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Alexei and Nicholas were once again off at the warfront, this time with Tatiana and Olga in tow. Nicholas and Alexei were discussing political matters, while Tatiana and Olga worked as red cross nurses in the small, shabby little tents they had for the wounded. Olga often came into Nicholas's office, she had a very weak stomach so she had to escape the bloody wounds. Alexei remembered his first time at the warfront, he had been 10 years old, in his new uniform. He had been so proud, Anastasia had always called him' Private Romanov' as a small joke. He had been proud to seem like one of those hundreds of brave men that had protected Russia for so many years.

Now he was proud to soon become a Tsar.

Whenever Alexei had been younger, his parents had questioned giving him the throne, fearing for his life. His disease, Hemophilia,  had always been a great obstacle in his life. He remembered when he once traveled to Spala with his family, and the carriage shaking had caused an old wound to rupture. He had a monstrous swelling in his groin, which had almost taken his life. Now that he was older, he was far less reckless and learned to be more careful. His parents now believe he could take on the throne, he was the only heir of Russia,  the Tsarevich.  Thankfully though,  thanks to Grigori Rasputin,  he wouldn't be the last.

Nicholas coughed, bringing Alexei out of his daydreams. Alexei stood up, pacing the room. Nicholas looked up, and stared at Alexei. "Son, please. I'm trying to focus, if you're going to do your little incessant pacing gig go outside where there is plenty of room." Nicholas said, to anyone else he would have sounded rude, but Alexei knew he was joking. Alexei paced, something he did when he was nervous or just plain bored. "I'm sorry father,  I'm just bored out of my mind to be honest." Alexei said, frowning. Nicholas grabbed a stack of paper, holding it out to Alexei. "Well in that case sort these papers, I need some help with this anyways."

Alexei cringed, he absolutely hated looking over papers,  he would rather visits the soldiers in the tents. He, Maria, and Anastasia used to visit them all the time in the Lazaret whenever Olga and Tatiana had worked as Red Cross nurses. His mother had stood by the dying men's sides, trying to sooth them. It was like a fairytale, dying by their empress's side. Alexei shook his head and smiled, walking to the door. "No thank you father, I think I'll get out of looking at papers while I can." Alexei quipped and Nicholas nodded, putting the papers down. "I don't blame you, this isn't the most fun thing in the world."


Later, in the medical tents, Alexei scanned the injured men, all laying on hard cots. The hospital smelled of dirty bodies and antiseptic, a smell Alexei knew all too well from his childhood. He didn't see Tatiana, but Olga was beside one of the men, listening to him speak quietly. The man looked as if he might make it, but he still looked very sickly. Alexei slowly made his way towards them, Olga, in her nurse uniform, smiled and quietly waved to him.

Olga smiled, the gap in her teeth showing.  "I love listening to their stories, at least the ones that are well enough to tell them. " she said, as sad glint in her eye. Alexei nodded, and looked to the man, who squinted at Alexei then gasped, trying to reach a hand. "My God, Its our heir!" He rasped, Alexei took the poor man's hand, smiling. "Yes sir, what is your name?" The man tried his best to smile, his lips were cracked and swollen. "Peter Yuroksov, a soldier in the Russian Tsar Army." He said, giving a broken proud smile. Alexei smiled back and put the man's hand down slowly.

"What has happened to you sir?" Alexei asked frowning a bit, Olga gave Alexei a worried look. "Those damned Germans! They shot me in my leg, then threw me into a pile of rocks, thinking I would die."  Alexei tried not to grimace at his offense. The Germans were part of his family, granted they were doing things against Russia, but family was family.  "I'm sorry sir, Olga? Where is Tatiana? "  Olga swallowed, grabbing a sugared cherry off the man's small bedside table. "In an operation, a grizzly one if I may add." Olga shivered, and Alexei put his hand on her back, trying to comfort her a bit.

"You don't have to work here, you could help father in his office." Said Alexei, father would let Olga quit, sometimes the job seemed too much for her. "No, I like being with the soldiers,  they are funny." Olga said, giving Alexei a reassuring look. Alexei stared into her eyes, trying to find if there was some other reason. He couldn't find anything in her face or eyes, so he just let it go. "Alright, but be careful okay? Don't overwork yourself." Olga rolled her eyes, gesturing to the back room of the tent. "Tatiana's just around that corner, you don't have to take her place." She quipped and Alexei laughed.

Alexei looked over to the door, sighing. "Well, I need to get back with Father, I've been gone for almost an hour." Olga nodded, patting her brothers back. "Yes, you are making me neglect my duties also." She said, pushing him a little. "Say hello to Father for me!" She called as Alexei walked to the door. Alexei nodded and headed back to his father's office.


"Ah! There you are! You received a telegram." Nicholas said when Alexei opened the door,  trying to hide his smile. Alexei was confused, it couldn't have been his mother, or the little pair. They wouldn't call for only him. "Who from father?" Alexei asked sitting on one of the desk chairs. Nicholas smiled smugly, which made Alexei even more confused. "Why Alexei, it was from no other than Olive Elaphanta. " He said, and Alexei blushed.  He couldn't help but wonder why she had called, she was going to see him when he got back in the next day or two.

Alexei coughed, hoping to cover his shocked expression. "An-and what did she say?" He asked and Nicholas shrugged, stacking a few sheets of paper. "Oh, she wants to see you as soon as she can. You two aren't wasting any time. " Nicholas said, smiling.  Alexei blushed, letting out a small chuckle.  "No, I guess we aren't." He said, rubbing the back of his head. Nicholas rolled his eyes, patting Alexei's back, " Don't worry son, I like her. We all do."

Well guys Nicholas gave his approval! What else could keep the apart? Oh yeah, I mare their lives so complicated they always have some sort of problem. Sorry guys, the big reveal is next, lets see what Alexei thinks.

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