Velvet gloves. (Chapter 47)

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Jonathan's (delirious) POV.

So sorry for the absence BUT this bitch is back and better than eva ~Destlirious


"My pretty boy is awake." I hear a man say just a few steps out my metal cage.

The hair on my neck goes up and my body feels as stiff as ever.. this man coming has the worst scents and the most intimidating aroma I've ever felt around me.

"Oh my sweet sweet boy." The man comes to my cage and bends down a little to look at my naked body which is covered in blood and bruises.

I back up to the farthest side of the cage making my back feel the coldness of the bars and I whine a little.

"You'll make beautiful puppies." He says making the words slip off his tongue so easily and yet making my body feel like I've lost mobility in it.

"Come here so I can take a good look at you." He says and I hesitate to go towards him.

"I said come!" He yells and makes me whine.

I slowly drag my body towards him making my arms feel weak and the coldness run throughout my body. When I reach where he's at he smiles widely and hums in approval.

I get a good look at him and he is wearing a fancy purple suit with purple velvet gloves on, seems to be in his early 30's, very good looking but I bet no one try's messing with him, he has silver colored hair with a thin body shape, no muscles at all but the ego he has seems to be high. He has blue eyes that matches his very pale colored skin and a scar that comes down from his right eye, seems he has been dealing with wolves for a while.

"Closer." He says and I hesitate but I come closer to him and he comes closer as well.

"Give me your hands my poor baby boy." He says and shivers run down my spine but I can't not listen to him.. he has a taser in his pocket that is designed to tase large animals like myself.

I put my arms out the bars and I put my head down making it show I'm not in for a fight because my wolf has been completely shut off from me.

I feel something cold come in contact with wrists and I look back up to see handcuffs on me and I try pulling back but the bars are in between both arms so I couldn't escape.

"Stop moving." He states and I don't listen, instead I try harder to move.

"I said stop." He says while reaching in his pocket.

"No!" I yell but my voice cracks from the dehydration I have.

"I said stop!" He yells and pulls the taser out and extends the top part of it to reach further and he tases my leg.

I whine and yell in pain and try moving again but my leg fails moving so I try moving with my other leg.. He zaps me again but in my other leg making me cry in pain.

"I wouldn't have had to do that if you would've just listen to me." He said and the British accent he had came out.

I was a shaking unmovebale mess and I had the worse pain I could've ever experienced coming from my thighs.

He then walks near the cage opening and fiddles with his pocket till a large bundle of keys came out, he unlocks the door and I see my chance to run but my legs can't move and either can my arms since they are handcuffed.

He then walks in the cage since it's so big he can stand in it and he walks towards me and I try moving but my body does otherwise.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." He says and starts removing his gloves from his hands by pulling each finger out of the glove till it slides off.


"Don't come near me!" I growl out but he laughs and comes right in front of me.

He squats right in front of me and I try moving again but there is no use.. my body is paralyzed from the zaps and I'm too weak to break the bars to free my hands.

He then reaches for my member and I wince once he grabs it, his hands on my cock make me feel so dirty and my eyes squeeze shut from letting the tears escape.

He then rubs my member up and down and my breathing picks up while he does it. I let one tear roll down my cheek because of how sickening I feel from the pleasure he is giving.

He starts going faster and I sigh out to keep my noises contained from such a disgusting person like he is.

He continues to rub my member up and down and I refuse to let myself finish for this man and I let my anger surface rather than my sexual orientation.

"Matthew get the medication please, this wolf is putting up a fight" the mans says to the other man who is guarding the door to this room and he nods and leaves me and the silver colored hair man alone in the cage.

"Won't cum for me huh? I'll make you." He says and I growl.

"Why?" I say but it comes out a sad whisper.

"I need to see if you're the one." He says and smiles at me.

Matthew then comes in with a needle and a clear small serum in his hand and hands it to the silver haired man through the bars.

"This should get you going." He says and fills up the needle with the serum and injects it in my thigh and I whine a bit.

The serum seems to kick in automatically because I then feel heat coming from my member and I feel it throbbing to be touched.

He then grabs it once again and continues pumping it while I sit there a grunting mess.

"Please stop." I say and he chuckles.

"No." He says and goes faster and I breathe heavier.

"Please." I say again and he looks in my eyes and goes even faster and I feel my high coming.

"Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop." Is all I can manage out from his quick hand thrashing itself up and down on my be-ding cock and I then let out a loud moan and feel my hot liquids come out onto his hand.

"Good boy." He says and looks at my sperm that is on his hand and I whine more till more tears roll down my face.

"Perfect. Matthew tell section A3 to gather up the female wolves and tell C7 to gather 2 of the alphas and last tell section H6 to round up the earliest puppies that were born and that can actually be breeded with." He says and stands up and wipes his hands off with a rag from his pocket.

Matthew then nods and grabs his walkie talkie from his shoulder and reports what the silver haired man said.

"They will be prepared in 30 minutes sir." Matthew says in a deep serious voice and the silver haired man walks out my cage and locks it.

"Wonderful. Thank you Matthew, Now tell the groomers to clean up this animal for extreme breeding." He says and walks out of the room leaving me a panting crying mess.

Please someone help.. i think to myself and cry louder making my legs wet with tears.

I am so sorry for being away and for this chapter ~Destlirious

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