First Night Out. (Chapter 31)

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@ Destlirious

Evan's Pov.

"movies?" I ask again.

"no." Jon says no to another fuckinnnn Idea.

"baby, listen. I asked you what you wanted to do today... And you said anything... I said over millions of things and you still won't decide!" I yell and rub my temples.

"well sorry I want to do something big for our first night." Jon says and finishes brushing his hair.

He then looks my way and walks towards me, I'm laying on the bed and he straddles my lap.

"I have an Idea!" I yell and sit up and now his face is inches away from mines.

"what is it then?" he asks and smirks at me.

"i'm not telling you." I say and push him off my lap and stand up.

"put your shoes on boo, we goin somewhere special." I say and smile at him.

"fine let me get them out the closet." He says and gets up off the bed and head towards the closet.

So far what has happened after we woke up from our little scene earlier, we slept for about an hour and we watched a movie and ate sandwiches. My parents have a mini theater in the lower floor, we watched avengers and Alice in the wonderland. Each movie was pretty long so when we were done watching tye movie it was about 6. So we got ready for tonight, we wanted to do something interesting for our first night here, so I been throwing ideas for about an hour. And plus us getting dressed and delirious spilt milk on him so he had to re-shower so it took us almost 2 hours to finish getting ready.

I am wearing a light blue button up shirt with black jeans and a brown belt, with black vans.

And delirious is wearing a grey and white button up shirt with blue jeans and white vans.

"come on babe it's already 8:15." I yell from downstairs. And I hear him hoping or something above me.

"okay okay hold on i'm trying to tye the shoe lac-." I hear a bang.

"ouch you stupid tying bitch." I hear him say and I laugh and walk up the stairs.

I see him rubbing his knee and he looks up at me.

"what happened?" I say and chuckle a bit.

"i was trying to hurry and I was tying one shoe and hopping on the other and I fell." He says and I smile at him.

"your so clumsy." I say and laugh a bit at the ground.

"kiss it better then you fucker." He says and I bend down and kiss my hand and slap his knee.

"ouch!" He yells and I laugh.

"come on." I say and help him up.

"okay." He says and we start walking down the stairs and out the door.

"who's car is this?" He asks as we walk into the garage.

"my parents. We have at least one to two cars per home we have." I say and take some keys out my pocket and unlock the car.

"are you rich?" He says as he enters the car.

"No I wouldn't say that." I say and close my door as I sit.

"then what would you call that?" He ask and I shrug.

"my parents were really known and respected in my pack, and so the more responsible and respected they were the more money then made?" I say unsure.

"you say that like it's a question." He says and I shrug.

"what's your parents names?" I ask.

"hallo and steven." He says quietly.

"mmm, my parents names were mimal and soska." I say.

"you really are asian." he says and I laugh with him.

"canasian." I say and we both laugh.

We drive for about 30 minutes till I stop the car.

"why did we stop?" he ask as I exit the car.

"we walk up town." I say and he closes his door as he gets out. And I do the same. The car makes a beep sound as I lock the door and put the alarm on.

"it's chilly out here." He says and I look at him.

"sorry I can't control the weather." I say and laugh.

"i'm kiddingggg." I say and hand take off my sweater and put it around him.

"so, have any siblings?" I ask.

"yeah one sister, and step brother." He says and I nod.

"what are their nam-" I was cut off by someone bumping into me.

"oh sorr-" I heard for the person who bumped into me.

"Oh hey green eyes!" I say and smile at her.

"hey evan." she says and smiles back.

"hi jon." she says and tries to wave at him but he covered his face into my arm because he wasn't wearing his mask.

"what was your name again I didn't quite catch it at the gaming convention." I say.

"Oh, i'm Desiree." she says.

"nice name." I says and she nods.

"what are you doing in Hawaii?" I ask.

"oh, visiting my sister." she says.

"oh, that's nice." I says and grin.

"yeah, well I best get going." she says and starts walking away.

"okay nice to meet you though." I say and she smiles back at me.

"bye jon." she says and waves bye at us.

"she is a pretty girl." Jon say and I nod.

"yeah, I wonder what pack she is from." I whisper to him and he nods in agreement.

"how much farther." He whines

And I chuckle "we barely been walking for about 12 minutes." I say.

We walk for about 8-13 more minutes till we make it up town.

"this is it." I say and his eyes widen in excitement.

"this is so beautiful." He says and I agree.

Sorry for the short chapter. ~Destlirious

I had a best friend, and he has been my best friend for almost 6 years now, but he moved a few months ago but we still texted and called everyday to make sure we are fine, but he slowly started to ignore me. So I called him crying and asking him why, and he said he got a girlfriend... She didn't like me because she said he put me before her. So she threatened him saying she would break up with him if he didn't stop texting me. And he really really liked her, so I told him it's alright. I told him to ignore me and forget about me for her, and he did. I miss him so much. But I want him happy even if it kills me watching him walk away from my life. ): ~Destlirious

Sorry for the rant, but i'm just hurting so bad. ~Destlirious

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