Bestest Bestfriend

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"So how was it?" Ruru quickly asked as soon as I closed the door.

"I hate him, I hate him. I hate the way he talks, I hate the way he eats ice cream ugh I just hate him." I sat next to him and sighed.

He looked at me and laughed. "2 days ago you were all like 'Oh he's my knight in shining armour'"

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up loner. What's for dinner?"

"I'm no more Mr. Loner. In fact, I have a date tonight."

"Who? Arra?" I smirked.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"Nothing." He's staring at me waiting for my honest respond. "Okay, she's ugly." I laughed.

"You are a total bitch, Glaiza Marie."

"What? I'm just saying the truth, Rolando Ezekiel."

He glared at me. He hates it when he's called by his real name, it gets to his nerves all the time.  Don't blame me, he started it. I suppresed my laughter for he has now his grumpy face on.

"Whatever. Make yourself dinner, I'm gonna go now."

"But wait! You always make me dinner" I pouted.

All his grumpiness is now gone. Ruru can't stand being pissed at me, yeah I so know. He smiled at me. "Not tonight honey, I got a date. I'll be home late, okay?"

I just nodded then he started singing as he walked to the door. "Someone's got a date!" "Someone's got a date!"

I just rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch. What to do? What to do?

Ruru is so lucky though, he won tonight. He's got a date. Well I had one but he sucks.

I am Glaiza Marie de Castro and I'm living in an apartment with my bestfriend ever since I was a toddler, Rolando Ezekiel Madrid, or like what I've told you, let's keep his grumpy face off and call him Ruru.

I am two years older than him and we both have jobs, but we still want to live together. We are basically inseperable since we were toddlers when our mothers made us Romeo and Juliet for circle time in one of our toddler classes. And basically, all you need to know about our lives is that we are so desperate to find "the one".

It became more of a competition actually. And tonight, I don't think he will win. I'm pretty sure his date with Arra won't even work. I laughed to myself.

I'm a sucker for love. I know somewhere out there, my prince charming is waiting for me. Pathetic, I know. But I don't care if I'm too old for this shit. I believe in happy endings, end of discussion.


"Look, Ruru I only came tonight to tell you that..."

I have to admit that I feel nervous of what she's going to say next. "What is it?" I asked.

"I-I'm pregnant."

I widened my eyes and I don't know how will I react. I feel happy and surprised at the same time. "Oh god, this is so early but I'm ready Arra. I always knew you were the one." I held her hand but she removed it.

"Wait, Ru... the baby's not yours."

As soon as I heard those words, I felt like a bomb just exploded right in front of me. "Excuse me?"

"I'm so sorry Ruru. It was one night and I didn't think it would lead to this--"

"No. Stop explaining. Good bye, Arra."

I walked out and she didn't even want me to stay. Of course.

I walked to the streets of Makati all by myself.

I thought I was finally going to have a family. I thought I was going to spend my christmas with Arra and our baby, well who I thought was mine. But instead, here I am again, another year to spend christmas with my bestfriend, Glaiza. She has always been there for me. I don't know what I would do without her.

I opened the door and there she was eating the left overs in the fridge.

"You'll be home late huh?" She laughed.

"That fucking slut." I mumbled.

"Who? Arra? What happened?"
She asked curiously.

"She's pregnant and the baby isn't mine."

She was about to laugh but she knew I was really having a bad time, she knows me. She sitted on my lap and hugged me. "Oh Ruru, don't waste your time on that slut. Okay? Smile for me please?"

She's smiling again while pinching my nose. "C"mon Ruru. I'll tell you what, why don't we go to the bar tomorrow night and I'll find you a new one? Okay?"

I smiled and looked at her. "That's a great idea. You're the bestest best friend ever Glai!"

She rolled her eyes. "Duh?!"

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