I'm glad your mine. (Chapter 13)

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Warrning Rated R chapter sorta. ~destlirious

Pretty amazing picture (;  ~Destlirious

Evan's (Vanoss) Pov.

"Ready one, two, three!" I yell as we jump into a foam pitt, the yellow, and green foam cubes comfort our fall as we jump in. They are pretty soft.

"That was amazingggg!!" Delirious yells as he comes out of the yellow and green cubes.

"Now we go on that." I say and point at a rope with another foam pitt under it.

"Uhhh you know that's pretty high." Delirious says and looks at the rope.

"Don't worry, we wall up those steps right there and grab the rope and jump and fall into the foam pitt." I say and smile at him.

"Ugh your gonna kill me vanoss." He says and rubs his face with his hands.

"No worries i'll be right here next to you." I say and grab his hand.

"Okay let's do it." He says and starts getting up out of the foam pitt which he was stumbling and having a hard time getting out of.

"You walk like you just shit your pants." I say and laugh at his goofy walk.

"Oh yea, you walk out of this pitt of yellow and green bitches." He says and points at the cubes.

"Okay." I say and start picking myself up off of the cubes.

I stumble a little and put one foot in front of me making my foot sink into the multiple cubes making me fall face first. I then hear delirious' stupid yet amazing laugh.

"Yea, cuz you did wayyy better then me." He says and I look up at him with my phone in his hands and him recording me.

"Your always recording me when I do stupid shit." I say and get up and start walking towards the end of the foam pitt.

"Yea cuz it looks cute." He says and sticks his tongue out at me.

I finally make it to the end of the foam pitt and we walk to the steps were we see a rope hanging from a metal bar on the roof.

"Ready?" Delirious asks me when we make it to the top of the stairs.

"Yup." I say and look at him.

"It's now or never." He says and we both grab the rope.

"Three, two, one, go!" I yell and we jump. It was pretty amazing and it felt like I was a super hero or something.

"That was amazingg!!" Delirious yells again. And I laugh as a cube was on his head.

"Whay time is it?" I ask him and he looks at his or should I say my phone.

"11:35." He says and yawns.

"We should head home, love." I say and he nods.

"Aye jack!" I yell for the homie jack so I could tell him bye.

"Yea?" Jack comes around the corner and looks at me.

"I'm gonna be leaving, thank's for letting me and , oh yeah I totally forgot to introduce you to my boyfriend Jonathan." I say and jack shakes Delirious hand.

"Nice to met ya." Jack says and delirious nods in agreement.

"Evan I didn't know you were gay." He says and looks over at me.

"Yea, well I thought I was into girls but looks like the girls lost their chances." I say and laugh as delirious pulls me closer to him.

"You two are so cute." Jack says and winks at us.

"Thanks." I say. And me and delirious start walking to the door before jack yells for me again.

"Yea?" I say and turn around towards him.

"It was great to see you again man, always up there with the polar bears and snowmen. I forgot to congradulate you on winning the top gaming compatition." He says and I chukle as his vocalbulary isn't the greatest.

"Thanks man." I say and hug him, I could of sworn I heard delirious growl.

Delirious and I walk out and into the car.

"Hey love, who was that guy you were talking to back at the beach?" I ask and start warming up the car and I drove off towards our house.

"Oh, umm, just a fan." He says and looks out the window.

"Hmm." I say as I don't completely believe him, but I don't want us to have a argument already.

We make it to the hotel parking lot and I park the car and we get off and I lock the doors to the car. We then start walking into the hotel and into the elevator.

I grab my phone and turn on recording and point it at delirious.

"Hey babe?" I say and grab delirious' ass.

My inoccent babies if you are pure, please do not read further. I told you so. (: ~Destlirious

"Two can play at that game bitch." He says and grabs my 'member'.

I then feel it to start growing a little.

"Yea, see now you shut up." He says and laughs.

"Shut up. Just wait till we get into our room." I whisper to him and I see his arms get the goosebumps.

We hear the ding of the elevator go off and we out the door and into our hotel room. I then grab delirious' wrist and pin him to the wall and kicking the door close and locking it. I then kiss his lips and I lick his bottom lip for entrance but he doesn't let me so I bite his lower lip making his mouth open a little, that was my chance. I then explore his whole mouth with my tongue. I then move my head slowly to his neck and start kissing him there, looking for his sweet spot. He then moans a bit louder when I kiss a spot on his neck. Found it.

"Vanoss. Fuck." He moans as I suck on his sweet spot on his neck.

I then grab his waist and he wraps his arms around my waist and we walk over to the bed. And I put him under me and I start taking off my shirt along with his. Then our shoes, then our shorts. Leaving us in our boxers. We put them on before we went to the peer.  Delirious starts rubbing himself on me and I start getting 'excited' down there. And I grab his waist and start moving him on me. He starts moaning louder and then he puts his hands on the band of my boxers.

"You sure about this, love?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"Yes." He says and tugs on the boxer band more.

He pulls my boxers down and he now has his face close to my member. He pumps it a few times and I let out a groan letting him know I like it. I then feel his tongue lick the tip of it.

"Fuck." I say to myself as he starts to suck on it.

As he keeps going I feel himself get up to my face and he is smiling.

"Enjoy that?" He says.

"Yes, but I didn't finish." I whine.

"Well, to bad." He says and I give him a 'are you serious' face.

"Hey, I had to get you back." He says and laughs.

"Your gonna get it if you don't watch yourself baby." I say as he lays his head on the pillow next to me.

We then start to fall asleep, and he knocks out before me. A few hours pass of us alseep and I feel him kicking and whispering things. I get closer to him and wrap my arms around him.

"I'm here baby." I whisper to him. An his body calms and his arms are under the pillow while mine are around his waist.

"I'm glad your mines." I say to myself.

"I love you Evan." He says sleepy.

"I love you too Jonathan." I say before going into deep sleep.

Sorry for the little rated R scene happening. ~Destlirious

Not edited ): sorry for the mistakes. *points at myself* no I kidd I kidd. Lol ~Destlirious

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