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The next morning Peter was up checking on his potion while Remus cooked, there was a chance this potion will actually work. He was sweating as he measured out cinnamon he could have used Lily's skills now with such a small amount to measure out. He couldn't mess this up if he did they would have to wait till the next full moon to start brewing and they couldn't waste anytime. Once it was perfectly measured and added he stirred it ten times clockwise, one time counterclockwise, one time clockwise, ten times counterclockwise, then left it to simmer four hours.

"Ok Moony the potion should be ready by lunch time then hopefully they will wake up this time." He walked into the kitchen grabbed his plate and sat without looking up at him.

"That's what you've said every time." He sighed and sat down to eat.

"Yeah well we have to hope this one seemed pretty promising so we just have to wait and see." He started devouring his food. When Remus didn't speak he looked up to see him staring at him in wonder. "Yes Moony?"

"I swear you think your eating habits would have changed in all these years. You eat just like you did in school."

"And how is that different from how you eat?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You just shove it all in your mouth as fast as you can, then you can barely swallow it all but you manage and do it all over again. It's quite disgusting Wormtail." He shook his head and bit into his lunch.

"You shouldn't be talking i've seen you eat an almost raw steak." He spoke quickly before diving into his toast again.

"Yeah well i can't help it and even when i eat that i still have better manners than you." He sniffed then they started laughing, but deep down they knew they were breaking inside. Peter practically gulped down the rest of his eggs and then checked the time. They still had two hours.

"Remus," He moaned "What are we going to do until the potion is finished?" Remus just laughed. "This isn't funny Lupin i'm bored." He crossed his arms like a little kid with Remus still laughing. "What's so funny?"

"It feels like we're sitting in to common room after raiding the kitchen." He wiped his eyes then started laughing again at Peters bewildered expression. "You and James would do this every time you finished eating, you would complain about there being absolutely nothing to do."

"Well i'm sorry not everyone was busy snogging Sirius, we had nothing to do." Peter suddenly wondered if he had gone to far but Remus just blushed and laughed. He took a relieved sigh. "OK but what are we going to do?"

"I mean we just spent half an hour on that argument." At Peters unamused expression he sighed and knew what he wanted. "Fine i will take you out when you're a rat but please don't run away this time." Peter quickly promised and Remus put him in his pocket and apparated into Hogsmeade. They went straight to Zonko's as tradition.

"Remus Lupin is that you?" A loud happy voice called out. It was the shopkeeper who they had made quite good friends with in their youth.

"Mr. Mancer good to see you it's been quite a while." They shook hands and Mr. Mancer pulled Remus to the side.

"How you holding up my boy, i wish you would have come in a while ago we could have talked about those horrible events."

"It was quite traumatic i left England for a couple years but i'm back."

"Yes well if you ever need to talk you know where to find me." He clapped Remus on the back. He started to walk away when he turned. "What am i doing my boy go choose anything you'd like and bring it to the counter." Remus nodded and went and chose the marauders favorites and brought them up the counter and pulled out his pouch where he kept his money. "That won't be necessary Remus, on the house." Remus tried to object but Mr. Mancer insisted. They walked out of the shop and apparated home because they had used all their spare time.

At home he pulled Peter out of his pocket and they raced upstairs the second he transformed. They still had to wait fifteen more minutes but they were so impatient the just sat and watched it change color. The instructions said it would slowly change color to a bright teal color and it was almost there. Ten minute left... eight minute left... five minutes left... one minute left.

"Peter pull it off!" Remus jumped to his feet as the potion turned the exact shade it should be and he pulled it off the flame at once.

"Well Moony it seems you did that for me but oh well." Peter shrugged his shoulder

"Shut up Peter! How long till we can give it to them?" Remus was wringing his hands and pulling at his curls like he would when they were doing something risky.

"Once it is completely cooled, then we give them each half a cup."

"Thats a lot for a potion you usually don't give that much. Let me see the book."

"Fine i'm right though." Peter sighed and brought out the potions book and showed him the instructions.

"Peter this says half a tablespoon, how did you get that confused with cup?" Peter open his mouth but Remus cut him off. "You know i don't even want to know. The let's measure this out so we can hopefully wake James and Lily."

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