No more mask!! (Chapter 11)

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Holy balls yo, we made it to chapter 11, and ya'll still reading. Some real ones right there !! ~Destlirious

Song: locked out of heaven

Jonathan's (Delirious) Pov.

"Heyyy, wake upppp!" I say while poking Vanoss' face.

"Ima go for a walk." I say and get off the bed. But I then feel a arm go around my waist and be pulled in the bed.

"No you're not." Vanoss says with a demanding voice, which was really god damn hot.

"Says who?" I say and try to move out of his grip.

"Your boyfriend." He says and I feel his arm get tighter around my waist.

"Vanossss let goooo." I say whining like a child.

"But your so warm baby." He says and puts his head on my lap.

"You need to get up." I say and play with his hair.

"For why?" He asks and sounds even more sleepy. His god dang sleepy voice makin me weak and shit.

"Cuz I wanna go somewhere todayyy." I say and lick his cheak.

"Did you just lick me?" He asks and chuckles.

"Maybe." I say and giggle.

"You can lick something else." He says and faces me.

"Really like what?" I say and smirk.

"Dez bal-" He was about to finish his sentence but I cut him off by lifting my mask kissing his lips.

"Shut up nasty." I say and get up.

"Now ima shower." I say and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and strip my clothes off.

"Can I join?" He asks from the door of the bathroom.

"Nope." I say and laugh.

"Well to bad." He says and my face goes blank. Was he about to come in here? I thought. I soon get snapped out of my thoughts when a pair of arms are wrapped around me.

"Evan I don't have a mask on!" I say and cover my face with my hands.

"I'm gonna have to see sooner or later." He says and I shake my head.

"I don't want to force you, but how am I suppost to show my parent my beautiful boyfriend with a mask? How am I gonna marry my boyfriend with a mask? How are our kids suppost to look at you with a mask?" He says and my heart is jumping around from the things he just said.

"Marriage? Kids?" I ask.

"Yes. Don't you want that?" He asks.

"Y-yes. But." I start.

"But what?" He asks.

"With me?" I say and turn around slowly with my hands on my face still looking down and the water falling on my bare back.

"Yes with you Jon." He says and grabs one of my hands.

"But-." I was cut off.

"No buts love, I am in love with you." He says and slowly starts moving my hands away from my face.

"And you showing me your face is one step closer..." my hands were gone from my face but I was still looking down.

"To us saying..." he puts his finger under my chin and starts lifting my head up.

"I do." He finished his sentence and I was looking at his eyes, my face fully shown.

"Your face, it's so, amazing, and I love it. I love you, your so, oh my gosh, your so handsome." He was going nuts so I shut him up with a simple yet passionate kiss.

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