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(hello my fellow Gruvia fans! I'm sorry for making you wait for the next chapter 😫 I swear this will be a good one! Btw, the picture above was drawn by me, cuz u know, I just love Juvia! I also drew chibi Natsu but let's get back to the story😀 ok ok now it's done and edited enjoy!)

Juvia's POV

I felt different waking up this morning and, as if the sky reflected my mood, the sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.
I smiled, jumping out of bed.
The carnival is today.. Lucy-chan's plan will finally be complete after tonight. I sigh. Then Juvia can go back to loyally awaiting Gray-sama.
I slipped on my usual attire, not really wanting to impress anyone today, after all, there was no need.

After Natsu-san talked to Gray-sama last night, I have felt kind of... Enlightened? Relieved?
Gray-sama was obviously hiding something from Natsu-san, hiding something he felt... Juvia is hoping what he felt was realization. Realizing that he loves Juvia.

I put on my boots and groaned loudly when I saw my messy hair. I grabbed my brush and sat before my mirror, stroking out the tangles in my hair.
I felt excited about the carnival as I imagined a romantic ferris wheel ride with Gray-sama..Then I remembered about Lyon-san.
"Ughhh," I groaned. I completely forgot about him.
Juvia doesn't wanna spend another day with Lyon-san.. He's too clingy! I stopped brushing my hair, I froze as I looked in the mirror.

Is that how Gray-sama feels around Juvia?


Time skip (At the Guild)

Erza's POV

I sat at a table with Lucy and Natsu, enjoying a slice of strawberry cake. They were recalling the events of yesterday at Lyon and Juvia's date.
Now I know what you're thinking, why would they tell me all the juicy details about something that is none of my business? Well when it comes to my friends keeping secrets, I get very... Persistent in trying to figure them out.. Most of the time resorting to violence and threatening of their lives..

So after a swing to the back of Natsu's head, the two of them quickly told me about the date, Gray's "unexpected" appearance, and then now telling me about Natsu's chat with him last night.

"So then I kinda just told him that he needs to stop ignoring his heart and accept his love for her," Natsu spoke proudly, giving me a bragging grin.
"Well that was very responsible of you Natsu. I'm impressed. Although I don't like the fact that you stuck yourself into their business. Gray should have probably figured it out himself,you know," I replied, scooping another spoonful of cake into my mouth.
He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah I know.. I just wanted to speed up the progress, Juvia seemed to be very stressed about betraying that pervey popsicle."
"Speaking of Juvia, where is she?" Lucy asked, looking around the guild.
"Now to think of it, I havn't seen Gray yet either," I replied.
I heard a soft giggle from behind me.
Mirajane stood there, a devious smile on her face. "Maybe they're making babies sooner than I thought," she fantasized innocently. I rolled my eyes.
"MIRA!" Lucy scolded, her eyes widened in denial. Natsu seemed confused. Mira giggled again as she picked up my empty plate.

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