of my beloved? Sounds like an amazing song to me!

Maybe Juvia should add more lyrics to her Gray-sama song..?
Eh Juvia will think of more later.

Because.. there's the actual Gray-sama!

I stopped my skipping and walked up to him nonchalantly, even though I was internally fangirling and throwing my arms around him.

No Juvia, control yourself..

I took a deep breath and walked to his side.
"Good morning Gray..s.." I chirped. Juvia almost said sama out of habit.

His hands were in his pockets as he stared at the ground, lost in thought.
Did he not hear Juvia?
"Gray?" I said louder, "Are you alright?"

Gray's POV

I think I was spacing out.. not completely sure... Hmm..
Wait where am I?

I look up from the sidewalk and realized that I was almost at the guild. I hear a muffled voice beside me.
Since when did someone get here? How long have they been talking?

I guess I should listen to them now..

I look glumly to my left to see who is bothering me.
"What do you wa.." the words caught in my throat as I saw the one and only, Juvia Lockser, looking at me with concerned filled eyes.

My eyes widen as I nervously coughed. "Um hello J-Juvia," I mumbled, my heart pounding as her lively eyes bored into mine.

"Kunichiwa Gray-sama," she replied, a bright smile on her face.

My breath hitched.
Gray-sama.. she called me Gray-sama!!

Juvia's POV

"Is Gray-sama ok?" I asked, confused with his shocked and nervous face.

Crap! Juvia said sama!!! No Juvia bad Juvia!!

"Uh... Yeah..?" He said, answering in a question. I raised an eyebrow at him, very confused with his behavior.

He sighed and rubbed his neck.
"Sorry I'm just really tired," Gray-sama said apologetically. He gave a slight smile in reassurance.
I nod my head, still kinda suspicious of Gray-sama.

Gray's POV

"So um.. wanna go to the guild?" I asked, looking away from her.

"Yeah Juvia would like to go now," Juvia chirped in reply. She began walking ahead of me, her arms swinging joyfully at her sides.
I found a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.
She looked back at me, the huge smile on her face fading into a frown.

"You coming?" She asked.
I looked down at my feet and realized I was just watching her walk away, too lost in my thoughts.
I smirk as I began walking forward. She smiled again and continued walking to the guild.

I heard her humming some tune.
"Hmm, hmm, hmm~"
What is she humming?
I came up closer behind her, trying to hear her tune better.

"For you, I will stay~" she murmured in a sing-song tone.

"Loving you everyday~"
"And even when times get rough~"
"It won't ever be enough~"
"To convince me in giving up~"
"Someday I hope you see~"
"How happy we could be~"
"Staying together for all eternity~"
"If only... you loved me~" she stopped on that line, her voice loosing it's singing tone and the end coming out as a barely audible mumble.
Did she come up with that?

I leaned in very close to her ear, a slight shiver as she felt my breath softly on her neck.
"Watcha singing?" I whispered.
She froze and her back stiffened.
She turns around to face me, her eyes filled with horror.

She flashes a nervous grin as she rambles, "Ah nothing! Just a song Juvia heard on the lacrima! Nothing important! No hidden meanings or anything!" Her hands flew around as she spoke.
"What do you mean by 'hidden meanings'?" I questioned, my eyebrow raising in confusion.
Her hands clamped around her mouth as a bead of sweat dotted her forehead.
"NOTHING!" She exclaimed, her face red in embarrassment. I jumped back at her sudden outburst.
"Uh ok..?" I said, recovering from from my initial startlement.
"Let's just go," she stammered as she pouted, her face still flustered and splashes of pink on her cheeks.
I nod, even though her back was already turned. I followed her to the guild, a smirk on my face.

She's so cute when she's flustered...<3

(And scene! Sorry for the short but fluffy chapter, I know u ain't completely dissatisfied ❤😁 Remember this chapter, it'll be very important later on😉😉
ANYWAYS, I tribute this chapter to all the Fairytail fans who are probably mourning the ending of their favorite manga.. I'm so sad but hey,
gruvia is kinda cannon! Cuz gray was like blushing and said "I don't know for sure.... But... Maybe.. you're mine" I was squealing!! YAY

I don't own Fairytail obviously<3

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