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(Drawn by me, again<3 only a couple more chapters left!
I realized that I started wayyyy too many stories at once and haven't finished any of them!
So since this is everyone's favorite story of mine, I'mma work really hard to finish it!!

You guys ready?? Enjoy!!❤❤)

Juvia's POV

I sipped my glass of hot chocolate as I took in the scenery around me. The sun was low in the sky but not quite set. There were happy families walking around and enjoying themselves at the many booths and rides. I myself, am sitting on a bench admiring our guilds work before joining in the festivities.

After Gray-sama and I arrived at the guild, Erza-san took quick notice of us being late. Gulp. While Gray-sama was punished by a slap to the back of the head, I was simply scolded.
We were quickly put to work with preparing the carnival for this evening.
While I helped set up several booths and fixing a couple of water fountains, Gray-sama had to work on the OTHER side of the festival's designated area. At first, I was disappointed and quite lonely, but I soon found myself enjoying the distraction free environment as I sorted through my thoughts.
After I set up a snow cone booth at around 3pm, Mira-san came up to me with a clipboard in her hands. She asked me if I could preform a water show around seven o'clock in the center of the carnival. Of course I agreed and walked to the midpoint, finding a large fountain full of water. On either side of the fountain were large rectangular pools of more water.
I sat on the edge of the pool and began testing and playing with my water magic as I thought of a truly spectacular display.
Eventually, I had everything planned out and found a bench to sit on. Lucy-chan came by with a warm glass of hot chocolate and handed it to me before walking off to hand out the other glasses.

I took my last sip of cocoa as I stood up and smiled. I saw a certain ice mage in the distance buying a snow cone, at the booth I set up.

Lyon's POV

My darling Juvie had agreed to accompany me to the carnival but I couldn't find her anywhere!

I swear if she's with Gray.... I grumbled to myself as I continued to wander around the carnival.
I will admit, Fairytail had done a fantastic job. The carnival was bright and colorful with many varieties of rides and booths. It sure was busy too, as if almost all of Magnolia was here.
Making it that much harder to find one stunning bluenette.
I rounded the corner and stumbled upon Gray at the snow cone booth. Of course he was. He ordered his favorite flavorless cone of shaved ice and happily began to eat it.
I bet he knows where my Juvie is..

"Hello Gray," I greeted in an almost unenthusiastic tone.

Gray's POV

"Hello Gray." Huh?
I turn my head towards the person speaking.
Oh it's him.. I snarled to myself as my eyes rolled ever so slightly.

"What do want Ly... Wait.. Shouldn't you be with Juvia?" I asked, glancing around looking for the joyful water mage.

"Well you see, that's the problem.. I don't really know where she.."
"Hello Lyon-sama and Gray-sama!" Both of our heads turned around to see Juvia smiling brightly at us.
Lyon-sama? Hmph.

"Oh there you are my darling Juvia!" Lyon cheered, grabbing her hand and planting a gentle kiss on her knuckles, "I've been looking all over for you! I started to get worried.."
I mentally gagged, or maybe physically.. I don't really know.
"Oh Juvia is sorry Lyon-sama, she was resting a bit after preparing for Juvia's show," she replied sweetly, slowly removing her hand from his.

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