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  Two days later, all the Romanovs met Alexei at the train station in St. Petersburg, awaiting him to come home. Everyone's nerves were on high alert, Alexei's leg was healed enough to where he could walk on it, but he still limped quite a bit. They had to get him from the station, to the palace, in a rackety motorcar, where the slightest bump could send Alexei's leg back into peril. Alexandra tried to look brave, but Olive could tell she was anxious, seeing her twist her handkerchief around her hands again and again. The Big pair and Nicholas were the same way, but the Little pair weren't even trying to hide their nerves.

Anastasia was hanging onto Maria as if it were the only thing pinning her down to the earth, and Maria was doing the same, biting her lip. Olive wasn't sure how she was faring, but she didn't care. She just wanted Alexei to come home, or what she now called home. It still felt strange calling the palace home, but she would have to get used to it. She had her own room, in what was the Grand Duchess's old playroom, but all of them were too old to use it now. She slept on a cot, as all of the Romanov children did. The Romanovs hadn't been spoiled as one would think, they slept on hard cots and took cold baths every morning.

  Olive heard screeching in the distance, and knew the train would be coming in soon. The train had to move as slow as possible, so Alexei wouldn't be in any more danger than he was already in. Everyone was looking down the tracks, where the train was just barely coming into view of them all. It was a speck in the distance, and moved at a slow pace. Everyone at the station had their eyes locked on it, knowing their Tsarevich was in the train, though nobody could be as excited to see it was The Romanovs and Olive.

The train finally reached the platform, it's massive black form towering over them all. People were gathered around, but left space for the Tsar, which was a rule that had not been broken for over three hundred years. Olive watched two soldiers walk out of the train, their guns drawn. Olive knew that if the Royal family was anywhere in public, there had to be at least two guards. The royal family was used to it, but Olive wasn't. She knew that since the Tsar was the most powerful being in Russia, they would listen to anything he said with no questions asked, but what would happen if he lost his power? Would they still treat him the same way?

A group of people swarmed out from inside the train, and Olive searched the cluster of people for Alexei. She thought she could see him vaguely in the middle of the group, though she couldn't see that well. Alexei finally emerged from the group, two men following him. He was limping quite a bit, but was fine in all. Olive smiled at him, though he probably couldn't see her through all the people. Nicholas stepped out beside Olive, walking over to where Alexei was. People quickly cleared out of the way, letting Nicholas straight through.

  Olive watched as Nicholas ordered something in Russian to the people beside him, all of then lining up and bowing to Nicholas. Olive moved closer to Tatiana,  not wanting to get lost in the crowd that was barely three feet away from her.  Nicholas saluted all of them, shaking some of the men's hands. Alexei was standing straight and tall beside Nicholas, needing to look regal and like the heir of Russia beside his father. The men bowed to Alexei,  and Alexei nodded to them, as he did in every official greeting.

Maria looked over to Olive, slightly waving her hand to get her attention. "Do you see mother? Look at her." Maria said, nodding her head in the Tsarina's direction. Olive glanced at her, trying not to draw a lot of attention towards her. Alexandra was twisting her hands on the front of her dress, something she wouldn't usually do in public. She was probably scared about the ride home, which would be the most dangerous part of Alexei's trip home. He would ride by himself more than likely,  the less people in the car, the less of a chance he would bump into anything.

Alexei walked - or more accurately limped - his way to them, Nicholas and the guards following close behind. Anastasia and Maria immediately ran to him, throwing their arms as gently around him as they could. " Moy brat!"  Maria purred to him, and Olive recognized the words as' my brother' she wad finally catching up on her Russian, basic words anyways. Tatiana and Olga simply walked to Alexei, but held on to him just as tight. Alexandra embraced him the longest,  weeping in the process. Olive knew they had all seen him in the hospital,  but it felt so nice to see him actually moving around and being mobile.

Alexei looked at Olive, and she debated running to him, but there were so many people around, and it would start many rumors. The public didn't even know of her, and they wouldn't until Alexei and Olive were in official relationship,  which Olive knew wouldn't happen soon. Alexei walked slowly up to Olive, and she sensed he was aware of the crowds who had their eyes locked on him too. But whatever resolve they had both had, disappeared in a matter of seconds because the next thing Olive could feel was Alexei's arms around her.

From the way they were holding onto each other, one would think they hadn't seen each other in years, though it had only been a few days. "I'm so glad to be back." Alexei murmured into the top of her head. Olive smiled, wishing they could both just disappear to where there was no one watching. But sadly, there were people around, crowding around the Imperial family like vultures on a animal carcass. Olive reluctantly pulled away from Alexei, her face already reddening from the looks Maria and Anastasia were giving.

Alexandra had the strangest look over her face, like a cloud passing over a moon. Olive wasn't sure how to read it, was it realization?  What about? They all had to leave the train station before the town realized the Imperial family was there and tried to cram in to get a glimpse of everyone. Olive realized, if she stayed with Alexei long enough to get married, which she was sure she would though it would be long into the future, she would be followed around like this all the time,  and their children would have the same fate.

Olive followed the Grand Duchesses and Alexandra into the motorcade, Alexei, Nicholas,  and two guards getting into another. Olive was happy he was coming home to the palace, she would love to spend more time with him and get to know him better, even though she thought she knew him well enough. They all left the train station, wishing for Alexei to have a safe trip home.

I'm sorry for the short, bad chapter, I did this real late at night and it was hard for me to focus and the words just kept spilling out like blah. Anyways thank you. ltyytl for supporting this story so much!!! You have commented and voted in it so much and I can't even begin to hank you enough. And also, thank you. @MysteriousSilver for your comments and votes,  and thank you whoever else has been reading this story so much, I love you all!  Aanyways, the next chapter should be up tomorrow.  Thank you for reading!

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