The Garden

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So that's what Alexei looks like in the story right now. Handsome isn't he? Lol. Here comes the next chapter!

Olive approached Alexei slowly, not wanting to disturb or startle him. He was facing the opposite direction of her, fidgeting with his buttons on his shirt. He looked so handsome, his face not focused on anything particular, just staring off. She stepped on a twig, and Alexei whipped around, wide eyed. Olive froze and they made eye contact for about six seconds straight. His blue eyes flashed with recognition and he smiled. "Why, Lady Olive," he said, putting a hand to his chest. "You took about three seconds of my life! Not that I mind."  Olive smiled bashfully, looking at her feet. "I didn't mean to startle your highness. "

Alexei shook his head. "You didn't really, I just didn't notice you coming over here. " Olive rolled her eyes. He had such a big ego, he just couldn't admit to anything. "Will you stop being so proud and admit I startled you? " she asked, raising her eyebrows. She had a smile though, so he knew she wasn't actually scolding him. Alexei gasped in mock offense, rolling his eyes. "Me? Proud? Never!"  He said and Olive laughed brushing a stray piece if hair back from her face. Her bun was falling out, maybe she could have Tatiana or Olga help her with it before she left. She wanted to sit down, but it wasn't technically considered proper in front of a young man. She played with the lace on her dress, and Alexei must have sensed her discomfort. "You could sit down, I don't mind. "

Olive looked at him, her brows furrowed. "But isn't it not considered proper?" He scoffed. "I don't mind, and there isn't anyone else out here. Damn what's proper." Olive laughed and took his hand as he led her onto the ground. She sat with her legs folded to the side, carefully folding her dress so only a bit of her stockings would show. Her dress would probably have grass stains and dirt on it, but she honestly didn't mind. She sat close to him, so close that if she leaned over the slightest bit, her arm would brush his. Alexei smiled, and looked at her. "So what brought you here? We weren't expecting you. Not that it makes you any less welcome, everyone here is fond of you." Olive swallowed, and shrugged.

"Well... I had my mind stuck on things." She said, twirling the fabric of her dress. Alexei nodded popping his knuckles. "So did I. I've been out here for almost three hours."  Olive grimaced. Three hours? How was he not bunt to a crisp? It was a humid day out. He was sure going to have a sunburn. "What's bothering you?" Olive asked and Alexei froze, and then started to bite his nails. She took a hand and brought it to his, willing him to stop. "Is something wrong Alexei?" Alexei shook his head, sighing. "No, I guess no-" he trailed off, a humorous glint appearing in his blue eyes.  "Wait, did you just call me Alexei?" He asked, smirking.

Olive blushed deeply, shaking her head. "I'm sorry I di-" Alexei cut her off before she could finish. "No, its fine. I don't mind if you call me Alexei, I was just surprised." He shook his head slightly, looking at her with a look mixed with amazement and shock. "You've never called me just Alexei, I don't think." Olive smiled, blushing from his endearment instead of embarrassment. "And I wouldn't mind if you called me just Olive. I think we are comfortable enough with each other to call each other by our real names." Alexei smiled back at her, nodding.  "I certainly think we are." He said, laying his hand on top of hers. Olive didn't move his hand. It felt nice on hers, though his was large and rough, and hers was smooth and small.

A silence stretched between them, but it was a comfortable silence. She wanted him to just hold her, but she doubted he would do that until they had actually established a relationship. She closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of the garden. She could hear the fountains from where she was sitting, and could smell the Lilac and Lavender bush that was planted in the gardens. The sun was finally starting to calm down a bit, and it wasn't beating down on them anymore. Olive felt Alexei shift his hand and she glanced over at him. She was startled to see he was looking right at her, not creepily, just as though he was thinking about something.

She turned to look at him, and furrowed her eyebrows, entwining their fingers. "Are you sure everything is alright? You look so distracted." Alexei blinked and stared down at their entwined fingers. "I can't tell you. Not yet." He said. He sounded so lost and so beat. Olive was genuinely worried about him, he seemed so distant. She wanted him to talk to her, but he obviously didn't want to yet, so she wasn't going to pester him. Olive loved it when people actually spoke to her about their problems, she always loved feeling as if she could help in some way.  Olive nodded, and rubbed her thumb against his knuckle. "If you need someone to talk to, I'll always be here. Just remember that." He looked at the ground before meeting her eyes. He looked so relieved, as if she had just told him the answer to all his problems. "Thank you, Olive. That means so much." He said and gave her a half hug, as improper as it was.

Olive smiled, and Alexei stood up, smiling down at her. "I'm going inside for some coffee, would you like to come with me?" Olive smiled and dipped her head bashfully. "Of course, Your Highness." She said. Alexei held out his hand to help her up off the ground. He waited for her as she brushed off her dress, lifting it up a bit. After she brushed herself off , she took Alexei's arm, and headed inside.

Hello guys! The Ball is next! Who knows what will happen? I'll tell you there will be a BIG surprise at the ball!

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