Wait , What ?. (chapter 1)

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Song : "i don't feel like doing anything right now. " 

play song when told to (: .

Evan's (Vanoss) Pov

Beep Beep Beep

     "Ughh." I slowly start pushing myself off the bed and towards my phone I shut the alarm off and rub my face with my hands , I walk to my closet and start putting on my gym shorts and a white shirt .

      It's currently 4:00am and I need to do my morning jog. I make my way to the bathroom and start brushing my teeth, I threw some water on my face. I'm still tired from last night , I was up till 12:00am because of editing . I only got 4 hours of sleep . "Fuck" I mumble as I dry my hands and face on my black towel .

     I walk down my hallway and down stairs , I walk into the kitchen and I grab a water bottle . I open the cap and drink some of it . I then walk to my front door and I start putting on ny shoes and I tie the laces . I open the frount door and was greeted to a cold breeze. I close the door and i grab my sweater that was on the coach . I zip it up and was on my way .

Play song (:

      I put my ear buds in and start jogging , I like this kind of music because it puts me in a calm state of mind , which is something that I really needed. I shake my head and start jogging a little faster . I start listening to the beat more and I have so much peace in me .

< time skip >

      I reached a hill top and looked around the area , I was pretty high . I sat down and let the music over take me . As the calm beats filled my ears , I let my breathing calm as well . I sat there for a good 10 minutes letting the music be my escape to the world . I got up and dusted my shorts off . I took one more gaze at the buildings in my view . I smiled and started jogging back to my house .

      As I started running I forgot to keep track of time, I was suppose to be ready at 7:50 so I could go to the gym , they opened at 8:30 but they let me slide in early cuz I had a friend there . I went early because of a few reasons , one because some people like to sit and keep they asses at the same spot and they start talking to their friends for like 30 minutes and then I have to stand there looking dumb . And the other reason being some girls just go there to flirt . Which I didn't care for , but when i'm trying to work out and a girl is saying some weird things to me then I geta little creeped out. I chuckle to myself at the memory .

                 ●○ Flash Back ○●

      Music filling my head and me lifting weights , I was next to a mirror and i had one ear bud out and one in . I heard giggling happening a few feet away from me . I looked at the mirror and seen a few girls staring at me and was talking . I didn't pay no attention till a girl started walking my way . I then put my head down and pretended to start counting so she could not bug .

      "94 , 95 , 9-" I started till I was soon cut off my a girl next to me clearing her throat .

      "Uh yea ?" I looked at her and she was leaning on a bar that holded the weights . She was clearly trying to show off her ass.

      "Yoga's not doing her ass any good" i mumbled.

      "What was that , love ?" She looked at me with a weird hair flip i'm guessing was suppose to be cute.

      "Oh nothing." I assured her. I started counting again from 96.

      "By the way i'm melissa." She wink at me as she said the name melissa. I wanted to laugh because her fake eye laches got a little stuck so it looked a little funny.

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