Romanov House

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     I know the photo isn't actually of Alexei and Olive, but it's the closest to it, that I actually have. My internet is done for me, so I can't download pictures. So how is the story so far? I hope you guys like it. I think I rushed it a bit but other than that it's okay. And this Erickson guy, my MPHFPC buddies will see the references hopefully.

Alexei woke up at the early time of 4:30 A.M, as he did every morning. He sometimes wondered how he didn't have bags under his eyes, he always seemed to get so little sleep. Some cooks and maids were up, and so was his father. Alexei would go outside to the gardens, but it was still dark outside, and with his condition, a single bump in the wrong place could be fatal.

  Nicholas came into Alexei's room, smoking a cigarette. Alexei twisted his nose. "Father, could you with all due respect, put that out? The smell is horrendous." Nicholas let out a chuckle. "You never were a fan of tobacco were you? " He walked over to Alexei and threw his arm around his shoulders. "That's alright. There's nothing wrong with that. You'll probably live longer and rule for a very long time." Alexei shook his head. "Don't talk like that father, you'll be ruling for much longer. And I probably won't make it to my 40s because of my condition."

Nicholas sighed. "Alexei, I'll probably be abdicating my phone very soon. You will be Tsar before you are 20. You should've been Tsar much sooner. As for your condition, it should lighten as you get older. If you're careful, you will be fine."  Alexei straightened his shoulders and gave his father the strongest smile he could manage. "Yes father, I suppose you are right. Now, shall we go to the kitchen for some breakfast?"

Nicholas smiled. "Why yes, we shall. How does coffee and Blini sound?" Alexei thought for a moment. "Blini sounds a bit heavy right now, I'll just take some coffee. It will help me wake up, my damned internal clock." Nicholas laughed, pulling out a cigar and lighting it. "You and I both son, you and I both."


   Later that morning, Alexei, Olga, and Tatiana were in the beautiful gardens. Anastasia and Maria were in the palace, for Anastasia's husband's arrival. The man was gone so much, Anastasia and him had not even had a proper honeymoon. Alexei tried to respect the man, but it was a hard thing to do. Nicholas didn't even like the man well, he just put on a show to please Anastasia. Tatiana held Ortipo in her lap, while Olga read a book silently.

Alexei simply watched the servants-or maids as others called them - work in the gardens. Ortipo crawled out of Tatiana's lap and yipped around the yard happily. Tatiana smiled. "I should probably work on my sewing, I'm nearly finished." Tatiana said, getting up to fetch her sewing from her room. Olga turned to Tatiana. "Bring yourself a book while you're at it! You'll get bored of sewing eventually!" Yelled Olga as Tatiana walked away.  Alexei shook his head. Even when Olga yelled, she still managed to be ladylike.

Tatiana must have gotten a meal too, because she had been on the house for more than 20 minutes.  Olga and Alexei had decided to take a walk, and he knew they would confide in one another. Olga bent down and picked a bright yellow dandelion and twirled it around two fingers. "The flowers are coming in quite nicely, which is good news. Erickson never does have as pretty land as we do here in Russia." Alexei nodded. "We are quite lucky, it is so beautiful here in Russia."

Erickson lived in Cairnholm, Wales. It was a gloomy little town, and his cousins ran a children's home. He was the richest man on the island, and helped the orphanage tremendously. Alexei had met him, and the man had strick him as strange. He always wore horribly unfashionable shirts that came up to his chin, and never rolled up his sleeves, it was almost as if he was trying to hide something.

Alexei smiled. "Speaking of Erickson, how are things with you two?" Olga looked at her feet and smiled. Her face was a bit more pink than usual. "Things are swell. I'm very happy." Alexei put his arm around his sister. "Well that's wonderful, because if he ever hurts you, I might kill him. " Olga laughed and rolled her eyes. "That's illegal Alexei." Alexei shrugged. "In the Tsarevich of Russia, I can get away with anything. Including murder." Olga burst into laughter and Alexei chuckled with her.

  Olga looked at her feet again, picking at the flower. "Alexei... Can I tell you something?" Alexei swallowed. Oh god. What was she going to tell him? If it was bad...  "Yes. Of course Olga." Olga took a deep breath and mumbled something quietly. "Olga. I can't hear you. You're mumbling. Just come out with it." Olga took another breath then exhaled. "I think Erickson will propose to me soon." She said it very fast, almost as if it was in one big breath.

Alexei gaped at her. "Will you accept it?" Olga sighed and, as ladylike as she was, sat on the ground. "I-I... Don't know. Should I Alexei?" Alexei put his hands on his hips and shook his head, walking around , looking at the ground. " Olga... I can't answer that for you. I mean..." He took a breath and looked down at her. "If you really, truly, want to, then do it. If not, then don't. " Olga looked at Alexei. "Will you approve of it?"  She asked, playing with the flower, tearing it's petals off. Alexei bit his lip and thought. Would he? Did he truly like Erickson?  He looked at Olga again. She looked so small and helpless on the ground. "I will approve of it... As long as you're truly happy. "

   Olga smiled. "Thank you Alexei. And.. could we keep this conversation secret? I don't want to get everyone all excited for nothing if I'm wrong." Alexei winked at her. "What conversation?" Olga smiled and her eyes shone with glee and trust. Alexei brushed himself off, even though he was perfectly spotless. "Alright Olga, let's make it back to the palace. Tatiana must've fell asleep somewhere, because she is practically nowhere." Olga giggled, covering her mouth. "Yes, let's go find our little governess."




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