Right Infront Of You

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"Just tell it to me already, Gabriella. What's the big news?" I asked nervously.

"I-I'm pregnant, Ruru."

"Ruru!!! It's already 5 o'clock in the afternoon for christ's sake can you please make it faster?! My parents are waiting!" Glaiza yelled.

"W-wait what? Gab, are you sure? How? I mean, when? When did you find out?"

"Why are you asking those questions? Aren't you happy? You're scaring me Ruru, don't leave me."

"N-no. I'm happy, I'm just a little bit surprised, hun. I can't wait for you to get back here. Let's talk about everything when Glaiza and I get to her family's house okay? I really need to go."

"Okay... bye."

I ended the video call and took a deep breath. How am I gonna' get through this? Dumbass, there's no way out YOU'RE GONNA BE A FATHER, RURU.

My eyes widened when Glaiza opened the door to my room. "Roo, let's go! We're so late." She rolled her eyes. How am I gonna' tell my bestfriend about this?

I'm not yet ready.


Something weird is happening, I can feel it. Ruru is acting really weird but right now I don't have time for his stories. My parents are waiting for us!

We were able to get to their house on time, can you believe it?

"Okay, we're here." I looked at my side to see Ruru staring blankly.

"Earth to Ruru! What's happening to you weirdo? Everything alright?" I giggled.

"Y-yes, of course." he forcefully smiled.

Hours later

As soon as I was done helping my mom with the dishes, we sat down in the living room to talk more about everything.

"I just don't get it ma, what's wrong with me? Am I ugly? Am I weird? Am i too much? What? I mean there must be something wrong with me. I may have found the one but maybe he realized I am not his 'the one'... I'm so tired." I wiped my tears as I looked down.

I can see pity in my mother's eyes. She slowly caressed my cheek. "Oh iha, don't look too hard. Maybe he's just right in front of you." She looked at me then to Ruru.

I looked at Ruru who's playing with my little cousins right now. They are all so adorable. Then it hit me, maybe my mother's right... I've been so blind, Ruru has always been there for me, he's the only person who truly gets me.


I was about to close my eyes when I heard the crack of the door. "Glai?"

"It's me." She's pouting hugging a pillow. Can she get any cuter?

"What do you need?" I crossed my arms.

"I can't sleep Roo." She jumped on the bed and hugged me.

I looked at her and she already had her eyes closed. I laughed at how cute she is.

She suddenly opened her eyes and turned to face me. I can still see her beautiful hazel brown eyes. "Ruru? I um-I have something to tell you."

"Wait! I have something to tell you first, Glai."

"Why don't we both say it at the same time?" She giggled.






"I like you, Ruru."
"Gabriella is pregnant."

a/n: Hey! I know you guys are hungry now for an update for "Pagkakamali". I had to finish writing my other stories that had been left out and I was plotting Pagkakamali as well. And I finally got the time to sit and start writing the next chapter, so I'm still finishing it. I'm really trying my best to give you a great chapter that could satisfy your craving for "barenahan" 😉 So I hope you guys will stay with me, thanks! 😊

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