Caught in A Lie

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Olive was now back at Miss Peregrines,  doing small, unneeded chores. The Ball had been fun, but all good things must cone to an end. She hadn't seen the Romanovs in three days and she was trying to restrain from asking Miss Peregrine like a small child if she could go see them. She knew whatever attempt or excuses she would make would would be to no avail, Miss Peregrine would see what she was trying to do immediately,  Olive was a horrendous liar. Claire was sitting on the floor beside Olive, playing with two small dolls. Olive smiled, then reached down and stroked one if Claire's golden curls.

"Are you having fun Goldie Locks?" Olive teased, using the nickname all the older boys called her. Claire only liked the nickname if they were using it in a nice way. "Yeah, do you want to play with me Olive? " Claire asked, holding out one of her dolls. Olive smiled sadly and shook her head, she had to do other things.  "No sweetie, I have a ton of things to do. I'll play with you next time, why don't you go find... Hugh!  He would love to to play with you!" Claire put her lip out at first, but then smiled and nodded, then bounded up the stairs to Hugh's room. Olive chuckled, she knew Hugh would hate her for it later.

Enoch walked into the sitting room, sitting on a sofa while Olive cleaned the glossy table. They hadn't exactly made up yet, but they were now on speaking terms and slept in the same room again. Olive swallowed and looked up at Enoch smiling.  "Why hello Enoch, how was your day?" Enoch grumbled in response,  angrily toying with his sweater vest. "Horrid. My new project is ruined, thanks to Millard. " he said scowling ,.and held in a laugh, knowing it would only make him more angry. She went over next to him, putting her hand on his. "I'm sure it will be fine, don't worry love." Olive said and kissed his forehead,  getting back up to grab her a mug of coffee. "You know what I find funny, Olive?" Enoch asked, and Olive smiled and kept walking.  He always asked her philosophical questions, he was too scared around his friends.

"How you can go be with that Tsarevich for hours and hours, and then come back and be so nice to me, as if nothing happened." Enoch said, not looking at her and continuing to play with his vest. Olive froze, not speaking.  She felt scared, like getting caught in a lie or a situation you couldn't avoid. What did he know though? What could he know? Nobody could have seen them at the ball except- Olive widened her eyes. Emma was there, at the Ball. She saw her and Alexei, she may have even saw the kiss. Millard may have even snuck in with Emma, Millard could have easily saw them sneak out and followed them to the balcony. A chill ran down her spine, she knew she was in trouble.

"You think I'm dumb enough to believe this? I know what's going on." Enoch said,  keeping his cool. Olive was very surprised he hadn't lost his temper yet, but his coolness made her even more scared. She looked into Enoch's dark eyes, feeling a bit scared. "The exact thing that you promised me you wouldn't. " Enoch said, standing up slowly. Olive couldn't speak,  all that would come out was more lies. 'You are silent because you know I'm right. Aren't I?" Olive swallowed,  crossing her arms and looking at the floor. She couldn't admit to it, knowing he would tell someone.

"Just tell me Olive. I need to know." Enoch said, still at ease. Olive looked up, trying to look confused. "Need to know what?" She asked, and Enoch scoffed. "If I'm chasing after you for no reason, when you are just going to want him through it all. That's what I need to know. Answer me honestly. " Olive swallowed. She needed to tell Enoch the truth, she knew it would only get harder and harder to tell him if she didn't.  "It is true Enoch... I'm sorry." She said, her eyes welling up with tears. Enoch simply nodded slowly, stepping away from her. "Well then Olive, it seems like I've been a fool this whole time." Olive grabbed his arm, willing him to understand.  "No you haven't been the whole time-"

"Oh right! Only the second half of it.  My mistake." He said in mock apology,  rolling his eyes. Olive may nor have wanted to be with him, but he still was her friend,  she didn't want to to be hurt. "Well then Olive, here is what I'm going to do," he said, holding out his arms. Olive swallowed, not sure what to expect.  "I'm going to leave you. I think it's both what we need right now. I can't take this." Enoch said, crossing his arms. Olive only nodded, then wiped her eyes. "But remember, you're going to tell him and if he rejects you, you can't crawl back to me."

Olive widened her eyes, she still had to tell Alexei! She couldn't tell him by herself. "You need to help me tell him. I won't do it on my own." Enoch nodded and sighed, glaring at Olive through squinted eyes. "If that's what I need to do, I want this situation over with." Enoch said. Olive would thank him, but she knew he would only get angry. She was anxious to see Alexei again, knowing that she would have to tell him everything.  Olive finally walked out of the kitchen, taking deep breaths. She knew Alexei would be hurt, but she couldn't help it, she had gotten herself into this, she had to get herself out.

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