Chapter 1

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September 2016

Boy meets world.

(Cohen's pov)

Math class, one of my favorite classes. I looked at the girl next to me, smirking. We are doing board races, so she is going down.

"Cohen and Amanda, you're up." The professor said. I turned to the girl finding her smirking at me. The professor read off the question and we went right to work.

"Done." I could hear the smile in her voice as I quickly finished after her.



"Better luck next time." She turned and went back to her seat. She was for sure no dumb blonde. Her hair is wavy and came right under her shoulder.

"So, Mandy, maybe we should have a study session soon."

"Don't call me that. I think I'll pass on the study session." She hissed.

Class was over and she quickly went over to a group of girls.

"Cohen, you coming?" Tony yelled.

"Yea man." I followed him out of the building going over to my jeep.

"See you there." He nodded, driving off towards the track by the beach. Once I got there he threw a beer at me.

"Nah, maybe a little later."

"Come on Cohen." A few more of the guys showed up along with the usual group of girls. A certain blonde stuck out, making me walk over to them.

"Mandy!" I yelled watching her face fall.

"Didn't I tell you not call me that?" She hissed.

"Sorry I don't listen very well." I smirked, making her more mad.

"Clearly." She glared at me.

"Ladies time to start." The girls went off with their guys while I was left with Mandy. I usually ride alone but since she is here, she will be with me.

"Come on."

"No way in hell."

"I promise it won't be that bad, plus I'm the only that hasn't drunk yet."

"Then why are you idiots racing?" She hissed, placing her hands on her hips. I matched her, placing my hands on my hips.

"No one is drunk. I promise they will be safe and I will keep you safe. If you want to get run over be my guest."

"Fine." She followed me over to my jeep and got in. We all moved over to the starting line and I saw her start to get nerves. I gave her hand a quick squeeze before it was time to start. We raced around for a little bit before going over to the finish line. Parking my jeep, I looked over to her, finding her smiling and laughing.

"See it wasn't too bad."

"It was alright." She tried to hide her smile.

"Right, come on let's go get some food." She quickly got out and went over to the other girls. The guys started the barbeque while the girls got sticks for the fire.

"Who is the new girl?" Jensen asked.

"Amanda, she is in my math class."

"You hitting that?" Gary asked.

"No, we just met today."

A few hours later the party started to pick up.

"What are you doing all by yourself?" I looked over finding Amanda smirking at me.

"My sister called." She nodded, sitting down a little way from me. I looked over and saw her shivering.

"Here." I pulled my hoodie off, handing it over to her.

"Thanks, but won't you be cold?"

"No, I'm fine. You need it more than I do." She pulled it over her head, sighing. Not going to lie she looks really good in my hoodie.

"So, you have a sister?"

"Yea, two older sisters. My oldest sister Sophia is married and about to have a little boy. My other sister Ellie well I haven't seen or really talked to her in three years." I sighed.

"Can I ask why?"

"It's a really messed up thing. Sophia and I are full blood siblings while Ellie is half. Mom was a teen mom and dad was a bad guy. She met her dad and they were great. He died when Ellie was just a baby. My dad helped my mom get through it. They ended up getting back together then had me. Anyways Ellie went to find out more about her dad or whatever."

"Think she will come home?"

"At this point I don't know."

"Maybe she's scared."

"Maybe, how about we talk about something else."

"What are you majoring in?"

"Sports editing. I'm actually working on trying to make baseball my career."

"Mr. Baseball." I laughed, moving a little closer to her.

"Something like that, now tell me what you are majoring in?"

"Education. I know that's so lame, but I honestly love helping people learn new things."

"What grade?"

"Either preschool or kindergarten. I haven't really decided but I would love to work with little kids."

"You will be great."

"Thank you." She smiled as we made small talk for the rest of the night.

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