Wedding Day

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"Here's your ice cream." I passed Glaiza her share.

"Thanks Roo." She smiled and left me to find a bench in the park.

I passed the money bill to the ice cream man. "Keep the change." I gave him a closed smile.

"Thank you Sir."

I then followed Glaiza.

As soon as I sit beside her, she put her head on my shoulder and started eating her ice cream.

I slung my arm over her shoulder as well. "How's the bakery today?"

"Great. We received a ton of orders just this morning."

"That's good to hear."

"How about you? How was today at work?"

"Good, really good. I'm still trying to get your dad to like me, yeah everything's good." I sarcastically laughed.

"Shhh! He likes you Ruru."

I scoffed. "Don't even lie to yourself Glaiza."

"I'm not. I mean he should like you, you're my best friend and you take very good care of me." She looked up at me grinning. She's way too cute.

I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

We stayed like that with total silence, just admiring the nice view of the park. Then she spoke. "Look at the kids running around, being so happy. Looking like they got nothing to worry about."

"Why are you blaming the kids on your life's misery?!" I sarcastically shouted at her.

"What? I'm not blaming them! I'm not even thinking about it God Ruru!" She punched my arm.

I laughed. "You sound like it."

"I said I'm not! I'm just looking at them asking why I can't be that happy?" She then turned to look at me.

"Because your standards are way too high." I joked.

She playfully hit my arm. "Shut up. I just want a sweet guy. I want flowers on my doorstep. I want him to send me good morning text messages. I want--"

"In short, you want a perfect guy. Who doesn't even exist. Good luck with that, my friend."

"He's out there somewhere, Ruru. I know it."

"It amazes me how sure you are with finding the perfect guy. Just know that I'm always here for you... laughing everytime you fail at finding the right guy."

"Ha..ha...ha. Really funny, Roo."

We were laughing then our conversation turned really serious. We started talking about true love.

"You know what Glai, true love for me is loving that person no matter who he/she is. I just want someone who will love me for who I really am."

"Hey! I love you even though you're lazy, always complaining and annoying me." She laughed.

I chuckled a bit. "I know that. But you know what I mean."

She just looked at me.

She continues laughing. "But I feel you though... I want a guy who's sweet, who takes his time on me, who doe-"

"You're way too perfectionist!"

She completely turned to me. "I said I am not!"

"You are!"

"Shut up! Trust me, I'm not. Look, all I want is a guy who whenever I'm with him everything feels just right."

"Hmm point taken."

"Good." She slightly smiled.

"Well at least we're miserable together." I looked at her and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm lucky enough to be miserable with my best friend." She grinned as I ruffled her hair.

"Funny how we're both down on our luck in the game."

I sighed in response.

"Hey look, whoever gets the first date succeeded get to be treated with 10 boxes of pizzas."

"That's a lot..." I chuckled at her.

"We're gonna eat it together anyway. Let's just pretend that we're in a bet"

I laughed.

"This is gonna push us to go out there and try again see?"

"You really are my ray of sunshine, you know that?" I raised both of my eyebrows.

"I know and I'm glad that I am... now I need more ice cream." She pouted at me.

"Yeah me too." And we both hurry back to the ice cream truck.


We were about to go to the ice cream truck when my phone started to ring.

Chynna's number appeared. Oh shit! I almost forgot.

"Ruru, it's Chynna's wedding today!"

"Uh who's Chynna?"

"We went to the same university with her. Close friend of mine." I told him.

"So?" Ruru blankly asked, for I  think he doesn't get why I'm such in a rush.

"You'll gonna go with me." I answered which made his eyebrows furrow even more.

"Why do I have to go with you? I don't wanna go."

"You have to! They'd think I'm a loner." I pouted and gave him puppy eyes.

He looked at away and closed his eyes. "No no no no Glaiza, don't use those puppy dog eyes on me. You know I can't resist those."

I hugged him from the back. "Please? Pretty pretty please?"

I made him open his eyes. "Ugh, fine! Fine. But in one condition."


"You'll buy me new video games."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You act like such a child sometimes."

Hours later

We're now at the reception, Ruru and I are just sitting on our table staring at the newly wed.

"They look so happy." I sighed.

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. "Here you go again. I promise you Glai, you'll be on a white wedding dress someday. We'll find that perfect groom for you. I'll find him for you."

"Really? You would do that for me?" I looked deep into his eyes.

He pinched my nose. "Of course! You're my bestfriend. I'd do anything for my Glaiza Marie."

A lady walked to us. "Ma'am, the bride is going to throw the bouquet already. You should join." she smiled.

"Oh this is the part where the bride throws the bouquet and if you catch it, you'd be the next bride?" Ruru asked.

"Yeah. Wish me luck!" I giggled.

Okay to be honest, I'm too desperate to catch the bouquet. I'd dive for that fucking flower. Chynna turned around and every girl is screaming waiting for her to throw the flower.

As soon as she did, I ran for the flower. I almost slipped but someone caught me with his arms.

I looked at him and I was just mesmerized. He looks so handsome with those beautiful brown eyes of his. And the way he held me in his muscular arms, oh my.

It feels like love at first sight.

"Are you okay, lady?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

He walked me to the nearest seat. "Thank you for catching me." I smiled.

"No problem. I'm Marx by the way."


Could he be it?

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