Imperial Royal Balls.

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Alexei didn't react at first. He just sat there with his eyes wide open,  his hands still in his lap. Olive didn't pull away, she wanted him to do that,  but he might have been too shocked to move. Olive knew if he had kissed her out of nowhere,  she wouldn't have reacted right away.  She felt him swallow,  and then, very gently pull away from her.

It wasn't the best kiss- Alexei hadn't even kissed back- but Olive had enjoyed it. She felt her cheeks get red, she would say as red as her hair. Alexei's face was just as red, he was probably embarrassed as well,  thinking he hadn't done something right.  "Lady Olive, I-Um." Olive suppressed a smile,  it was funny to see the Tsarvitch of Russia stutter like a small schoolboy.  "I'm sorry.  I've never..." He coughed and stood up, his hands resting on his hips. Olive looked up at him, her hands folded in her laptop.  Her face wasn't so pink anymore. "You've never kissed anyone before?" She gave a small smile.

Alexei's face turned crimson and he kept his gaze out on the gardens.  "No, I'm afraid I haven't."  He turned around,  giving a small smirk. "Well, if you thought I had done it all, you were wrong." Olive rolled her eyes. "I knew you hadn't done it all. I'm not that naive. " Alexei chuckled, cocking his head to the side.  "Hmm... Are you sure lady Olive?" Olive playfully swatted at him smiling, both of them laughing.   Alexei turned to the balcony doors,  which were both closed. Olive didn't remember hearing Alexei close them,  but she doubted he had wanted to disturb her and had probably shut them quietly.

Alexei turned back to Olive.  "We should probably go back in, I think my whole family thinks we eloped." Olive laughed and Alexei held his hand out and helped her up. He held out his arm, and she took it,  rolling her eyes. Escorting her to the dining room really wasn't necessary.  The walked into the dining hall, Alexei letting Olive drop his arm before they walked in. She had to avoid at least some of Anastasia and Maria's teasing. When they walked in, the little pair snickered. Olga and Tatiana hid their smile behind their napkins,  while Alexandra and Nicholas looked at them with their eyebrows raised.

Olive blushed,  and sat by Tatiana, only a seat down from Alexei.  Tatiana leaned over, as proper as she was, and whispered to Olive. "Are you okay?" Olive smiled grabbing her napkin. "Of course, I just.. overreacted. " Tatiana nodded,  taking a sip of her wine. Anastasia and Maria were whispering to each other,  then to Alexei,  Alexei looked appalled and Alexandra slapped both of the girls hands,  her face turning white.  Olive looked at Nicholas,  to discover he was looking at her. He had a smile on his face,  and then looked at Alexei,  then back at her. Olive ducked her head, and played with her embroidered dress. 

Nicholas said grace, and they all ate. Olive chatted quietly with Olga and Tatiana while the men and Alexandra talked. After about twenty minutes,  Nicholas looked over at Olive. "Olive, have you ever been to an Imperial Royal Ball?" Olive looked up, everyone was looking at her expectantly.  Olive swallowed,  willing herself to not to stutter while speaking to the Tsar. "Unless Alexei's birthday ball counts,  I'm afraid I haven't your Majesty. "  Nicholas looked at Alexei. " Nu, ya byl prav. " Alexei gave Nicholas a stare,  willing him to stop talking. 

Olive knew little Russian,  she only caught the word I. Tatiana leaned over. "You don't speak much Russian do you?He said, Well, I was right. They probably had a bit of a scuffle or something like that I'd say."  Olive nodded. "Thank you, Tatiana." Tatiana nodded. "Me and Olga will teach you Russian, you will need it when you become the Tsarina. " Olive blushed and put her fork down. " I don't think that will-"

"Calm down, I'm just pulling your leg." Said Tatiana,  smiling.  Olga turned to her father,  grinning like a bobcat. "I think since Lady Olive has never been to an imperial ball, we should invite her to our annual ball. She would like that." Nicholas shared Olga's grin, turning ti Olive. "Why yes Olga, splendid idea. Would you like to Lady Olive?" Olive smiled taking a sip of her wine. "Why yes, I would. " Alexandra sighed putting her napkin down. "Well, now Alexei will finally dance instead of going home drunk. "  Alexei protested, turning red. "Mother! I do not go home drunk!" Alexandra nodded,  pointing at Alexei.  "Oh that's right. That's your Aunt Olga who goes home drunk." Alexei let out a breath. "Thank you mother. " he said, shaking his head. Alexandra looked at him again.  "We host the ball here, so you only go to your room drunk."

The room exploded into laughter, Alexei even chuckling.  Olive covered her mouth so her noisy giggles wouldn't escape.  The rest of her night at the Romanovs Palace went great, as always.  Alexei escorted her out to her carriage,  where Hugh picked her up and took her to Miss Peregrines mansion across town. Alexei kissed her hand before she left.  "Goodnight Lady Olive,  I hope to see you again very soon." Olive smiled, then kissed his cheek. "I hope to see you too, Your Highness." They shared a small hug, and she hopped into the carriage smiling.  She saw the look on Hugh's face was suspicious,  and all they butterflies disappeared.  Enoch would likely hear about this.

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