Questions On The Plane. (Chapter 26)

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Can't sleep, and feel like I'm useless. ~Destlirious

Look at this drawing of my daddy. 👅 ~Destlirious

Evan's (vanoss) pov.

"there are emergency exits located to your left of the plane..." The pilot continues to tell the emergency /safety reason bull.

"So what's first on our Hawaii trip?" Del says and is half way of jumping up and down on his seat.

"excited?" I ask and chuckle.

"very!" Del whispers.

"Maybe we could go check out the beach." I say while looking around the map I got.

"hmm seems pretty cool." he says and smiles.

"well i'm tired i'm gonna sleep a bit." Del whispers to me.

"alright babe, i'm right here if anything." I say and he nods.

He then grabs my arm and holds it like a child and sleeps on it. It is pretty damn cute, cut enough for this, I take my phone out my pocket and snap a picture of him cuddling with my arm. He looks like a puppy who got their first dog bed, so peaceful and happy.

The airplane is fully in the air and it's been an hour since del fell asleep, i'm pretty damn lonely, the only thing that is nice is delirious' soft purrs from his sleep and my music coming from my ear buds.

"water?" a flight attended asks me.

"no thank you." I say and flash a smile.

"you and your husband are a cute couple." She says and I feel del hug my arm a bit tighter.

"Thank you." I say.

She then walks away and I take my phone out and scroll through Twitter.

'damn well looks like we shouldn't fuck with Evan.' Tyler's tweet said with a gif of me tackling sky.

In Stephanie's defense that shit was fucked up. And it get's my blood boiling when I think about his pathetic jokes.

"your heart is beating faster, your body heat is flaring off of you, your breathing is increasing and becoming more intense. Let me see your eyes." Delirious says and grabs my face and looks deeply into my eyes.

"your eyes are becoming red by the second, your starting to turn. You need to chill Evan." He says and rubs my arm.

"I'm trying." I say my voice is becoming more deep and threatening.

He then leans in and kisses me. I didn't expect that. My body seems to become relaxed with his lips on mine.

"there you go." del says and I smile.

"i'm pretty suprised you came out the house without the mask." I say and stare into his blue eyes.

"shut up, it causes more attention then my face alone." He says and looks down.

"well your hot as shit so alot of people must look at you with or without the mask." I say and wink.

"just you wait mr. Fong, your gonna make me kill you." he says and smirks at me.

"yeah right. You know what I noticed?" I ask.

"what?" He asks.

"we don't really know each other all that well." I say.

"that's true." He says.

"well let's start off the game 21 questions." I say.

"alright." he agrees.

Hours passes of us asking millions of questions, but delirious asks me something that I hesitate to reply, I do love this man, but can I trust him with this.

Bit of a cliffhanger? I promise there will be more of those in the near future chapters. Next chapter WILL be posted tomorrow or the day after. Things might be getting intense. ~Destlirious

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