Letters and Fullmoons

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He found nothing as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months and months into years. Harry would have been seven by now seeing it had just become August. Nothing had changed, they stirred but nothing more than a twitch of a muscle wanting to be used. He didn't know what to do anymore. He still couldn't contact Remus and Sirius was still in Azkaban. Marlene had been killed years ago but Peter still found himself having the urge to write her for help.

Remus still ran at the sound of apparition; the only time Peter could see him was on a full moon after he took his potion. He lived for these days, if only once a month. His friend looked frayed and older than he was. He yearned to be able to run up and lay down with the wolf as Wormy and Moony not a supposedly dead Peter and a extremely depressed and alone Remus. He just sat there looking at Remus and he did something on impulse. He ran up and laid down in front of the wolf's head and looked into those familiar amber eyes. Emotions shown in those glowing orbs, it looked as though he was trying to decide in this was the same rat that he had grown up with. He lifted his head and looked at the moon, Peter followed suit. The moon had almost disappeared, Remus looked back at him but he knew he had to leave. He ran and right before he apparated he heard a last howl, one full of loneliness and sorrow.

He shouldn't have done that and he knew it. Remus didn't remember much from his transformation, but he would remember that. He just couldn't help himself, he missed his friends and he wanted things to go back the the way they were.

It was the second week after that full moon and he got quite a surprise. He was in the attic of his house looking through old spell books when there was a pecking at the old dirty window. A small tawny owl was there with a letter tied to its leg. He let the owl in and open the letter. What he read he could handle.

Dear Peter,

Please if you are some how alive write back. I have a vague memory of seeing you on a full moon. It could have been any rat but i'm sure it was you, it looked like it had all those years ago. Please Peter i'm begging you; if you are alive please respond. I've lost everything. Please Wormy.

Love, Remus

He looked down at Remus's neat handwriting and wanted nothing more than to write back and tell him to come over and help him heal James and Lily. He sighed and resealed the letter but against his better judgement he tore the corner just to see if Remus would notice. He tied the letter again and sent the bird on its way.

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