Broken Wands

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Peter took James and they apparated to the fountain they always did, but in place of the fountain was a statue depicting Lily holding Harry tightly to her chest and James encircling them both in his arms. Peter had forgotten they changed it.

"Pete..." James had to stop before he could finish. "Pete is that us?" He was staring up into their faces, but he was really staring at Harry.

"Yeah they took out the fountain to make this statue, in memory of the Potter family." Peter ran his hand alnot the engraving.

"People really do care. Even muggles." He looked on his gaze unmoving from his son.

"James when people thought you guys died the world was a disaster. People celebrate You-Know-Whose defeat but everyone who knew you guys could barely think about a party, and Sirius took it the worst. He tore apart the rubble looking for your bodies and wouldn't move from Harry's side until Hagrid came and took him, Sirius even gave him his bike to take him. He said he wouldn't be needing it going after me."

"Yikes Petey but you're here now, i forgive you, and we just need to get Pads and Harry and we're back on track." He slung his arm around Peter's shoulders, a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.

"I still can't believe you guys forgive me."

"Why wouldn't we forgive you Peter? Give me one reason."

"I'm the reason you guys almost died." Peter retorted.

"Well Pete i can counter that; you're like a brother to me, and brother make mistakes big ones. Now this was a big mistake but i still love you Wormy and i don't know about Sirius but he'll come around, he always does."

"You've gotten too good at that."

"To good at what?"

"Making everything better and people feel ok."

"Ive had alot of practice. Now let's got attempt to find out wands."

They walked down the old cobbled streets and when they got to the cottage it was exactly the way it was the night. James stared at it not knowing what to think. Peter lead him through the gates and through the front door. James had no idea what happened except he didn't have a wand. They started at where James was attacked, at the entrance to the hallway to Harry's nursery. The only part that was collapsed in was above Harry's nursery which Peter explained was from the curse rebounding and Sirius destroying it. They went into the living room and they searched and there it was under their old couch James' wand lying there collecting dust. James snatched it up and pulled it down in a quick slash, red and gold sparks came out. They went up to the nursery and James broke down.

"Peter..." He whispered. "Peter i missed ten years of my sons life."

"Yeah and i hate that i was the cause of that."

"Peter you weren't the cause we were being hunted he would have found us eventually, you only accidentally sped up the process. But you're the reason we'll be there for the rest of his life." He stopped and stepped into the corner and pulled something out of the shadows. "Look Pete it's Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs." He was holding stuffed animals they got Harry when he was born. There was a rat, a werewolf, a black dog, a stag, and a doe.

"Take them, take them and you can give them to Harry." James nodded and they started looking for Lily's wand.

They found the wand, in two pieces. James picked up the pieces and the apparated back. They found Lily and Remus downstairs having a cup of tea with Lily's eyes red.

"Heys Lils we found your wand...and er..."

"Spit it out Potter."

"You kind of broke it."

"How would i have broken the wand James?"

"I don't know it was broken when we found it, right Pete" James stated so quickly you would think he was about to be killed.

"Fine give me the pieces and let's go to the Ministry." James handed over the pieces and took her hand to apparate.

"This will be fun, showing up with three people that are supposed to be dead." Remus groaned and they went on their way. Remus stopped them right before they left. "How are we going to get in?" This put a stopper in their plan. "You guys can't just walk in can you?"

"No you're right, we could use the visitors entrance nobody pays attention to that. People don't even go that hallway."

"Good idea James."

"That's a first." Lily snorted not being able to keep it to herself. James just glared at her and the four of the suddenly found themselves in front of a bright red phone booth.

"James do you remember the password?" Peter piped up.

"Um... i know it spells magic i don't know the numbers."

"Its 62442." Lily rolled her eyes like this was obvious information.

"How did you know that?" James looked at her startled.

"It's a muggle thing that i'm not going to take the time to explain now can we go in."

"Yes ma'am." She glared a him for saying that but she couldn't even fake being mad she was to excited.

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