A Visitor

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Olive had never felt more alone than she did right now, even with everyone quietly trying to comfort her. Their comforting had made the pain ten times worse, reminding her that she was a horrible person for lying to Alexei so long, she should have just said no in the beginning and maybe it would have saved her and Alexei from this horrible pain. Alexei probably hated her, which she deserved completely. She knew if she would have been in his place, she would be very hurt and angry.

  She still needed to go on with her daily chores, Miss Peregrine was unhappy with her for not being able to complete the plan. Olive couldn't blame her, Olive had swore she would follow through with the plan, no matter the cost. She stood in the kitchen, watching dishes with Fiona. Fiona didn't ask about Alexei anymore, she knew what had happened. "Olive, can you pass me that cup please?" Olive nodded, putting on a smile. "Yes, of course." She said, handing Fiona the cup . " Thank you, These chores get tiring. " Fiona said, her pretty face posed in a small frown.

  Olive shrugged, placing a plate on the dish rack to dry. "We get the best part of it, the men get all the hard labor work." She said, smiling at Fiona. Fiona studied her face, as if she was searching for an answer. "I guess we do, you are always right." Fiona said, toying with the end of her tight braids. Olive shook her head sadly. She definitely wasn't always right, she was probably more right than wrong. "I'm not. I've done a wrong thing. I should have told him earlier on, or stopped it before it for this far." Olive said, surprised with herself that she could actually look Fiona in the eye.

Fiona smiled sadly, putting down her cup in mid-wash and hugging Olive. "I hope you're happy, I really do."  Olive smiled, she didn't even feel like crying, she had cried herself out over the past week, since she told Alexei. "Thank you, I wish nothing but the best for you." Olive said, pulling back from the hug to look Fiona in the eyes. "You're so young Fiona, you have so much time."  Fiona smiled, blushing. "I want to spend that time with Hugh, but Olive there's still time for you too. There are more men in the world than Enoch and Alexei." She said, and Olive laughed. She felt a lot better , but not completely. She knew she would always miss Alexei, but she would have to get over it one day.

  Emma suddenly appeared in the doorway, looking a bit dazed. "Olive, are you busy?" She asked, and Olive frowned. Something was wrong, Emma never acted so polite towards Olive, simply for the fact they were good friends. "I have a few dishes left but I can get them later. Why? " she asked and Emma swallowed. "There's a woman asking for you at the door, I brought her into the sitting room. She said it's urgent. " Emma said, and Olive knew that Emma probably knew exactly who the woman was. "Ilk get your dishes Olive, you go see who it is. " Fiona said, staring cautiously at Emma. Olive nodded and followed Emma to the sitting room.

Olive scanned the room, seeing Claire and Bronwyn play with dolls. On the couch, quietly watching them was Tatiana. Tatiana raised her head up, seeing Olive and swallowing. Olive was scared, she didn't want to have to explain what had happened with Alexei. "Hello Olive. I hope I haven't caused too much of a disturbance." Tatiana said, looking to Emma. Emma looked to Olive, unsure what to say. "No, you haven't. What brings you here?" Olive said, confused. She didn't know how Tatiana had got here, much less found out where she lived.

  "I have some... Urgent news." Tatiana said, wringing her hands. Olive felt a chill roll down her spine. Emma had left the room, giving them some privacy. "What is it?" Olive asked, swallowing. Tatiana sighed, and stood up. "Its Alexei... He got into an accident. He's badly hurt."  Tatiana said, her voice cracking. Olive raised a hand to her mouth, catching her gasp. Oh no, a small bump that would leave a normal person with a small bruise could be fatal for Alexei, and the accident had probably been her fault too. She had made his mind race, so he had probably not paid careful attention... Or did it purposely.

"He fell and hit his leg on the side of his bed, the guards heard him yell. Its a good thing or he might still be in there, most likely dead." Tatiana's face was gravely pale, she looked sick. Olive felt her face heat with tears. Thank Christ the guards had heard him, she didn't know what she would have done if he would have died. "Thank God, is he going to be okay?" Olive asked, tears running freely down her face. Tatiana sighed, nodding. "The doctors think so, I came here to bring you back to the hospital so you could visit him. You can stay with us in the palace if you like, the hospitals not that far from it." Tatiana said.

Olive urgently shook her head, swallowing audibly. "No, Alexei doesn't want to see me right now. Please, you don't understand." Tatiana shook her head, frowning at Olive. "No, I do. He told me. And I'm not the happiest with you, I thought you were different." Tatiana stared Olive down, making Olive want to shrink into the ground. The Romanovs all weren't very happy with her, she assumed. Tatiana sighed, rubbing her forehead. "But I'm not here for me, I'm here for Alexei. He has been begging everyone to bring you to the hospital. He wants to see you again Olive."

Olive was shocked, and couldn't speak, she felt like crying with happiness just to know that she would see him again. "He does...? Why?.." Olive was able to utter, trying not to smile. Tatiana shrugged, looking up at Olive. "I'm not sure, but he begged and begged until I agreed to come and get you. He always has gotten his way, so spoiled." Tatiana said, shaking her head. Olive ran to Tatiana unexpectedly, making Tatiana jump. She hugged her tight, crying into her shoulder. "Thank you so much for coming to get me. I can't believe I'm going to see him again."

She could smell Tatiana's Jasmine perfume from here, and Tatiana held Olive back. "You're welcome. We need all the help we can get for Alexei." She said, and then pulled away, gesturing to the door. "We need to go, he is expecting us." Olive nodded and they both headed out the door, Olive leaving the Peculiar mansion behind.

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